Count to a million

51155 Sammy knows Japanese and Computer Programming? :)
Oh, and I'm tired because it is evening and I just worked for a solid 8 hours. :)
51157 It is mostly studying anyways. If I could hire people to study in my place and I would just magically learn it too, I totally would.
51160 hmm they better not no my thoughts or else theres going to be a problem
51168 Hellos koinkun~ Hmm how odd... i think your name popped up in a random little conversation somewhere the other day and now youre here xD

A continually fluctuating darkness~
51170 Lol you left enough of an impression to not be forgotten ;p

Darkening the world around~
And I see you've worked your way up to #1 poster on the forum, and with more than twice as many posts as the runner-up as well O.o

Can't say I'm all too shocked tho :laughpanda:

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