Count to a million

Vs girl...? Why, what was...?
they are always fighting.....
and everyone is like YEAH YEAH GOGOGO FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and when the teacher comes in everybody sits down execpt those who fight
But what was the reason for the fight...?
I think that it not good for the peace in the area, it should a solution give where without fight go should.
arylin wanna be a general ?
if you don't know what it is ask nanashi
well gonna play now! bye
The second was to me directional...?
*Mixxie's voice echos into the darkness... leaving him in an eerie silence. Making him feel more alone then he was before"
Empty situation here now...:goodtea:~>
52971 Got home from work early today because we had a new guy I was training. :)
Hey Vegeta! what does the Scouter say about his power level?
Its over 52973 thousannnnnnnnnnnnnnnd!!!!!!!!
Too bad that is so much higher than the current post count on this thread, which is barely over fifty two thousand, or to be precise, 52974.
Fifty two thousand? I see Five thousand. Unless it went Super Saiyan and behond 52975

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