53427 I haven't tried magic at all after their last patch where they supposedly made it better. But it just seemed to tedious when I first started out so all my builds have been melee builds. Riposting is too much fun.
homing crystal soulmass & crystal soul spear are already op enough, but there's the moonlight greatsword which has S scaling on int.
My character is really op lol
53429 hahaha. Getting the MLG takes a while though and it is probably the hardest weapon to get. Most of my favourite you can get right near the start: zweihander, uchigatana, BKG, Great Scythe. Also liked the Gravelord Greatsword for a while, and you can get that right at the beginning too (guess I actually unintentionally wrote these in order of closeness).
Fighting the bosses toe-to-toe is pretty fun too. :)
53432 I would say Bed of Chaos, but I'm not even sure it is actually a boss. So I guess I'd say 4 kings because it is hard to tell how far away you are from them spatially. I usually wait until I am so powerful I can just destroy them (though harder in NG+++ etc.).
4 kings was quite easy for me due to my homing crystal soulmasses lol, once you lock on to 1 of the 'kings' they would start shooting & half of the boss' health is gone already XD
That sounds pretty nice. Also try +15 zweihander with Sunlight Blade while using Power Within. They each tend to die in a few seconds :D (it is actually a bother because you have to wait for them to spawn :P )
53437 Yeah it isn't great for me because Sunlight blade might run out after the second one (but by then the 'boss' is close to dead anyways so you hardly have to hit the remaining guys).
53440 I found magic to be pretty over-powered in Demon's Souls, but not nearly so much in Dark Souls, but I didn't bother with it much, and haven't tried it after the last patch (waaaaay too many patches).
53441 You should try magic xD. I did a 3-4k magic damage to bosses compare to a fully buffed + max upgraded weapon that does only 2.4k(using Great sword of Artoria) back stabbing or a critical damage from parry block.
53445 Lol @ backstabbing bosses. For Gwin, even on my first playthrough, I just walked right up to him and kept riposting. I was amazed that you could actually riposte after parry. He went down super fast without any buffs or... trying really. XD
The plus with weapons is that I can use the buffs and hit them 5 times in a row, while you have to recharge the magic. I might try magic sometime, but it doesn't seem as satisfying anymore. :P