Count to a million

80835~ "Hey you, yeah you, come over here for a min' and lemme giv' ya' somtin goo' ya'? No? WHAT DA' FUC'S YA PROBLEM GOV!?! GO TA 'ELL!!!"
80842, sorry got caught up with a few mates =D, my SOTM entry is in
80846, yup, makes sence a dream character for a dream signature =D and OMG you-chan!!!!

True that ^^
And yes, finished Ever17 today with 100%.
What a VN that was.. *_*
80848, not finished it but i love it, you was my favorite the second i saw her haha pity it wasnt an eroge... but the story line was really good
80850, not yet couldnt see the flag events cuz i was playing as "kid", not very clear for him...

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