Count to a million

Well yeah..., everyone have his/her own opinion about games...:goodtea:~>
81002, thats why i feel sorry for game company's because of select people a good game can be branded a bad one >.<
Well, it will always critics give at each games: Perfect games for everyone will it never give...:goodtea:~>
Yeah... GTA...? Say me not, that you a fan from this senseless "game" are...?:goodtea:~>
81006, haha i suppose you could say i am, it's a game i like for what you can do in it not because it's a game about crime, i like the feeling of freedom it gives
Well, I had once with the first generation played, where after 1-2 hours it suddenly closed have - Because the "plot", what as plot describe can, was worse, and the somethings more...:goodtea:~>
81008, the first GTA's were terrible i have to admit, when i look back on them i just laugh now
Yeah, I could also... But I'll never such suck games again touch...:goodtea:~>
I see... Well, then topic change, okay...?:goodtea:~>
Well, the wether was today also damn hot, about 35°C...:toofhot:
Well yeah... :eathead:Damn hot... But it is no wonder, because you living in north-west of Europe......:goodtea:~>
:wasclose:Well, could you maybe the previously post read, because I've late noticed that I wrong written have...?
haha, no worries, im rubbish at geography anyway! i didnt even know where Australia was! 81018
I see... But I suppose, that now from you a joke is...:goodtea:~>
81020... actually it wasn't a joke, i do now but i didn't until like last year...
Hmm... Ok... But at least can you the next country-neighbor from you to me tell, not...?:goodtea:~>
*Haha...* There laugh I me in coffin... :goodtea:~>

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