Count to a million

81226, my guy on harvest moon is gonna be fat, sent him into the mine with only a hammer and a tun of chocolate to get as deep as possible...
81228, well it was worth it came back out with 27k worth of stuff... now to go but more chocolate, 27k worth of it haha, i will reach floor 50 of that mine even if it kills me!!
81234, ive been thinking bout watching that, im currently watching silver spoon its quite funny, and im also gonna add dog days to my list of re-watching =D, also watching marmalade boy... its... unique?
81237, i didnt like the second one cuz it ended, it feels like there is still so much to it, thats why im looking forward to S3
81241, i started watching ben-to earlier is quite humorous as well
81245 Yep I watched Another. Though I know a lot of people enjoyed it, I thought it was pretty boring and poorly made.
81246, i liked it, its hard to find any decent horror genre's so comparing what i have watched to that it was really good imo, i liked the story as well, really good =D
81247 I guess that is my issue with it. I never found it even remotely scary. Or even eerie really. I was mostly watching it for chuckles by the end, because of how stupid the cast was/how ridiculous the plot was.

I guess I haven't watched much horror either. Higurashi's first season was pretty cool/creepy though.

I hate it in anime (or anything really) when the plot is driven by stupid people being stupid, and that seems to be the main force of the plot in horror, I guess. :/
81249, i guess i understand that, but i enjoyed it regardless, im also watching hellsing ultimate which has proven to be funny, but i feel the episodes are too long and you start losing interest in it if nothing is really happening >.<
81250 Yeah that can happen with me every now and then. Lots of the time that is when I'll just skip ahead a bit, if nothing important is happening.

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