Count to a million

81376... im a bit jealous now... wish i could speak a foreign language...
81378, well im attempting to learn japanese, well verbally anyway no way on earth ill learn text any time soon haha
81379 Learning a language takes time and just effort, reading it is easier than you might think.
Oh, so... Because I thought that you German speak can - Otherwise, I've two native language: German/Hungarian + 2 more languages: English/Japanese...:goodtea:~>
81381 I can tell english isn't your first so i presumed you knew another language, and I just happened to take a wild guess to german, I know very little french too though :P but french ist nicht gern.
81381 I can tell english isn't your first so i presumed you knew another language, and I just happened to take a wild guess to german, I know very little french too though :P but french ist nicht gern.
Well, English is after my Japanese study came... And all both languages (English/Japanese) have a relationship with my native languages, where then for me easy was they to learn...:goodtea:~>
81387 Im slowly starting to understand what you say a lot easier the more I read what you write :P
81388 yepz nana-kun is just like that~ once you grasp what his speech pattern is there is almost no more difficulty than reading a normal sentence~
Kimi no basho ni konnichi wa, Ogi-kun...:goodtea:~>
And yeah, that is my style...:goodtea:~>
81390, yeah its easy for me to read it after a few days, and hey ogi, and also it gets better further in once the clothes stop being torn off him...
81394, changed it already unown? what was wrong with you-san????

Nothing really :3
It's just a habit of mine.
I make signature of VN's I'm playing. And everytime I finish a certain route I switch up the siggy to that character.
I'll have to change this one after a while too since there's Sora, Sara and Coco too.
81398, i think ill do a little work on a new siggy tomorrow, picked up a image i think will work well =D
I see, but which theme siggy this time...?:goodtea:~>

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