Count to a million

Now back to watching...:goodtea:~>

Notice: Yo, and welcome Final^^!
Hello TKos-kun and Frostmirror...:goodtea:~>

Hey, TKos-kun! How are you with the report?
Is nice then^^! ...Well, hope, that the teachers it high rate/value will your hard work...:goodtea:~>

And with me? Well, the usual: Normal day - Did now 2 animes watched: Was again awesome!
Yeah, they're awesome, how their another VN/LN based animes...:goodtea:~>
Oh, sorry TKos-kun, that I you so long alone leave have, but I had a another talk on a different line...>_>
91669 hi hi nanashi and telos. I'll be in and out of activity~

Usagi drop: I liked that one :3

/me is in class
91669 What's up final, how's class? I see you like my post, did you also watch Usagi Drop?
I see... Well, then have fun in class, Final...:goodtea:~>
...Anyway, what's up at you now?:goodtea:~>
I see... Well, I kick me self out now (sleep), bye then and have still good day at you, g'night TKos-kun...:goodtea:~>

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