19387 Hmm wonder if this has to do with a certain post in another thread (i mostly notice those certain questions cuz they are more meaningful and have a different "feel" than a random question just tossed out)... But well if its that then is it not possible to find certain other ways to go out by yourself?
19390 Is it due to you not living at a place where you can get outside easily or something else that prevents you from getting around without some aid?
19391... umm... well umm... I don't think I could go outside... it would be dangerous too I think... because umm... it's kind of hard to get around in the wheelchair...
Hi, Shine. Do you still have this one? I'm afraid that you're the only one left who still have it. If not... then sadly, it's extinct. それでも妻を愛してる2 -女教師妻・茉莉花の場合