Hello my friends i migh slow down my releases for a while. Personal real life issues will keep me busy. So for today's release is only one image with 3 character but i made many variations of those characters. The image is been stalled for over 3 years and i have come around lately with the "Restoration Project" that i mentioned in my previous posts. And i though i should have finish this one as well. Also i fixed the cropped parts of the original image like the arm of Kanu's the half head of Chouhi's The missing elbow of Shokatsuryou that was covered from the hair of Kanu. So i redraw those parts as i though that they should be. The original image size is 4083x5967px. and it was found at yande.re but after adding those missing parts the image was sized up to 4444x6060px. And for those who didn't know at which one anime series i am talking is Koihime†Musou and Unchou Kanu & Shokatsuryou & Chouhi in Swimsuits. GreycStoration was used excessively because of the scanned image. The coloring was left at the original state. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Hello and good morning eveyone! For today i have only one render. The star of today's release Sakuragi Hinako from Hinako Note series. The image was found at danbooru.us and it has resolution of 849x1200px. The original image was created by the artist "ichi makoto" The final render was undergone leveling and curve adjustmens. There wasn't any needs for the using GreycStoration & Sharpness filtering. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Hello and good evening everyone. For today i have only two renders finished. But the second one will have a two versions made. Anyway i will start with a request this time (I didn't take upon requests for some time now) But i decided to take this one because it felt it like it was somewhat interesting. So here she is Nishimiya Shouko from the movie Koe no Katachi. The image source was danbooru.us and it was created by the artist "4b-enpitsu" the image has resolution 1500x900px. I couldn't cut off the most blurry hair but the image is very satisfying up to this point. I might consider to re-render those parts or re-drawn my self from scratch. The image has undergone leveling and curve adjustments. No other filtering was used. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
And the second render of the day is Sakura Saber in a cyan/blue bikini. The image was my own selection to render. The image was found at danbooru.us and it was made by the artist "ramchi" and it has resolution of 1200x1600px. I made two versions as isaid eralier of that image. One was left with the ball? the object that Saber is touching. And the second one that i removed that object and red-drawing the legs the skin and some lines at the original drawn at her hand. I hope that you will like the second version without that "object" Both renders has the original coloring and there wasn't any needs for usage of any filters. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Good evening everyone! For today's release i picked up two only characters, though the one of them i made two renders with different coloring settings. I will start with Nina Drango from Shingeki no Bahamut series. The image was found at danbooru.us and originally the image has size of 4090x5700px but because i didn't have to made a fill UHD render at this size i scale down the size to the 850x1185px the same size of the image as it was shown at danbooru.us before selecting and view the original size. I made two versions of her, one was left with the original coloring and the second one has undergone curve & leveling and vibrance adjustments. Also both versions has undergone GreycStoration at 2%. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
And the second and final render of the day is Leviathan from Sin Nanatsu no Taizai. The image source was danbooru.us and it was created by the artist "kinosaki reisui" the image has resolution 453x700px. The image has undergone GreycStoration at 2% and Sharpness at 45%. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Hello everyone and good evening. For today's release i finished one of my favorite waifus Sagisawa Fumika from idolm@ster - Cinderella Girls. The image it was selected as a test bed after watching a specific video at 4:22 for rendering technique and i didn't believe that i took me zero time to finish it. OK i liked this method is super-fast for doing cutting off white backgrounds. I usually i am rendering with Pen Tool it's the best tool but some times it's becoming a pain especially in many small areas like hair that it take time to select all those small areas. Well after testing out this method i can say i am really satisfied with the final cut. Ok after that i did some Curve & Color Adjustments plus i add 2-3 layers with multiply blending layers options for specific areas for her skin. The image was found at yande.re and it was created by the artist "hplay" and it has resolution of 2150x3035px. I will provide the orginal image and the PSD file.
Good evening my friends. For today's release i finished Scathach from Fate Grand Order. The image was found at pixiv.net and it has resolution of 1100x1792px. The image was rendered as a continuously testing object from yesterday's method by using the color channels. This time i though that if i didn't make the 5th color black of the image by leveling at the fifth (Black color channel) i tried to left more like in more shades of gray though it was cut-off very nice and soft towards the edges of the drawing lines it leaves more pale uncut-off particles than used to the yesterday's render. Anyway i will continue to experiment those new styles. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Have a good day everyone! Well today i am in a good mood! And i finished a render that i was neglecting for 4-5 days now. Thankfully last night i finished and until 2-3 A.M. i had free time to finish 3 more renders. Well i will begin with Jeanne D'Arc/Ruler. It's a very sexy image though it's not NSFW to have exposed crucial parts exposed. But because it's very sexy i will label it as NSFW. The image was found at yande.re and it was created by the artist "hibi_(grangcat)" and the image has resolution of 2906x2942px. The final render was left with the original coloring. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Second render of the day isShinomiya Shiori from Sakura Quest. The image i liked because it seems to be provoking seeing her undressing but it's not an NSFW image. So this one i will not designated as an NSFW image. The image was found at danbooru.us and it was made by the artist "shimazu tekkou" and it has resolution of 855x1195px. The final render was left with the original coloring i will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Third render of the day (this one i was requested on me) though lately i declined many requests i picked up this one because it was a character that i never knew and i would like to add her at my collection as well. So for the third release of the day is Hagikaze from Kantai Collection. The image has source danbooru.us and the artist was "kamelie" and the image has resolution of 852x1200px. The final render was left with the original coloring. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Fourth and final render of the day. This time is QBZ-95 from Girls Frontline. The image was also stalled for 4-5 days now like Jean D'Arc that i posted a few post above. As i had said about her QBZ-95 in an older post, because i like her style that i will be doing more images of her in the future! so yeah i have download many pictures of hers those 20-25 days! Anyway the image was found at danbooru and it was created by the artist "silver_(chenwen)" <- I like his/her design I migh consider adding him/her to my fav creators. So the image has resolution of 1350x1500px. The final render was left with the original coloring. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Hello my friends and have a nice weekend. So for today i have 3 characters that really stole my heart. First is an original character and the other two is one of my many beloved waifus Sagisawa Fumika. Also i need to mention that in Sagisawa's case i made 2 renders from each image of hers. Anyway i will start with the original character i named Sexy Gothi Girl, and it was created by the artist "kawakami masaki" and it was found at yande.re and it has resolution of 2894x4093px. The image was cut-off from background using the method with making a fourth image at the channels (RGB) and blacking the shape of her form. I become to really like this method. The final render was left with the original coloring and also there wasn't any needs for using any filtering. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
And here is the second render of the day, as i told with Sagisawa Fumika. ~My beloved Fumika-chan is a sexy and cute bunny cosplay and this one was another instant love. So i started to rendering her asap. The image was cut-off by the same method that i said earlier. Also i made two versions of her render. One is with the white glow on skin and the other one is been removed at her face and from her breasts. The image was found at yande.re and it was made tby the artist "go-1" the image has resolution of 2508x3541px. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
And here is the third and the final render of the day, as i told with Sagisawa Fumika. ~My beloved Fumika-chan is in a bikini & pareo and asou gan guess and this one was another instant love. So i started to rendering her asap. The image was cut-off by the same method that i said earlier. Also i made two versions of her render. One is with the white glow on skin and the other one is been removed at her face. The image was found at yande.re and it was made tby the artist "ouga_raito" the image has resolution of 2642x3934px. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Have a good evening everyone! Well today i have finished 3 renders my own selection. So i will start with Mika from Girls und Panzer series. The image has two versions in different stance inside the original image and also they had different size. I made both those images. The image was found at Pixiv.net and it has resolution 827x1169px. The final renders from both images was left with the original coloring. Also a minor sharpness at 35% was applied at both renders.I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
And the secodn render of the day that i really wanted to do for some time now and it's Graf Zeppelin Kantai Collection. It's sexy and SFW the same time! Also because it was cropped her skirt i made another one version with re-drawing the missing / cropped areas of the skirt and a small part of her knee. The image was found at danbooru and it was created by the artist "criin_(659503)" and it has resolution of 780x1103px. <- The original cropped image but after the re-drawn parts the sized changed at 847x1119px. Also both renders has undergone GreycStoration 2% and Sharpness 45%. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
And the third render of the day is with Izumi Sagiri from Eromanga-sensei series. The image was found at danbooru and it has resolution of 825x1275px. The original image was created by the artist "hitsukuya" The final render was left with original coloring. There wasn't any needs for the using GreycStoration & Sharpness filtering. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Good evening my friends! So for today's release i have barely finished one render. This is from Fate/Extra and Tamamo no Mae (Caster). The image was found at yande.re and she was created by the artist "silver (chenwen)" <- i might do more renders from his/her images in the future. The imge was resolution of 1200x1840px. And i made 2 versions from her. One was left with the original coloring and the second one was undergone leveling & curve adjustments. Both renders have GreycStoration at 2% and Smart Sharpness at 45% applied in the end. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Hello and good evening everyone. For today's release i have finished 2 renders Both images/character have 2 version of renders with different setup. I will start with Goryoukaku (Oshiro Project) with staring this blond girl. The image was found at yande.re and she was designed by the artist "dabadhi". The image has resolution of 1600x2152px. I made two renders with her. One remained as is and the other is with removed the ribbon that is flowing at midair. Both render were left with the original coloring.
And the second render of the day is with Izumi Sagiri from Eromanga-sensei series. The image was found at yande.re and it has resolution of 2480x3507px. The original image was created by the artist "dylannn". I made two version of Sagiri's image. One render was left as is and the second one i removed the hand that it was lifting her T-Shirt and i re-drawn the T-shirt trying to match the lines and the shades of the coloring of the original areas of the image. I hope that you will come to like more the second version rather the original as is image. Both final renders was left with original coloring. There wasn't any needs for the using GreycStoration & Sharpness filtering. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Hello and good evening everyone! For today's release i have finished three charcters. Two of are an original artwork. I will start with the original artwork. The blondie girl was created by the artist "cozyquilt" and the image was found at danbooru and it has resolution of 898x1211px. The final render was left with the original coloring. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
The second original artwork of a cute neko-mimi girl and again from the artist "cozyquilt" and the image was found at danbooru and it has resolution of 937x1268px. The final render was left with the original coloring. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
And the third and final render of the day is Yame Yukana from Hajimete no Gal. The image was found at danbooru and the image was created by the artist "uenotei" and the image has resolution of 1920x2683px. The final render was left with the original coloring. No other filtering adjustments was done. I will provide the original image and the PSD file.
Good evening everyone! for today's release i have picked up one original character to render. But i made two renders from this character. It's basicaly the same character with different color and dress arrange. The image was found at yande.re and she was designed by the artist "roy_(pixiv12676578)" bot images has resolution of 2480x3507px. Both renders were left with original coloring. I will provide the original source images and the PSD file.