Also the Girl Eating An Apple & Girl With The Amazing Face is also his work ;) also and those two renders were done perfect [MENTION=44312]Shishou[/MENTION];
Also the Girl Eating An Apple & Girl With The Amazing Face is also his work ;) also and those two renders were done perfect [MENTION=44312]Shishou[/MENTION];
Morrigan Aensland Succubus This is how it should be [MENTION=79902]Konstantinos[/MENTION]; 3,5 hours of work. Remember i told not to use extensively the Magic Eraser tool? And if you use it you have to use defenetily the history brusher tool to fix the rough edge that was created by the Magic Eraser Tool! Look at your thread i have uploaded there a mini guide.
Morrigan Aensland Succubus This is how it should be [MENTION=79902]Konstantinos[/MENTION]; 3,5 hours of work. Remember i told not to use extensively the Magic Eraser tool? And if you use it you have to use defenetily the history brusher tool to fix the rough edge that was created by the Magic Eraser Tool! Look at your thread i have uploaded there a mini guide.
For this Picture i thank [MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION]; for uploading it in the last LPW #89 . I add some of those paper - triangle shaped to the wands that is suppose to do the purification.