Deep Neck Tops for SBX2
These are deep neck versions of the game's Tank Top, Camisole and T-shirt.

Each top comes in two versions, original long length and cropped length, for a total of 6 tops.
All are recolorable and standalone so they wouldn't replace anything.
They will only work correctly with SBX2 uncensor.
There may be some clipping for very small or very large breasts.
Like the originals they wouldn't work with any bra.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops [F]) 205760-205765
These are deep neck versions of the game's Tank Top, Camisole and T-shirt.

Each top comes in two versions, original long length and cropped length, for a total of 6 tops.
All are recolorable and standalone so they wouldn't replace anything.
They will only work correctly with SBX2 uncensor.
There may be some clipping for very small or very large breasts.
Like the originals they wouldn't work with any bra.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops [F]) 205760-205765
Delete file bmhs_cf_tops_DN.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hstp_DN.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\List\CharaCustom
Delete file belgar17_hstp_DN.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\List\CharaCustom
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