Describe the Person above you~

Lol shouldve went further with the 4s considering how theres 9 4s in there
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Mistaken my avatar with Sentou Yousei Yukikaze.
Actually it's the insignia of my Macross fanfic character's(Capt. Constantine van Drac) ship, UNS Yukikaze(ARMD-139), a Capital-class aircraft carrier, part of the Galaxy Patrol 13, one of UN Spacy's fleets that patrolling it's territory.
Since she a Norwegian(originally a German, but I changed it), hence the red shield with white-blue stripe across it to represent the country's flag.

Actually I've design insignia shapes for every type of ship in UNS fleet.
Battleship - Disc (like the BSG logo)
Aircraft carrier - Shield
Cruiser - Diamond
Destroyer - Rectangle
Frigate/Corvette - Standing Triangle (^)
Escort - Upside down Triangle (v)
Transport/Support - Oval
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Wouldnt that be Azuazu? Considering theyre getting married XD He just likes bear hugs for some reason.
Misunderstood something

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