Hi dear corocoro

would you please re-upload episode 1-50 in filefactory ?

thank you so much , thank you
Can you please re upload the RG links from ep 101 till the end when you're free with the specials from the first post.

thanks a lot!!
all filefactory after ep 50 are offline

also ep 12 is offline
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[MENTION=44102]b0ss.1995[/MENTION]; [MENTION=110581]Arlan[/MENTION]; Links replaced. :samuraihero:
eps 51-100 Rapidgator links arent working on my end. Also why are many of the episodes split into 2 archives. Thank you and great upload
[MENTION=129085]Lachticals[/MENTION]; Links replaced. :samuraihero:
Because the size of the episodes would make it difficult to impossible for free users and people with bad internet to download them otherwise.
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That makes sense, thank you for the link replacements. For the 7z files i just have to extract part 1 and 2 at the same time time right?
link episode 58 part 2, episode 71 part 1 and 2, episode 73 part 1, episode 91 part 2, episode 94 part 2 host Filefactory seems dead or cant downloaded, can you replace it? thanks corocoro
enough funny, stilll in progress download suddenly few part error T.T, episode 72 part 1 and 2, episode 76 part 1 and 2 host Filefactory seems dead or cant downloaded, can you replace it? thanks corocoro
my bad, maybe just some minor problem..
now, link episode 103 part 1 and 116 part 2 host Filefactory seems dead or cant downloaded, can you replace it? thanks corocoro

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