Disgaea Series


~Pyon Pyon~
Elite Member
Nov 3, 2010
Anyone played Nippon Ichi's best title, the Disgaea series yet?
I am a very big fan, having spent well over 500 hours in total for all three games combined.
The 4th installation has been announced, and should be out next year 2011.

Played Disgaea? Loved it? Come post here!
Yup, I loved the series, and have just finished replaying remake of the first on the DS a little while ago.
Liked how they put comic reliefs and that the translations were able to retain them.

Who are your favourite characters, btw? Mine is Rozalin for she's so imba-ly kewl especially when using Rose Liberation. Adell-Rozalin couple is one I liked the most, though Laharl-Flonne is also great and of course lulz. I usually don't really fancy kid main characters but Laharl's an exception and heck, Flonne's appearance alone makes me want to laugh at her.

Yeah, plot and gameplay aside, I think I regarded the series (especially the first) mainly for the humour >_>
My fav characters:

1. Laharl (no competing with him for whos the biggest idiot overlord in history, always trying to get back the spotlight)
2. Mao (mad scientist gone even madder)

1. Etna (cute devil, prinny tai, shuugo~)
2. Rozalin (dangerous dangerous girl with guns, and a playful personality)

1. Prinny (who can forget them?)
I'm a fan of Disgaea too!
I liked Disgaea 2 and 3 more than the 1st one tough.
I also think that the Adell-Rozallin couple was awesome too. ^^
Btw, my favorite characters are Adell, Rozalin, Mao and Almaz. =P
I follow the Disgaea series as well although ive only played 2 and 3. Loved the game but i still did not clear all of LoC yet, didnt have enough motivation to max out my characters stat >_<. Really cant wait for the 4th game looks interesting.
Disgaea 4 is out in japan, if anyone wants to know.
I am awaiting the US version before i get it.
phantom brave eh? disgaea is much more better to me though =p
Disgaea thread... aww snap!

favorite characters are Adell, Axel and Almaz.
Have all the games however I have yet to play the 4th one yet. I cant wait XD
I spent several hundred hours on the first one, played storyline once on the second one, and yet to finish the third one (and I got the game like 2 years ago)...

Still haven't bought the fourth one, and I don't really plan to...
why not? time issue? although the 3rd one was a bit flat, I've heard that the 4th one was great!
Not enough difference within them to make them interesting enough...I might buy 4th if I see one in a sale wagon >.>
new characters? different story? more awesomeness in the dark assembly? what more is needed?
Characters were refreshing the first time around, as was the general plot of "evil meets love". Jokes have been lame, unfunny, and overdone since the 2nd one, which was pretty much the only redeeming factor of the series aside from the gameplay, which I have to say haven't been making enough progress to warrant usage in sequels. Third is especially bad, with uninspiring and predictable story, and Item World puts me to sleep faster than ever. They aren't much of sequels, but more like really big expansions to the first game.

Series is overrated imo, first one was great, but I never got the hype for the sequels.
I love Disgaea, unfortunately I don't have a PS3 so I use emulator which is quite bothersome ;-; but so far I managed to play:
Disgaea 1 2 and Disgaea Infinity
Phantom brave
Soul nomad
makai kingdom

my personal favorite main characters are:
Mao from disgaea 3
Fenrich from Disgaea 4
and Gig from soul nomad

p.s: Cant wait for Disgaea 5 >.< *drools on keyboard*(ehh sorry for that xD)

Have to admit that i also love Disgaea... I've played the 1st one on an emulator and the 4th one on my PS3 and intend to buy the 3rd one pretty soon as well.

Fav chars:
Robot/Male: Thursday from the 1st and Fenrich from the 4th.
Female: Flonne from the 1st and DESCO from the 4th.

I raged when i realized that they removed Flonnes AoE heal she had in the 1st game D:
I tried the PS3 emulator but it didnt run Disgaea 3 and 4 on it it didnt work... such a shame ;-;
Hmm, Disgaea 2 is on PS2, right? Then i could try to look for an emulator and try it out :/
I have Disgaea 2 and 1 the issue is disgaea 3 and 4 cause of blu ray PS3 emulator does some trouble for me =/
Loved Disgaea 1, 2 wasn't as good, since it was predictable (a bit slow too) and took some of the extra charas away from you.(i know there is a port that gives you a bunch,but i mean the original release.) Dark assembly is great tho. We NEED that for our form of government.☺ Though the extra specialists were a great addition. AXE + max sniper spec = pwnage ♪♫♪♪♫

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I'll share the hentai content I have.
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please, if you still have it, reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
tintin0821 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hi, Could you please reupload this? Thank you.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.

Sirvipe235 wrote on Shine's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.
