do you want me to stay in asl?

should ~snowangel~ leave asl/asf?

  • yeah

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • noooooooo!!! ;.;

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I want to start this off by saying that Ignis is a pimp.

This is my guess...
I think it's because this person has put a lot of work in to its threads and almost none of them have any replies and to top that off, she probably had to reupload several times and I KNOW how long that take so I can partly understand. It must not be very motivating doing this when you get a low view count as well.

Basically, when you combine: a lot of work + No replies/words of appreciation + re-reuploading + "other problems" + “maybe” low download/view count = This thread.

Probably wrong but...
I think I know now!
Maybe it's that time of the month!!! Don't worry, in a few days, everything will be solved.
so I guess here's a few clarifications x-x

The original title was "do you want me to leave asl?" It was changed by an admin since they may have not liked it that way. They left the poll like it was. This thread is not made because of recent events for those that know, it's accumulative.

I won't deny what aati said.. there's way too much criticism than appreciation. I feel like I'm only noticed for my mistakes and not for helpfulness or anything like that. Out of about 2000 downloads, you might get one thanks or like every once in a while.
I'm not uploading for that.. I see value in adding content as asl since the upload could stay up much longer.

What I'm really looking for is people that would actually care.. doing what I want is not the answer I was looking for ;;
It's like there's not one person standing for me. It's either against or in the middle..

I might even get so busy soon, I won't have time to be here. I don't know yet, but I'll know when may comes and fall starts.

Im only on every so often and i always come back to talk to friends on here and play MG, although i dont know u snow i rekon you should do whatever ur heart tells you to do, where its either u want to stay or leave. But remember every choice u make has a consequence, some good, some bad. also if its help your after then ask for it some friends would be glad to give u a hand or newbies like me wouldnt mind giving a shot to help u out.

On another note snice now i know you can download music here, i wonder if i can find some off some anime i like?
Oddly enough, I usually get my music from other sites, even lately. Perhaps I should start looking here more since I generally want FLAC anyways if it is available.
Oddly enough, I usually get my music from other sites, even lately. Perhaps I should start looking here more since I generally want FLAC anyways if it is available.

well i had a quick browse and i saw some anime which i want to get pitty i have little time to look at more :/
[MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION];

hmm so I guess neither of you know about xdcc do you? It's no surprise if you didn't :o
yes, there's an anime section along with music. Anything tagged as [ASL] can be downloaded via file host, xdcc, or torrent.
the blog has links to file hosts and torrents. xdcc is the packlist, which is more recent if you search with !new or !find commands in the #anime-sharing channel. Look at site support about downloading with xdcc.
Basically, if thread links are dead, everything can still be downloaded that way. It's often faster than file hosts too.

Trust me, I was super confused trying to figure out what these things were and how to use them XD it takes time, but it's helpful.

We could always use some extra help in asl~ we're even thinking of new ways to get people interested.

mmm just an interesting fact: asl is somewhat of a continuation of lonE (lossless one) which also has a packlist. There's other groups including them that we wouldn't obtain new releases from for one reason or another. To the best I know, asl has the most promising and reliable potential for uploads. It takes alot of self-discipline, which is why I considered joining.
And since I may have a school job in the fall (6-10 hours + 12 credit hours), I've no idea how that'll play out. :/

for the people that missed it 3 times already:
"doing what I want" is not the answer I was looking for
I don't mean that in a bad way, I just want people to be honest.. it's not helping me think at all x-x
I mean, I'm stuck with thinking I'm just invisible to people in some ways..
[MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; [MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION];

hmm so I guess neither of you know about xdcc do you? It's no surprise if you didn't :o
yes, there's an anime section along with music. Anything tagged as [ASL] can be downloaded via file host, xdcc, or torrent.
the blog has links to file hosts and torrents. xdcc is the packlist, which is more recent if you search with !new or !find commands in the #anime-sharing channel. Look at site support about downloading with xdcc.
Basically, if thread links are dead, everything can still be downloaded that way. It's often faster than file hosts too.

Trust me, I was super confused trying to figure out what these things were and how to use them XD it takes time, but it's helpful.

We could always use some extra help in asl~ we're even thinking of new ways to get people interested.

mmm just an interesting fact: asl is somewhat of a continuation of lonE (lossless one) which also has a packlist. There's other groups including them that we wouldn't obtain new releases from for one reason or another. To the best I know, asl has the most promising and reliable potential for uploads. It takes alot of self-discipline, which is why I considered joining.
And since I may have a school job in the fall (6-10 hours + 12 credit hours), I've no idea how that'll play out. :/

for the people that missed it 3 times already:
"doing what I want" is not the answer I was looking for
I don't mean that in a bad way, I just want people to be honest.. it's not helping me think at all x-x
I mean, I'm stuck with thinking I'm just invisible to people in some ways..

thanks i knew about downloading anime but not the music

i rekon u should stay although u may be busy you can still stay and talk to friends
As Zero, the maverick hunter i wont hesitate ! If i find content before me ill download it ! So keep working as earnesly as always.
I'm not sure how xdcc works, but it sounds worth learning about (or I could just torrent). The problem with anime music is I always forget when there are songs I want. Perhaps I just need to start poking around ASL a bit every now and then. :)

And I will say, that sometimes finding some albums can be quite difficult, so I wouldn't be surprised if you actually helped me in the past once already in a random Google search. :)
Being neutral doesn't mean they're against you :/ Well... What is making you so displeased anyhow?
[MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION]; planning to be super busy, I may change what I do, let along the little progress I've made toward the VN people are hoping for. I would most likely not be able to juggle everything, so who knows that'll happen. I may get more done in the summer, but I'd still have classes and irl things to deal with.

[MENTION=36246]Lord Zero[/MENTION]; are you interested in ripping a very large collection of eac megaman albums? XD

[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION]; asl keeps torrents going for about 2 months, then drops it. Anyone who has it might keep seeding a while after that.
xdcc is virtually infinite and can sometimes give you max download speeds depending on how many people use it at once. so after torrents/file hosts are dead, xdcc still has it.

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; ask in irc if you want to hear about it :/
[MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION]; after setting new os i can now download properly from irc so good job there ;)
so I guess here's a few clarifications x-x

The original title was "do you want me to leave asl?" It was changed by an admin since they may have not liked it that way. They left the poll like it was. This thread is not made because of recent events for those that know, it's accumulative.

I won't deny what aati said.. there's way too much criticism than appreciation. I feel like I'm only noticed for my mistakes and not for helpfulness or anything like that. Out of about 2000 downloads, you might get one thanks or like every once in a while.
I'm not uploading for that.. I see value in adding content as asl since the upload could stay up much longer.

What I'm really looking for is people that would actually care.. doing what I want is not the answer I was looking for ;;
It's like there's not one person standing for me. It's either against or in the middle..

I might even get so busy soon, I won't have time to be here. I don't know yet, but I'll know when may comes and fall starts.

I know exactly what you mean (if you minus the criticism). I started a thread with my soundtracks (had around 20 of them) and in two days, I got around 4 to 5 comments but after that, it took 3 to 4 months and 90 soundtracks later to even get the thread starting (view and download count wise) and to get another comment.
Plus with youtube, I spent hours uploading my videos, then 2 months later, I see that most of them have around 149 views with maybe 3 comments in total. And don't even get me started with the copyright bullshit deleting your accounts and blocking your videos.

It must also have to do with this site and the content of your upload. (I don't know if there are a lot of people here.) Somehow, just by looking at your content, I can tell that there’ll be little to no comments. To me, they look like soundtrack for obscure and extremely girly animes but then again, you may be a girl so... (Note: Your target audience... but then again, men are becoming feminized so...)

It's not a problem for me cuz... but I guess it take an enormous amount of work and time to get a project started (at least an online one). It’s only afterwards that you’ll start getting some appreciation or comments. Also, don't forget that 99.7-9% of people don't comment (not an exaggeration), so that one "thanks” could represent more than just that one guy being grateful.

Also, I bet you focus more on the negative but...

As what I think you should do?... I can't really help you. Go fish.
Btw: Do you only have "Piano Collections NieR Gestalt & Replicant" or do you other soundtracks of NieR?
mmm I'm not really concerned about audience preferences, since there's really no way to truly know that. It'd be only what I think they want.. and I'm not here to simply please people like they deserve it :/ I'm really just wanting to share music that's either enjoyable to me orrr just a positive mood in general. Different series of music that I like I may share as well, or just because someone was looking for it. (it's hard to explain why I pick certain albums lol)
It's not like that's all I've been doing either, and it's hard to say what's considered guy/girly music. (there's girls that make dubstep XD) If you actually listen to most of what I shared, (other than asl jobs), you'll find that it's hard to say what's girly and what's not.
Don't forget that I've done tons of other albums as well, so even if it's one or two, it's still not like I'm focusing on that :P

Yes, I have everything from Nier in flac as far as I know. I think I may have found stuff from Ys too. Believe me, there's tons of soundtracks I've not gotten around to sharing since I want them to be asl. And since they're considered low priority (Via "old stuff") it really takes some time to get around to it. I definitely think that the constant stream of new jobs and lack of rippers is straining, so I just try to go through phases of jobs, requests, and my own things.
No, it's not the music that's girly, it's the animes and most of the people who are going to watch them will be females.
Random Girly anime > Females watch > They download the soundtrack > Low percentage of female members on this site/They don't exist on the internet = Less views/etc.

Not saying you should be concerned, I'm just saying that the type/your preference of music you upload leads to less comments.

Nice! I'll be downloading some Nier and Ys once you upload.
That and I think soundtracks in general just don't get downloaded quite as much. Much more common I see people making little DLs for just the OP or ED of an anime, with lots of people taking those (from on YouTube or tumb1r or something). I have a few OSTs, but not many myself. And quite frankly, I have tons of music that I know I like but never listen to it simply because I have so much of it already (OSTs really pad this too) I never have nearly enough time to go through it all XD

And times like now when I just listen to one song on repeat most of the time I am at the computer because I am addicted to it. :P

But I would also agree with the whole one person giving thanks might represent 40 thing. Even I have been pretty excited to find things on occasion, and only later remember/realize I never gave a comment or anything.

I might look through a bunch of ASL music in a few weeks though when I have oodles of time.
According to what i learned in the last weeks seems like the people who DL and listen
to anime/game osts are not as many as you would think.

Most people just DL the songs they like and that its mainly anime openings or endings. -_-u

Its kind of disheartening and irritating.
Hmm... when i search for anime music i look for everything related to the anime? Osts can get quite nice though op and ed are the main focus i suppose... i usually just have it on shuffle along with every other song after listening to it a few times...
am on phone, so cant type a lot.. for now i will say that you shouldnt be dishertened by fewvthanks, likes, comments. the nr of downloads are talking for themselves. also you take care of reqs a lot so you are bound to be very helpful to ppl. its my station so maybe i will continue later?
aati, every release gets over 1000 downloads from torrents alone. The file host dl count is much less than that. Some people come by only weekly/monthly to download things from asl. My focus isn't on anime at all, usually those are from requests or jobs. (really.. find 3 things I did that you'd consider girly. be sure to look up the series too). I mean, there's girls who prefer mystery/horror/etc. Even some guys may watch stuff you could think as girly, but it doesn't mean it's not popular. (lucky star, k-on, another, etc.) You may want to learn about what exactly girls like to watch, you'd be surprised who does what :3
I mean, I played plenty of rpg games that alot of girls just wouldn't. soo some of my music interests is from things like that.

Zero, go to and search [ASL] under audio. look at the number of downloads x-x

(I love when ppl don't read -.-~)
I'm not uploading for the sake of getting thanks, credit, reputation or anything. Yes it's nice and encouraging for me to get, sincerity is much better. Sometimes just seeing the number of downloads is more encouraging than empty words.
anyways, these may be the last few weeks I'll be with asl. Whether or not I'll stay when fall comes depends on the decision of certain people. I've not been able to release things recently because of this trouble, but I can still prepare things I guess.
school finals are coming up anndd life is full of drama

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