
Your DW is not your main character? Because you should have a certification thing that everyday will give you some nice items in your mail box. From the event. Also, you can use the gnosis blessings as well, and after they expire (1day) you'll have all your points reset. I got a revitalization drink on my CN yesterday and before yesterday a gum (7days) that gives you 30mp extra. Really useful in my CN to use both Queen's Throne and Metal Dust at the same time when full on mp.
Also, I found really hard to queue on any dungeon for party in the TW server, and people barely speaks, even less than in NA if that's possible. But yeah, what really drove me away was the market, greedy people everywhere!!! Not even with the item revamp did the prices dropped a little...I think they were worst. But forget about it, the only differences would be mount and wedding system, Ara and her first complete class, Gate of Darkness S3 and Sander's 4 dungeons.

Dimension Witch is my main but the thing is the skill builder had more SP allocated than the NA server really had at the time when I did the SP allocations. Now I need to redo it and calculate what I can spend it on and what I really need and so forth. It's pretty harsh in my opinion but seriously that put me in a bad situation.

I don't blame you feeling that way while you were at the Taiwan servers. It's one thing to feel alone on that server and another when it comes to costumes being more than hell expensive in the market to be bought be who-knows-what people.

Well I'll send you an friend invite later after I finish some things in real life.
.. the latest patch from KOC is... detrimental to my health. There's a lot of regrets I have right now and I'm pretty upset about it. Guess I should of researched more before selling anything but I think I'm going to drop out of this game per-maturely since I don't think I will invest any more time in this game. Might play it more casually now since I feel everything is now out of whack.

More of the reference to the patching system and the GoD of this case. But I guess I'll stick around a bit longer before going on halt due to the season anyway.
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.. the latest patch from KOC is... detrimental to my health. There's a lot of regrets I have right now and I'm pretty upset about it. Guess I should of researched more before selling anything but I think I'm going to drop out of this game per-maturely since I don't think I will invest any more time in this game. Might play it more casually now since I feel everything is now out of whack.

More of the reference to the patching system and the GoD of this case. But I guess I'll stick around a bit longer before going on halt due to the season anyway.

Oh man, you haven't seen the forums? They are ranting to the heavens about this recent update. And although I wouldn't really care since I can wait for Ara all the time neccesary (just make her come before new year's eve) that event going on right now.......is utter...ly bad. They take off the crafting system and made the RGN (again) the main way to get....everything. Of course you get pure bull....head like magic stone and blessed crap. More than 300+ Boxes and I only got an Aisha claw normal (useless to me) and a normal complete set. Did I mention that the random stats also sucks? But hey, there is an event going on when you can get Ancient set accesories right? Pfft. The permanent ones are useless no stats accesories. Why? Because KOG/KC loves us. So they wants us to pour more money on their mall accesories. *RAGE QUITS*
Obligatory post for this thread because I've played both the KR servers and have a fairly advanced account on the NA server.

Long story short. I sold my account for $20; I was that desperate. It had a max GA (probably not max anymore... did the level cap removal arrive already?) and a max CBS. I quit shortly before the Halloween event (so it's really only been about a month since I quit), and I only invested around $50 on this game and about half a year.

In summary, this game's one of those games where the design is awesome, but the community as well as the staff members are the worst they can be. Simply put, if you're not willing to party up for dungeons (which is hard if you're doing Henir or Hell Secrets), or PvP, then you can just solo everything on this game and have a good time. Otherwise, be prepared to want to rip your hair out.

I also play the KR servers, and got an SD to 65 with the help of the Level Jump event we had recently, and managed to make an YR when it was released too. Simply put, YR (or Ara for that matter) makes the PvP pretty... one-sided if the player is experienced, and concerning that the updates take literally forever, I could probably state that whatever KR had about a month ago (which is when I quit), is what NA will have in about 2-3 years.

The reason why I don't play KR, however, is that the servers are too far away, and being stuck with a crappy internet doesn't help much of the gameplay.

tl;dr, Elsword is a fun game, but the staff sucks, and the community is horrible... Just like all of the localized games present NA or any of the English-speaking areas for that matter. If you're going to enjoy an MMORPG, try to play on its original server. If you can't for any of the reasons such as language barrier or in my case, technological issues, stick with eroge.
i am just going to wait for whenever elesis comes out before I bother logging back in.

probably in an year or two at the current rate.
i am just going to wait for whenever elesis comes out before I bother logging back in.

probably in an year or two at the current rate.

Just saying... You can probably find someone who's willing to share their KR account with you.
Why wait 1-2 years for a game that's going to die when you can just play Elesis, get to GM or something and finally realize that she's not really all the hype?
[MENTION=251]Joyjason[/MENTION] Remember the CBS pre-release event? Well the current event we have is even worse than that one. We need another video of the Three Kingdoms to fanthom such amount of disappointment.

I don't pvp since I have a more-or-less crappy internet and when I go pvp my lag helps me scape from combos and I got called a hacker. And the community that goes on pvp is "sometimes" the worse one. I was going to get my ABS drones without paying, which is working for them and used to play Henir twice or thrice a day, with queue since Henir is not hard to get on queue, but.......I can't stand people leeching. I understand when someone has crappy gear but just come and be a meat shield or skill-lock the boss so we can one shoot him or something like that, I appreciate that, but don't go leeching and even more...not even afk, they move around so they don't die. I hate those kind of people :@
Secrets is more difficult to queue, and I only go if there are two more people since I go for the drops mostly (bethbites and mats, I NEVER get any boss drop) and since it's hell, you'll need high item lvl which would mean you also work for it or paid for it but you must do decent damage and know the dungeon in normal, usually. Of course, there will be exceptions so I usually just try to bring at least a friend I know is good for secrets hell or luto.

Well, although there are some nice people....the troll ones and noobs at high levels (when you should already know the mechanics like PLEASE NO KD KELAINO, PLEASE 'IS' DONT USE RC!) amount to a big quantity. And the staff....I know some GM are very hard working but the commpany wether it is KC or KoG which are the same at this time already, don't give a phoru's backside about NA server. As long as people cash, they keep throwing us more and more RGN events and crippling npc's usefulness (accesory shop is back to useless).
I would also love to try the KR server since I tried TW one and the events were pretty good with extra exp and drop, nice rate of field boss cubes (at the time I went in, they were realeasing field's bosses) but.....the community is even worse, I guess since it's not IP blocked the greedy people from all countries put mall set costumes shoes at 721m. For every character. As I said, NA market is charity in comparision to TW's one. Well, if we don't take Eve costumes in account.....why U must be so high priced?!? And why must I have the three classes that requires costume?!

Guess I'll just play from time to time, I start collegue next year as well, so I may pefert o start solo-ing dungeons in my CEm which is the most spoiled of the three. And won't have any expectations for incoming events. The less expectations you have, the more happy you will be, that's how you survive in the NA server.
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]: Yeah I have seen the forums. If I have to sum my thoughts about it. I'm not going to get into that stuff. I'm already struggling to understand how to play DW and CN efficently. So if they put Ara in near the end of Christmas, I'm going to just make another account to test her out see how it goes.

The GoD update, I... don't like it. Ideas if the stuff you get out of the box is permnament? From what I've been told, it's permnament but it's not what I'm interested in. But really...? Selling it for 500K for a high risk, low reward for the stuff you want. Feels as bad as IB Costumes.

[MENTION=251]Joyjason[/MENTION]: In short I agree with your opinion. The only community I liked in the NA server that had a games translated and localized over was DOMO (Dream of Mirror Online) where the community was silghtly friendly. Other than that, I just don't like their culture of insulting other players for their tactics and not getting their way. Personally I just hit 'Guild' chat to not read their crap and threats of banning when they're bad. The PvP community at low is worse than League of Legends, if not equal. This is regards to my first 10 matches as a Eve CN that I still haven't remembered her basic combos with.

And... I don't feel like playing on the KR server since I'm going to have problems about trust and communicating with the own of the account.

Overall I was lucky to get a free costume in two months of this game. Purely by luck and trading at the right times. Note this isn't a IB set, it's freebies that I can get with chance. But yeah, the community isn't the best but at least I don't have to deal with Maple Story community which was pretty bad. Only the people that was with each other from the start or for a long time get along with each other. Same for most community as well but Elsword is barable since I can solo or just ignore people in the party and their... mistakes at times.

Oh... I haven't been in a party that was OP and can finish 7-2 dungeon under 4 minutes.

Rant: I wish people stop hitting yes to get into GoD and think people will carry them. To be honest... I hate them the most at the moment. I could revive them and I'll see them stupidly die by AFKing. I honestly want a them to forced to not join the next three GoD if it appears to teach them a lesson.
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[MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION] Well I did post here an there but nothig really as far as making a thread of pure ranting xD Although some of the things said I am in accordance, I don't really care how much time they take for updates. Instead of that give me nice events please!!! With that I wouldn't really mind some filler updates before Ara.
Hmmmm I am currently capping my CN so although I'm not really good at her yet, anytime you want to check some improvised-combos, just whisp Kamimura, these weekend I'll probably be on for some time trying to cap. Until I get bored of Garpai Rock and decide to loiter around.
I got this quote from the a person playing Dominion on LOL: it's fun, it's fast, it sucks. That is S3 GoD in a nutshell. And yeah the items are perma, but I suggest you to sell all the cores, the drop ratio is as low as dense is the Protagonist from Infinite Stratos. So sell every core you get for 700k more or less. You get some money for a costume mall set.
Although I doubt the community can be on equal worse than LoL's, it's pretty bad. But I don't frequent pvp so I don't really know.

PS: the quote you have in your avatar "Destiny Awaits" is a reference to the song Alive! from the album The Theory of Everything, from Ayreon?
@ [MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION] Oh man, I feel your pain...
At least before the Field Boss update and only a handful of the population had a +8 equipment, I was a lucky duck to get an +8 abs bow on my GA with only 5 event flourites. After that, I just obliterated everything; both secrets and Henir.

Call me whatever you'd like, but I was soloing normal secrets (except 5-x... freaking shield) because I didn't like the queue system (those idiots that afk), or as you've mentioned, leechers, and people who don't cooperate.
As for Henir, the only reason why I insisted on the full party was the secrets. Otherwise, I can solo the entire dungeon within 20 minutes stress-free.
But alas. Some players are lazy, and I just couldn't stand it.

In addition, I have quite a few screenshots and videos of hackers, but not only is KoG not responding to these, most of the time, they label my evidence as "poor quality". Not my fault you only allow files up to 1MB, sonofabitches...

So yeah, I'm done with the game and have no regrets. If I really wanted to play, I'll just go on the KR servers, and contrary to popular belief, KR prices aren't that bad. At least the last time I played NA, K-Ching prices were easily 15:100 (ED dupers, anyone?), but in KR servers where hacking is a very stupid idea (since you CAN be punished by law), rates are still 10:100.

I'm know there's another forum (somehow, I remember on that Forum... the subheading was "Bush still stinks"...) where players gather up for sharing of information on the KR server, and I'm sure you can find a guild who will help you should you decide to get a KR account somehow.
@ [MENTION=10600]HatoriTakaya[/MENTION] If it's Account Safety/Trust that you're concerned about, just think of the KR account as a "trial" account, although it'll be hard to think of it like that since KR servers are far more addicting than the NA ones...
(I mean... I remember that after the level jump, I reached level 60 on the KR servers before I even got to HoW (6-7). Thanks to triple EXP and various other events XD)
So much for grinding....;;

I'm not sure if this feature arrived yet, but does the NA servers have the party expulsion system, where you can kick a member for leeching? That's actually a really good feature, although I'm not sure if it'll work in GoD due to it not having a "next map"...
I just hope the default setting for parties is that reward is based on contribution, not being in a party. That way, "p2p" players might get more stuff, but it challenges everyone to simply contribute more.

But finally, I'm really sorry that I can't share my own KR account with you, mainly because it's connected with my i-Pin. Otherwise, I would've simply given you the information.

Now I shall go back to lurking the forums. Byebye :x
[MENTION=6533]Kamigoroshi[/MENTION]: Oh okay, I sometimes do that on the forums like my first GoD run was filled with people who had no will to win or concept of being prepared. I refuse to revive people who don't have the will to win.

Cool, I just stated to learn how Eve works and people said CN is the hardest Eve to learn. So I thought I take that path and learn how hard is CN is and learn from it. So later on, it makes my life easier when using other Eves in both PvE and PvP environment. I might be able to see you later on but my Eve is around level 40 so yeah. That quote isn't too far off the truth except we can't pick when we get GoD any more.

As for the GoD Cores. I will consider it. I might just open a bunch and just focus getting one item or something. By the looks of things, people are assuming for the worse. Which is we will only get RNG GoD boxes rather than the ability to craft in the near future. That makes me sad. I'm not sure how much I need to make at this rate to buy a Item Mall set since the K Ching Rates is so high now. I came in around the 1st week of Halloween. So I'm pretty sure it was 10:100 rates. Now it's like 15~20:100 rates.

Oh, I don't know. It's pretty bad on both sides since people hate losing. They expect people to stand in one place and win with their skills. Honestly speaking, a person like me who have like no game knowledge with CN was able to beat a guy who possibly had all 8 Skill slots open and giving me ban threats to lose. Frankly speaking, he's terrible while another guy who received no damage with all my combo beat me with a level 20. My guild already told me if you have the video, that match should of been reported due to the player was more or less hacking.

RE: P.S. I haven't heard that song so I don't know. But what I can say is that's how I view life sometimes.

[MENTION=251]Joyjason[/MENTION]: Before I start. Which character your Avatar from and which product/game it is.

I will treat the KR as such if I even get the chance to play on it. Honestly speaking, I doubt it due to two reasons. One, I can't read Korean plus I have no South Korean contacts to make that happen. Two, I intend to spend money and I am pretty sure that KR will track down transactions which will straight away force a ban on the account. If they're that insistent on KR only server. But wow, that leveling speed. It's faster than all the games I've played online if that's how you described it.

Kick system hasn't been implemented so I am merely ranting on about players that think people will always carry them. I developed this line of thought from League of Legends and I'll be honest, I can only carry people at 60% rate. Which is good but I don't have more than 3 hours of uninterrupted time to spend on it. So basically that makes that game platform unfavorable to me as entertainment.

I don't know about the contribution system being implemented or what-not but I guess it could work. But I feel it will skewer certain things like the gap between P2P, F2P and Hybrid players.

It's okay, I never expected anyone to help me on this matter of playing on another server. Usually I would find my own way if I am persistent on playing that game on another server. Personally I don't advise it even if you wanted to do so.

First things first: It's an Original Character drawn by Izumi Tsubasu (Hisuitei). If I can find its original file (in a bit), I'll send it to you via PM.

Regarding spending money on KR servers, rest assured that KR Nexon is also known as "Donxon" (The "don" part is "돈" which means "Money". Aka, they're greedy too). As long as you purchase gift certificates or Nexon cards from online shops (legitimacy of the shop, as well as its pricing is a completely different subject), you'll be fine from being banned.

Heck, I flat out told them I'm playing from America and my account is still not banned.
But I'm very sorry that there's no one to really help you around, but try to see if the following forum can be of any use: http://elwiki.net/community/

Leveling speed is very nice. Although there is the factoring of triple dungeon experience (which was present for several hours with the release of Elesis, and thus "forced" me to get my 2nd job advancement at level 47 (dem quests and locked maps...)), the experience chart is a lot lenient in the KR servers.

I still admire how you're still keeping your sanity at the screwed up updates or the frustrating community--I definitely commend you for that.
Let me know if I can be of any other assistance =P
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[MENTION=251]Joyjason[/MENTION]: Yeah I got your PM and my thoughts was "at least I didn't open this up in public." ^^::

Ah okay, guess legit isn't going to be easy but I'll get into that once I know how the server operates and how transaction work between the said item of purchase and crediting it in game.

That's interesting. I'm glad they know when business is great when people invest money into their servers. Pretty sure they think you're US citizen but you used to live in South Korea or something and that's why they're like "meh. I hear that all the time from kids in South Korea who also claim to be American." That's okay, at least you pointed me in a direction where I can have a look if I'm interested in the Korean Servers.

Must be pretty fun to go to a legit server and not worry about leveling and being impatient of getting to the next level based on how much stamina you have. And I can imagine that is the case. Especially how they have curfews for kids when they need to be off the gaming network due to several incidents where kids have... done something that caused that legislation to be implemented. Hence why we have the stamina control in the game.

Well... when you seen and been through a lot of rough spots. You realize that you don't have to care about every minor detail about the community. The patches are frustrating at times, been here in NA Elsword for 2 months now, but it's nothing to talk home about. Though I will rant here and there at times but if you just ignore that part, then you just learn to either like the small circle you play with or move on. Was with Maple Story and you would know how notorious the leveling is like before the Exp Table revamp came in. 10% an hour is fast back in the first 2 years of Maple Story NA and getting to level 30 took a lot of effort back then. Now... you can get to level 40 in two hours max. Big changes. But I'll stop there since I moved on from that game to several other MMO games over a period of years.

I'll ask here if I need any. Kind of hard to make enough to buy those insane costume prices though. Grace Fairy Hair is like... 600 Million right now. Wonder how it's like over there. XP
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In regards for the PM, I also have a roommate who I "pranked" into opening something inappropriate in public. No one saw, but he got really angry at me, so I can sympathize (LOL)

Holy crap! 600m for a GF hair? Depends on the character though...
I remember that GF Hair for Rena was still lingering around the 200-300m area in GAIA Server (KR) (Gaia's notorious for having outrageous prices, just saying...), but I'm thinking that's because there are several sellers that create competition. Nonetheless, it's obvious that NA market is screwed up with hackers probably still duping ED.

Regarding the community, I really can't say the same. The only time I could "not come into contact" with either a hacker, leecher, scammer, sore-loser, etc. etc, was when I soloed everything. As stated previously, this worked to a certain extent (maybe two or three days LOL), and then I got tired of it.

It's a really good game, though... If I didn't lag as I did for the KR server, I'd be working on my SD and YR to max level :<
Well, I'm always glad to be of assistance. Let me know if there's anything else I can help you out with :)
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[MENTION=251]Joyjason[/MENTION]: Haha, for me I have my own room but it's open to my entire family to access so... they respect my privacy to a certain extent. Although they're pretty aware that I read over 18 stuff so... when children who's underage come by I would have to clean my PC up temporarily and supervise them from checking too much things. Usually allowing them to watch Pokemon does the trick.

Yeah, Grace Fairy Hair for Aisha at the moment is 600 to 700 Million at the moment. GF Top and Bottom about 300 to 500 Million. Gloves and Shoes is about 75 to 200 Million. Staff, Mini and wings is about 1 to 2 billion a piece. And yeah, it's pretty much hackers, greed and etc creating this economy at the moment. Oh the old Royal Maid Black Set for Aisha, 8 pieces, is worth 8 billion or more at the moment. Someone went as far and asked 20 billion. Now that's going too far.

Yeah I know what you mean. These type of people is everywhere. Doesn't matter what language, they're everywhere. So it basically comes down to preference of content, economy and how well you work with people who goes online at the same time as you.

I agree in a sense since this is my first action MMORPG where game mechanics for combat is fluid mostly. Personally I live closer to Japan server than NA server (assuming you use straight direction where the bird flies) but... my Japanese proficiency isn't that high at the moment. Haha. The real question however is where does my ISP route my network to in the international cabling network.
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I've a question. I don't know if I should post it here or make a thread but for now I'll ask here.
Currently I'm playing on na server through steam. But I live in Europe. So should I play on eu server or stay on na server. My reason for asking is because I might want to buy something but I'm not sure if I can.
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You can buy things from the Elsword site since Steam is a gateway to them. But with that said, I'm not sure about that since I play directly on the Elsword Client. However, if you still in the young days of your characters and haven't spent anything on either server. Check both servers economy and population type and decide which one you want to support with your money. Seriously speaking from the NA servers, the economy doesn't look too good and will blow out of propotion if you want anything in particular that has value. This includes:

- Magic Stones of any type
- Ice Burners Costumes and Item Mall Costumes
- Equipment and Drops
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Hatori nailed it.

Frankly, I'm still laughing my behind off with the fact that the EU servers have their own voices/class names, and some of the character's voices are just so horrible that my ears are still aching from the trauma.

Despite this, modding in Elsword is easy enough, so that's probably not going to be too much of a problem.
As I said, Elsword is a very good game. Heck, I can definitely say that it's one of the best games I've ever played in terms of design (anime-style), system (not a p2w game), and its simplicity.

It's really the community that ruins it, economically or socially.
So I would really stick with EU--Why do you think I sold my NA account with one of the top GA character, for only 20 USD?
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^And... sometimes I wished I have full understand of Japanese Language to just go to Japan server which is way closer to me than NA. Surprising, isn't it?

With that said, I'm probably going to stick around NA a bit longer before deciding whether going in blind without knowledge of the language is a good idea or not. Normally I would find someone Japanese to help me understand the events they are hosting to be able to play under their server but... doesn't look like I'll be finding one soon. On the other hand, I could go to KR servers but the only problem is whether or not <insert legal date> will cause problems for individuals and how ethic plays out in my mind.

Costumes there is the cheapest and events there rain like no tomorrow. The only problem you would run into there is method of payment to credit in game. Pretty sure I can deal with the Japanese one, if it uses Yen or allows currency exchange to purchase their in game goods.

But I digress, costumes on the Market Board is now hitting 700 Million (max amount like Taiwan Servers) and everything else is going to hell with it. If you going to play Elsword, pick the server that has the more economy sound, cheaper items than the hyper inflated ones. I tell you now, in NA we have a guy who's buy gold with real money and hyper inflated it. He got banned and released less than 1 day. That's just one person. From what I can tell, there's like 100 to 1000 of them out there that can be possibly doing the same thing.

I would go to the EU server except the lag there is worse than going to Japanese, KR and NA servers. If you want to know... I tried the German servers just when I started out on Elsword. The people in the first 10 pages are the one introduced me to this game.
Holy shi--

I'm glad I left
(obligatory post)

Not all but it's getting there. To get cheaper goods, you got to either:

1) Use the Elsword Forums and pray the seller of the said item isn't an $#% and going to use the excuse "because this is NA economy, this is what I sell it for in the forums too."
2) Use the Sparring Boards and hope the same thing at point 1
3) Hunt the person with the said item you want and discuss pricing that both is agreeable on
4) Rip the economy into two and make it work for you

Putting that aside, I don't really like the state of it and it's only getting worse. Like there's a rat race of who's going to sell more expensive bethbites at the moment. From 120K just before Ara came into the game for all colors to 300k per bethbites at the most expensive ends as a point of reference.

Now for the screenshot of the day...

Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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And if you like a certain kuudere robot, you're gonna have a bad time trying to get any IB set for her. Most of her IB per/piece are over 200m, for the cheap ones. If you ask for RM or NBS.....prepare some billions of ED from your pocket. Just nuts. And I have the three classes.....ALL HAIL MAIL COSTUMES! (Which are not really cheap either but affordable).

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