Embarrassing and awkward moments...

One time after class, I went to my car to go home. I opened the door, sat in and buckled, then went to the glove compartment to get my stereo, but it was GONE! I just sat there, heart broken, how can I possible park here anymore after something like this! I took a quick glance around to see what else was stolen when It suddenly dawned on me. Wait, this isn't my car. I was sitting, strapped in, in someone's car. As calmly as possible, i exited the vehicle, didn't lock it since i guess it wasn't locked in the first place, and played marco polo with my key alarm to find my actual car. In my defense, there must have been 15 other grey Honda Civics in that lot just like mine.
Last summer, I went to go see my childhood friend that I haven't seen in 11 years or so. A few hours pass after we meet up with each other and we decide to go to a nearby school and play line tag. 2 minutes into the game, I decide to jump a huge gap to go onto another line, so I don't get tagged. I get a running start and jump, hoping that I would make it, but I end up slipping on some tiny rocks and fall to the ground. I lay there with my back on the ground while my friend laughs to herself a few feet away from me. Not only did I sprain my ankle, I felt like a total idiot doing it.
The time when my hair got caught on some guy's jacket... I thank him for helping to relieve my hair from his jacket, but I didn't like how he kept looking me later on...
maybe he was worried about getting attacked by your hair again?
Hmm similar to ojou sama's skirt situation but with jeans cuz i usually wear sweats xD
The awkward moment... when I came back to class after goes to the toilet.. then I realized I come into the wrong class..
Well, like everyone else, I have embarrassing moments, but I think the most embarrassing is when I remember any embarrassing moment and just bury my face in my hands and am like: "freaking ey man! I can't believe I did that!!" when I'm in the middle of a crowd full of strangers, or where it usually happens more often than not, in the check-out line at the grocery store.
Accidentally touching a breast belonging to a female in Yamanote line rush hour... (・へ・)

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Whenever I have to babysit one of my friends when they get drunk.
When people thought my uncle was 'my boyfriend'... >.> Just because he's tall and young... so gross.
Running into the ladies toilets at the airport when playing tag with my brother and sisters.
Performing some exaggerated martial arts moves then finding out that my father was looking at me the whole time.
Realizing that you've been mispronouncing a word your entire life.
Falling out of my chair while I was sleeping with my head on the desk...
Asking my friends where my phone is only for them to point out it was in my hand the whole time...
Earlier today my kitty was resting on my lap, I'm petting her with my left hand and typing my report with my right. After a while, she starts slapping my right arm. I reposition her on my lap and then continue typing. A few moments later, she starts hitting my right hand again. Then, it dawns on me. You spoiled little kitty, you're slapping me because you want me to scratch you with both hands.
Having just taken a shower and walking back into my room to find that a person is there...
Having thought I lost my umbrella but realised it was hanging off my arm afterwards. Didn't feel it since it was light as heck, but very sturdy~

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