EU Would Banning Porn??

hmm...what's your provider [MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION];?
That.... I don't really know.. :p
it's been 4-7 years I've been using this, I forgot the name already XD
I could give you proof if you tell me one of the site that you can't access
Here you go
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yeah...that's the site...thanks for checking must be my provider that blocked it...

could you check what's your provider man?....
Hmm i wont deny that i do have odd thoughts but that doesnt mean i have to act on them ;p
To varying degrees pornography is already banned in Europe. It's just how much is not seen or censored.
Hmm yes but this is an absolute ban isnt it? :goodtea: Im sure some people would like it and others wont ;p But since it is just so extreme without giving any room... not going to pass~ How the freak are they going to make sure people dont have access to that stuff anyway? Censor half the internet? Massive fines for having a piece of paper? People are going to call bs and ignore i do believe? :goodtea:
Well in the end it's going to be this:

People would still keep watching porn no matter what the government do
Lol yeah xD Might actually start some underground stuff as they did for alcohol ;p
and mafias would eventually start to roam around the city... gunfights...

Getting OOT here again...
Hmm... apparently where i am... theres turf wars over who gets to sell fireworks xD
Hmm... oot?
Hmm would have trouble finding that here ;p

Well were talking about the consequences should this law pass and comparing it to the effects of laws that have already passed which may mirror this one's effects~
The porn industry its huge. There is no way anyone will bring it down. There is way too much money
invested into it.

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