Eushully's Madou Koukaku Discussion Thread

Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Personally I think the lack of strategy in battle is really holding this game back, otherwise the premise is really promising. I couldn't help but think the game would have benefited from turn based combat instead of the current system where you just throw units head on at each others and let the stats decide the outcome. Anyway, I thought the story so far has been a lot better than their last few games though, does it get worse as the game progress?

aside from the bad combat system the resource gathering is really a recipe for disaster too, the story is fine but not outstanding at all, the four generals start civil war against each other later, and some chaos creatures(the former general turned zombie too) show up to mess around, i dont wanna spoiler much and since i felt bored i skipped alot text ;
what bothering me is when you conquer a country the enemy characters are simply killed, you cannot imprison them thats fucked up i think, when the sexy princess of the magic country came to me and offer me herself and her country as a dependent state i turned her offer down coz i know there are something fishy and i thought i could just conquer her country and get all the characters, but it turned out she and her brother committed suicide, i was like wtf is this bullshit. also the old general provoked war to me and when i defeated him hes killed too, along with ベル, wtf......
absurd bullshit like this happens alot in game.
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Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

I think it's possible to capture characters; I did see an equip with such an effect. Just not sure how to do it though.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

I wish the characters can attack diagonally. The map has diagonal routes, but the characters cant attack diagonally. I'm thinking it's because that would mess up the "Formation" of the characters.

I'm starting to see why there were some japanese people who said that this game sucked.
I personally don't think it sucks, but it's not that great either. It could be better.
I think it's decent overall (I'll give it 7/10).

But hey, I'll still play this game because of the female characters they have in this game. They're good looking (Liseru = currently my favorite female in this game). I'll play for Liselu :D
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

I think it's possible to capture characters; I did see an equip with such an effect. Just not sure how to do it though.

Any chance you could show which item that is so I can give it a go and see if i can figure it out as not getting all the characters is bothering me as well. Many thanks
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

im stucking with the main quest n.222. Any1 knows how to complete it ?
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

I think it's possible to capture characters; I did see an equip with such an effect. Just not sure how to do it though.

It is indeed possible to capture most of the main female characters. There are some exceptions but basically every main girl either has a "good route" HCG where there are various methods to get them (become their ally, accept a cease fire, etc) or there is a "bad route" HCG that is gotten basically from conquering them and then imprisoning them. Good routes are pretty much happy sex and where most of the group HGCs are and the bad route HCGs are mostly rape.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

It's so hard to tell what units you have placed in each area.
I can't remember where I placed all 50 units. This could use some improvement.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Any chance you could show which item that is so I can give it a go and see if i can figure it out as not getting all the characters is bothering me as well. Many thanks

Equips with 手加减 at its name. Honestly I'm not sure how this could be useful because the game style just doesn't accommodate it (1: Suppose that you want to beat that certain unit without killing it, is, impossible -_-", 2: Suppose that you avoid confrontation and just attack their base then there's no need to equip this, etc etc), but if any one of you figure it out let me know.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Any surefire methods to capture the girls the 'good' way? Because my style in these type of games is to destroy everyone and everything in my way, which unfortunately would be less entertaining - I like to leave the best stuff to the end.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

That's fast. Did you read everything? or did you just play through it?

I've got a random questions for you guys. Are there negative effects for losing battles (battles where you are the one attacking)? How 'bout when your general dies? Also, how the hell do you win over generals who are over level 20? Man, fighting them is a pain in the ass. The only way I win over them is by sacrificing my characters and then letting Aru spam her special, a tactic which lacks elegance (lol). So, I would really appreciate it if someone could give me tips on how to fight generals like that.
when i fight some characters 10 or even 15 levels ahead of me i usually make all my high level team ready for fight, and let your deputy(forgot the girl's name) build up a base at where you gonna fight, fight the boss until all your soldier are dead then make them go back to base to rest, get other team out and to replace the slot until the other is rested, stomp the boss with manpower...its a cheap tactic but what can i do, this game is broke i think and needs a major fix.
do not build your base near their base or then gonna flee and heal too, that happened to me when i fought the prince, hes lvl38 and he one shot my lvl20 mage team, so unreal, i had 10 teams and still couldnt kill him coz i had the second base built up too near their base, the pussy always flee and heal up.took me many tries to defeat him.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Seems like there're quite a few different routes depending on who you sides with so replay value is there. Also, Ranaheim's king can come back as ghost later but his sister can't or at least I haven't found a way to get her back if she dies. As long as you accept the surrender and don't declare war on Ranaheim the sister will stay alive though, even if they rebel. You just have to not be totally ruthless to let most girls join from the look of things. For example to get Alphimia to join, you need to break the mind control on Neneka and have her convince Alphimia to join.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Sorry, how do you build a base again? It seems to happen randomly for me.

And I agree that this game is hard as fuck: I literally just play bait by hailing arrows from afar and run away whenever they come close, 3 on 1 whenever possible (anyway to increase amount of troops deployed? 3 is just too little), and only recently I realized that if you don't properly face your enemy - and they'll keep trying to move to your backside - you either deal very little damage or would not be able to properly apply your Defensive formation. And spam Al's spell, because what else I can do???

Eh btw, that Forest something that I THINK you should conquer after the Fortress (3 owned territories in total), how do you fight it? There's a retardedly powerful healer that god damn self-heals every few seconds and can fucking cast an AOE Recovery spell and restore her troops. I CAN'T 3 MAN HER IT'S NOT ENOUGH LIKE HOLY BULLSHIT SERIOUSLY. Am I suppose to ally that territory or something????
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Equips with 手加减 at its name. Honestly I'm not sure how this could be useful because the game style just doesn't accommodate it (1: Suppose that you want to beat that certain unit without killing it, is, impossible -_-", 2: Suppose that you avoid confrontation and just attack their base then there's no need to equip this, etc etc), but if any one of you figure it out let me know.

I equipped it and attacked some random units and it knocks their there health down to one but you cannot finish them off they stay at 1 health but there is no other capture option that I can see, so I then kept them occupied and destroyed the base ended mission and nothing. Perhaps it isn't properly implemented or only main units/units with faces can be captured dont know. Anyway thanks for the info and I'll keep trying.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

... I really want to know how you managed to keep them 'occupied', because some of the commanders easily outlevel me by 10 ~ 15. I gave up after that bullshit healer fight and restarted a new game - just so that this time, I'll focus on training only and ONLY my 3 main units. >_>
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

... I really want to know how you managed to keep them 'occupied', because some of the commanders easily outlevel me by 10 ~ 15. I gave up after that bullshit healer fight and restarted a new game - just so that this time, I'll focus on training only and ONLY my 3 main units. >_>

Thats exactly what I did, I focused on only my 3 main units and every turn went and fought those repeatable battles from the main map even the level 5 ones and all my mains are now level 50 so they hold their own against most foes and can occupy lower level units however because I ignored my other units im getting thrashed now as only having 3 powerful units is not enough to hold the line when most of your other units are 20-30 levels lower if not more. I'll probably have to start a new game myself at his rate. That was how I beat that elf healer that was giving you a hard time just sent in the big boys and crushed her.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

anyone got spoiler al ssg or other cheating method? dont have time to grind =-=;;;
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

At the beginning of the game, you guys have the option to choose whether to let the enemy gain levels or not throughout the game. Maybe that would help. I turned that option off because I didn't want my enemies to be a lot stronger than me when I don't know the rules/tactics/buildings/etc yet.
For the my first play through I just want to know how the game works. On my next play through I'll turn the option on so it would be more challenging.

Ugh, right now I'm stuck with development because I don't have any グレイ土 (grey dirt?). Without it, I can't upgrade my mines. I need my mines to level up so I can get GREY DIRT a lot easier. With GREY DIRT, I can finally upgrade my セーナル商会 (the shop) to Level 3. Then if I get my shop to level 3, I think I can start buying GREY DIRT. Good thing I have 5 million money in this game. Spending money is no problem for me.
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Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Sorry, how do you build a base again? It seems to happen randomly for me.

And I agree that this game is hard as fuck: I literally just play bait by hailing arrows from afar and run away whenever they come close, 3 on 1 whenever possible (anyway to increase amount of troops deployed? 3 is just too little), and only recently I realized that if you don't properly face your enemy - and they'll keep trying to move to your backside - you either deal very little damage or would not be able to properly apply your Defensive formation. And spam Al's spell, because what else I can do???

Eh btw, that Forest something that I THINK you should conquer after the Fortress (3 owned territories in total), how do you fight it? There's a retardedly powerful healer that god damn self-heals every few seconds and can fucking cast an AOE Recovery spell and restore her troops. I CAN'T 3 MAN HER IT'S NOT ENOUGH LIKE HOLY BULLSHIT SERIOUSLY. Am I suppose to ally that territory or something????
let your deputy stay still for 2 seconds and there will be a yellow box with kanji indicating building a secondary base, it takes like 5 seconds or something, while building a base she cannot be attacked or moved or doing anything other than stand still....
you have to fight the forest elves? eh she joined me and yep shes a broke healer, even after she joined me which deducted her overall performance shes still ridiculously powerful at healing.
but if you have to fight her i suggest you have Aru at least, her ulti is broke too compare to your other usable characters, give her a team of mages and spam your ulti, i use Aru as mage and she is absolutely dominating my enemies, but since she is dealing so much damage and our stupid protagonist isnt performing up to its standard(bad ulti) Aru takes all the exp and now Aru is 10 levels higher than the protagonist....
the elf princess ulti takes up 95% energy so nuke her before she heals up.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

So now I can choose Eida or Olfan Route, but if I choose either I lose Vasgan, so it seems like I must do something other to go to Yun Gasoru Route. The Question is how to obtain the three Musketeers because they are my farvorite Characters so far.

The other Question is how to go with Ranahaim. If I choose to make Feruano a captive they Revolt after a short time, but I can't use Feruano as companion and if I choose companion I can obtain her as playable character, but I have no idea if they revolt later or not, I think that is needed to obtain Lacrille.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

So now I can choose Eida or Olfan Route, but if I choose either I lose Vasgan, so it seems like I must do something other to go to Yun Gasoru Route. The Question is how to obtain the three Musketeers because they are my farvorite Characters so far.

The other Question is how to go with Ranahaim. If I choose to make Feruano a captive they Revolt after a short time, but I can't use Feruano as companion and if I choose companion I can obtain her as playable character, but I have no idea if they revolt later or not, I think that is needed to obtain Lacrille.

Accept surrender -> make her a companion -> do NOT wage war and wait for them to revolt. And you'll get Lacrille when u conquer Ranahaim.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

At the beginning of the game, you guys have the option to choose whether to let the enemy gain levels or not throughout the game. Maybe that would help. I turned that option off because I didn't want my enemies to be a lot stronger than me when I don't know the rules/tactics/buildings/etc yet.
For the my first play through I just want to know how the game works. On my next play through I'll turn the option on so it would be more challenging.

Ugh, right now I'm stuck with development because I don't have any グレイ土 (grey dirt?). Without it, I can't upgrade my mines. I need my mines to level up so I can get GREY DIRT a lost easier. With GREY DIRT, I can finally upgrade my セーナル商会 (the shop) to Level 3. Then if I get my shop to level 3, I think I can start buying GREY DIRT. Good thing I have 5 million money in this game. Spending money is no problem for me.

Try using the tactic that improves mineral acquisition on a territory where グレイ土 is at least orange colored. I've noticed this tactic does a pretty good job at getting at least a few of the orange listed items each time. Obviously the best would be to find a territory that has a smallest list of items with グレイ土 included.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

... I really want to know how you managed to keep them 'occupied', because some of the commanders easily outlevel me by 10 ~ 15. I gave up after that bullshit healer fight and restarted a new game - just so that this time, I'll focus on training only and ONLY my 3 main units. >_>

Two things to keep in mind.

First, there are repeatable training battles that you can do every week to level up your units. If you are falling way behind, you should at least do 067 「ヘタレ演習1」 every week. It's a super easy mission that rewards a lot of experience, I think it's there just to help you level up weak units. Later on 068 「ヘタレ演習2」 becomes available, which is just a higher level version and also very easy.

Second, all the generic unit commanders are considered a single unit for experience purposes. So, if you keep them from falling too far behind you will always have a decent pool of standard troops. I didn't notice this right away, so some types have fallen behind and are kind of useless. I'm still doing alright, but if I did choose to restart I would be sure to keep my generic unit types not too far behind my main units using the repeatable battles from the beginning, as I think that makes it much easier later on when you have like 30 territories and are fighting three wars at once.
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

On Olfan Route. I got black baby dragon but don't how to make him become Black Fire dragon. Anyone know how Thank
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]


Level 25, alternating between the Heal Morale 15% After Super Attack item and Hetaresu Ring, with Heavy Knight troops. Took me at least near twenty tries; which means there's probably a better way of doing things than I did. BUT FUCK YES I DID IT!
Re: [130426] [エウシュリー] 魔導巧殻 ~闇の月女神は導国で詠う~ + Tokuten + Manual [H-Game]

Anyone a idea if I can have more than one intimate Relationship. This is the message which pops-up after choosing to help Annarotte, Rumollne, Olfan or Eida. That are the ones I have obtained so far at least and after obtaining intime Relationship with Annarotte, the choice to help Olfan or Eida doesn't appears so far, after refuse to help Annarotte the choice to help Olfan or Eida appears at least far earlier.

Intimate Relationship = Route ???

Still no idea why ranaheim doesn't revolt, levlt Feruano till LV 35 for her Scenes this should be enough I think, that's nearly 10 Level over my other characters.
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