Yeah I seen all those lurkers yesterday trying to join, I had to change the name so people would stop trying; I mistook the comments for the PW and put A-S there. People would figure it out if I had the same name that were in the room. xD
I'm not using it at the moment, I already got Evade Dist+ with full narga; just wearing fire res+8 charm to bring up my horrible fire resist so Rath doesn't OHK me with fireball.
After you guys dropped I started to fight it like that japanese bow user named "Bobb" who used to always do heroic bow solo videos. He would stand under it and just spam Arrow Rain basically and dodge roll everything with Adrenaline+2/Heroics. :envy:
If I could make PelletUp armor and a decent Light Bowgun Diablos is a joke, but I can't seem to find any good PelletUp guns. He is super annoying without Pellet Shotting the tail. QQ