Hmm, Hands, feet and body still not on my blacksmith list.
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 6, 2012 #751 Hmm, Hands, feet and body still not on my blacksmith list.
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 6, 2012 #752 It high quality pelts.... Kill anteka and kelbi to get it.... High rank only carve....
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 6, 2012 #753 Meh, alright thats something I can do solo then.
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 6, 2012 #754 Okay.... Pick a quest then..... EDIT: Oh man..... I was falling asleep fighting that thing.... I guess I'm going to bed.... Last edited: Nov 6, 2012
Okay.... Pick a quest then..... EDIT: Oh man..... I was falling asleep fighting that thing.... I guess I'm going to bed....
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 6, 2012 #755 Alright no problem man, good night Slayn.
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 6, 2012 #756 Yea... We'll continue this today....
kactaplb ASL Slave MkII Trusted Member Nov 12, 2011 4,469 490 Nov 6, 2012 #757 dual jinougas ugggghhhhu haaaalp
kactaplb ASL Slave MkII Trusted Member Nov 12, 2011 4,469 490 Nov 7, 2012 #759 yup. hr 6 goooo. wow this game is short.
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 7, 2012 #760 Yeah extremely short compared to Unite. :/ We can try it if you like but I don't think I would be much use against those two without Slayn~ xD My gear sucks~ D:
Yeah extremely short compared to Unite. :/ We can try it if you like but I don't think I would be much use against those two without Slayn~ xD My gear sucks~ D:
kactaplb ASL Slave MkII Trusted Member Nov 12, 2011 4,469 490 Nov 7, 2012 #761 <<still has hr3/4 gear. i could do it but it would be painful. and long. and expensive. anyways, i'm about to hop on, haaaalp~
<<still has hr3/4 gear. i could do it but it would be painful. and long. and expensive. anyways, i'm about to hop on, haaaalp~
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 7, 2012 #762 Alright let me finish eating then I'll get on Adhoc~
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 7, 2012 #763 Hmm.... Dual Jinouga is that hard....
kactaplb ASL Slave MkII Trusted Member Nov 12, 2011 4,469 490 Nov 7, 2012 #764 maybe not but im lazy. whered u go eva??
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 7, 2012 #765 I went to change bows~ I can't use my thunder bow on Jin. xD
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 7, 2012 #766 Hmmm.... Could you make fire bow, Eva????
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 7, 2012 #768 I have 500z Slayn, can you buy me a stack of potiosn please. ; ; Edit: I didn't look at fire bows yet but I know I'll never be able to get one because of money issues. D: Just made Edel Weiss though.
I have 500z Slayn, can you buy me a stack of potiosn please. ; ; Edit: I didn't look at fire bows yet but I know I'll never be able to get one because of money issues. D: Just made Edel Weiss though.
kactaplb ASL Slave MkII Trusted Member Nov 12, 2011 4,469 490 Nov 7, 2012 #769 where do i get yakumo wood+ and poison sacs?
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 7, 2012 #770 Sorry Slayn That bow cost me a fortune... :/ I'll show you Kact~ Edit: Think poison sacs are like Froggi and umm Purple Ludroth? Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
Sorry Slayn That bow cost me a fortune... :/ I'll show you Kact~ Edit: Think poison sacs are like Froggi and umm Purple Ludroth?
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 7, 2012 #771 Hmm.... Poison sac is from low rank king poison ludroth and great froggi EDIT: Gigginox also have it....
Hmm.... Poison sac is from low rank king poison ludroth and great froggi EDIT: Gigginox also have it....
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 7, 2012 #772 I love this bow, well worth all my money that I threw into it. ; ; Edit: Uhh... Jin, Agakator and anything else actually weak to ice lol?
I love this bow, well worth all my money that I threw into it. ; ; Edit: Uhh... Jin, Agakator and anything else actually weak to ice lol?
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 7, 2012 #773 Lol.... With only 500z left that can't buy any potion....
両儀式 両儀式 Elite Member Oct 18, 2012 1,636 10 Nov 7, 2012 #774 Yeah its disgusting not being able to buy my potions lol... I was running to camp to sleep during Barioth... D:
Yeah its disgusting not being able to buy my potions lol... I was running to camp to sleep during Barioth... D:
Slayn312 Sniper Elite Member Apr 2, 2012 11,523 538 Nov 7, 2012 #775 Why don't you combine make them????