You so should lol, and what the hell was up Liquid on that mission he wouldn't stop Ice Beaming the hell out of us. D:
All of his beam is BS... You saw the last hit on the ice barroth... Caught him right on the tail....
Yeah that was epic win~ ;p This is a interesting fight and I LOVE the music with a passion, going to download MGS OST later today lol.
Lol... It bout 500mb for the ost of MGS4..... Hmm... I might DL all the MGS ost....
I really love alot of the music from MGS, I used to loop that stuff on youtube so I need to DL them all. xD

Anyway think I'm going to head to bed, need I think... 4 more cards for all the stuff for the cat.
Yeah we are still playing Kact, you can join us anytime you like~ Though I just got up awhile ago and not sure if Slayn is on yet or not~
qq my free time is up. some other time hopefully. also band whar? [MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION];
[MENTION=10115]kactaplb[/MENTION] ; We will start when we both have time to play K-ON! with each other.

[MENTION=35321]Evangelionheart[/MENTION] ; I do not think we will play Monster Hunter with Slayn for a while. I see that he has Black Ops 2, which is a big disappointment, in my opinion. Because so many people are hooked onto Call of Duty, though it is just like any other FPS.
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Yeah I seen he has it as well, hes been playing it the past few days but only when I sleep. I told him if he wants to play it he should and not worry about playing MH since its a brand new game~ I'm not a fan of FPS games but I know he likes them so I didn't want to stop him from enjoying it.
I am not a fan either, but they are good time killers when playing with friends. I just play party games with friends, such as Mario Party, Warioware, Street Fighter, Tekken, etc.
I have no friends which I wish I was lying about but I'm not, so I always just play solo player games or sink my time into anime. I'm falling behind in my anime from playing too much MH so this is giving me some time to catch up~ xD
Lol.... I join up after this last match.... I just got the game yesterday which is my brother-in-law, so I'm just playing it for him...
Bah, if you don't earn the trophy yourself its not worth it! Tell him that! If anyone plays my PS3 I refuse to let them use my account because I don't want them getting trophies so I made a guest account for them~ You can keep playing it if you like Slayn, just catching up on meh shows~ ;p
Trophies, like FPS games, are good time killers. I don't really mind them, but I did get a lot of achievements on Xbox Live because I did a bunch of random stuff in games.
I love trophiesss, I wish they would make trophies for older games like FFVIII. I would die of happiness then. I'm disgusted with my lack of trophies though and Uncharted 3 pissed me off because I had 98% trophies but one of the trophies was apparently a online one so when I logged into PSN it bumped me down to 50% because their was a update for online trophies for that game... RE5 is another one that did that to me, got platinum but its 85% because of added online trophies... I HATE online trophies, Assassins Creed revelations is only possible to pull off like 60% of its trophies w/o online play. Ugh... :raging:
Lol.... You should see my resistance 2 trophies... One of them was 10,000 kill online... Got bout 3,000 then quit... RE5, I platinum it before that other online trophies came about... If capcom bring MonHun to sony wonder what kind of trophies that would put in???

Okay, Eva... Got on... I'll gonna get on adhoc now....
I got platinum on [PROTOTYPE2] because I thought I thought that I should get every upgrade and the bonus costume.

Saints Row the Third is another game that gives you trophies for basically everything.
MonHun trophies would be fun but I sort of think they might be simple as well, unless they do it like the current games with the awards in the guild card.
Hmm... Might make it like dragon dogma trophies..... Or dark soul and the sequel trophies.... Well... It must be basically killing monster in a roundabout ways....

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Agent_Smith wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
thanks for your uploads
do you by any chance happen to have this?
[こどものこえ] 三姉妹の平凡な日常を淡々と描いてみました (みなみけ)

this is the only game i was never able to find free, online
Deladela2000 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Is it possible to re-upload this game?