extract CG/img data for game


New member
Feb 24, 2013
Hellow everybody!
I have a concern regarding the following software: Crass / arc_conv / Animed
A Russian in my past, but I do not know how to use them in order to extract data from a otomate PSP game.
Examples of game already extracts:

This is the kind of thing I would like to recover ...

Here are some screen of the game in question that I want to extract:
As you can see, I do not really know if I should use to extract ...
I frame in red, I thought was the data folder of the game (which, where are the pictures) But the trouble is that it is in bin format. I have no idea what to do.

Does someone could explain to me the steps?
Thank you in advance!

I apologize in advance for my English ....
PSP game, which is dependent on the developer and is not as easy as extracting PC game. You need to know how to reverse engineer, use quick bms as well as UMDGEN.
I already extracted Amnesia crowd Sprites and BGs before. I need to check my HDDS again, because it's been years...lol.

edit: never-mind, I already wiped the files.

Here's the tutorial on how to extract from OTOMATE PSP iso
and here's Amnesia Crowd Sprites and CG

PSP encryption varies from developers, so there's no quick and easy route to extract it's data.
Last edited:
Oh! thank you so much for the tutorials! in fact I am amnesia only to train and learn how! *^*
By cons for PGDecrypt I do not really find the link to download it.
I install something else that I think is this:
But I do not quite understand is that I had to write '_'
Ah, I said to myself XD
I'm really sorry, but I do not understand is infact to do, I have a kind of error message 'o'
Ahh, this is why psp isos are such a hassle if you have no background with reverse engineering.
Extract ISO contents using UMD Gen
Look for INSTALL.DNS and check if it has a pgd or cpk header using a hex viewer like HxD.
If it's as CPK. Rename the .DNS extension to .cpk. Use Aluigi's .cpk script to extract it.
If it's a PGD use PGdecrypt. I forgot the commands to use but it should be there in cadavaberry's tumblr.
Anyway you get a bunch of files and use a hexeditor again to check the file headers, depending on what type there another line of tools to use again to decrypt such files.
It's a .PGD. ...follow the rest of Cadavaberry's tutorial for the command line for PGdecrypt
Thank you very much Sakimichi, I'm really sorry to bother you with this ...
Again I did not understand as a result of the tutorial if you kindly my past ... I just change the format to PGD as it was marked on the HEX table and I have something like this in the this:


But I do not know whether to do next, I think nothing is really shown in the tutorial 'o'
There is, all you had to do was scroll down and read

Taken from Cadavaberry's tumblr and slightly edited and added links for convenience
-Next, download a program called PGDecrypt. You must use command line with this tool. Like, cd [the location of the PGDecrypt folder], then pgdecrypt.exe INSTALL.DNS. Once you’ve done that, you will get a 0_INSTALL.DNS file that is actually a CPK file.
-Get aluigi’s quickbms if you haven’t already. Rename 0_INSTALL.DNS to [whateverthefyouwant].cpk. Actually, you probably don’t need to rename it, but do it all the same. Pop this file into the same folder as quickbms (click on quickbms.exe and follow the instructions) and stuff should start extracting.[CPK unpack for QuickBMS]

Hello, I tried to follow about what you gave me. when I start
pgdecrypt in the file location or was it my INSTALL.PGD is open and that's close directly.
then the link you sent me with the
Aluigi I copy and put everything on a blocktext and I opened with quickbms and install.pgd
and I got something like this:
I think it's a good advanced XD
By cons for the rest I can not input a file in UMDGen 'o' (as said on the tutorial ... I try to change to create a no Label in zip format and I change iso but this does not occur.
Hello, I tried to follow about what you gave me. when I start
pgdecrypt in the file location or was it my INSTALL.PGD is open and that's close directly.
then the link you sent me with the
Aluigi I copy and put everything on a blocktext and I opened with quickbms and install.pgd
and I got something like this:
I think it's a good advanced XD
By cons for the rest I can not input a file in UMDGen 'o' (as said on the tutorial ... I try to change to create a no Label in zip format and I change iso but this does not occur.

NO no no no no no...
Please read carefully
If you already copied Install.dns from the ISO then you dont need UMDGen anymore
Use the PGDecrypt to extract 0_Install.dns from Install.dns by using the command line!
Rename 0_Install.dns to .cpk and useQuickBMS CPK script to extract the files
From here on you're on your own..because there will be a bunch of files with unknown extensions.
You need to open them using HXD to check their headers.
The worry is that the software pgdecrypt when I use it on INSTALL.PGD well it opens and closes directly.
So I do not have any information entitled 0_Install.dns 'o'
I managed to take a quick screen to show you

You NEED to use the commandline.
Run > CMD
and in the CMD type the location of the PGDECRYPT
example CD ../NoLABEL/INSDIR/
then USE THE COMMANDLINE command in cadavaberry's sample
I tried all the combinations possible but nothing creates the expected folder.

C:\Users\HERITIER\Desktop\NoLabel\PSP_GAME\INSDIR>pgdecrypt.exe INSTALL.DNS
C:\Users\HERITIER\Desktop\NoLabel\PSP_GAME\INSDIR><pgdecrypt.exe INSTALL.DNS>
C:\Users\HERITIER\Desktop\NoLabel\PSP_GAME\INSDIR>cd pgdecrypt.exe INSTALL.DNS
C:\Users\HERITIER\Desktop\NoLabel\PSP_GAME\INSDIR><cd pgdecrypt.exe INSTALL.DNS>
C:\Users\HERITIER\Desktop\NoLabel\PSP_GAME\INSDIR>cd pgdecrypt.exe
C:\Users\HERITIER\Desktop\NoLabel\PSP_GAME\INSDIR><cd pgdecrypt.exe>

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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.

Agent_Smith wrote on biohrd's profile.
link dead