First 4 letters - Happened on Jesus to Judas
3 letters starts at second - A process that happen when our hairs turning to white..
3 letters starts at 4th - Thing that anyone can't survive..
Nahhh... ;p
You solve the first one and it would be easy..
Edited: Refix first hint
I am 7 letters word..
First 4 letters - Cruel thing that happened on Jesus by Judas
3 letters starts at second - A process that happen when our hairs turning to white..
3 letters starts at 4th - Thing that anyone can't survive..
Books people would happily toss away~
If they didnt have to pay~
Few read an fewer understand~
And yet that is what others demand~
A brick sitting in your bag~
All it does is make you lag~
I hover out there in darkness unseen.
I will shred things to pieces 'till they're just smithereens.
I might serve as a gateway to places unspoken,
Yet I'm sealed off to man, forever unbroken.
I twist and distort, only darkness escapes,
I destroy all I find
Whatever I take.