Eye Spy & What Am I?

I thought of this as I read your riddle. [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION];
I gave up watching it in the middle of the original. (lost interest)
but another guess!
Vivid dreaming!
Lol yeps dreaming~ Yee gets the next :goodtea:

Hmm i finished it... you really should get to the end... it sort of fixes it all... :x

What comes twice in a week but once in a year?

heh heh heh heh
Pretty easy one. :)
Hmm it was the more emotional part~ Most anime is neutral to meh so i dont feel particularly shocked about it or anything~
Personal opinion about the After Story, don't read if you haven't seen it.

Nagisa is having a child and he is sitting next to her when she can die and the thing he begins to think about is when she is dead? That's one hell of a positive asshole, isn't it? And people tell me that i shouldn't be so negative... The entire story is built up on that he thinks that she will die and then realizes in the end that "OH SHIT, she didn't die after all". Best story ever.
It was still bad, normal Clannad was good (except that he made the retarded choice to fall in love with the alien). Since i'm wrong about the After Story i blame on it itself for being so damn confusing that i was completely lost when i watched it, better?
Hmm who wons? Ahh... wait... i did x.x

Three old rifles sitting in the corner~
Three men who fought like one~
Now selling candy at the store~

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