Family Tree Contest! Be the Number One Clan Leader!

Vote for the Best Family! Who Shall Be the Number One Clan?!

  • infamous

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • MadSova

    Votes: 10 27.0%
  • Fear211

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Nazaka

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • samyeung46

    Votes: 12 32.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hahaha I was wondering if you went missing again this time just so you could pop in for April Fools XD

Always a joy to see you around, renano. :)

But don't slack off right before exams! :lecture:
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Well look at this.
I almost completely forgot about this.

Also welcome back Renano :hi:
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[MENTION=9628]Arylin[/MENTION] ;

Thank you for being the first to reply!

/me bakes a gigantic chocolate cake and throws a party!

Let's have more fun times! ^w^

[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ;

Ah, my dear pyre! It's been quite a long while~

Glad to be back! Thanks for the joyous welcome!

No worries~ I shall do my best in my exams... What I don't understand is why my Radio professor is making us have an exam and a quiz (about the same materials we covered) on the same week... Why can't he merge them into one exam? Oh well~ x3

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ;

Lol. For some reason I miss you typing out "ojou-sama".

Thank you for the welcome as well~

Hmm... even though we are older, our insides feel about the same. Still astounds me to this day.

[MENTION=41987]Sintarow[/MENTION] ;

Yay! Another dear friend~

Thank you for welcoming me back.

Seeing your sig makes me want to rewatch [C] . Haha~

May life treat you well or make the most of it!~


I gathered materials for the prizes. Please look forward to them~ ^^
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Lol youll always be ojou sama to me~ Hmm... missed it.. missed you as well..~

We are older? I dont feel old D: Yet.... xD Hmm you mean compared to when we first met?~
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I suppose so. Since the beginning to now, physically and perhaps mentally we are aging, but in some ways we are not "aging". I think it's the philosophy class kicking in. xD

I'm just surprised that people can still have those little quirks we come to know and love while still maturing and gaining insight about the world and themselves. That is probably why I enjoy people-watching so much~

Although, saying I enjoy people-watching creeped out a few people. However, I said it to a philosophy major and he understood right away. I guess it depends on the person~

/me hugs Sam <3 I feel so overwhelmed because I haven't been around people with similar interests in quite some time. Anime, manga, games... I sure miss them~

Anything new or interesting happened on ASF or in life?
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Hmm.. i guess its hard not to age..~ But still doesnt feel like it x3
Which philosophy did you take? xD I sort of got shoved into intro to aesthetics which... well i guess its art related but other philosophy classes wouldve been interesting as well~

People watching..~ Well apparently the animation/illustration department has tons of people watchers xD So its sort of normal here..~ Though perhaps for a different purpose than you?~
Well..~ People usually dont change that drastically..~ So will most likely always have some little things that stay the same~

/me hugs ojou sama back~
Hmm... AS is too big of a distraction during school?..~

Not really though im getting lazy at spamming xD Still trying to get into the department before the school kicks me for not declaring a major =w= except the dean sort of made it so undeclared cant join so... @_@ Dunno...
AS... needs a bit more life?~ But perhaps thatll come back since youre here x3 Quite a few new members i think?~
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I'm taking Eastern Philosophy which covers Hindu, Tibet, Japanese, Chinese religious teachings, art, history, etc.

I originally wanted Aesthetic Philosophy, but the class was full. =_=

True. People-watching can have different connotations. Those who major in business tend to not understand what I am saying, but they are great to be around. ^^

It's great making new friends although I feel old because I can't catch up to those "young-ins", punching away at their cellphones all day. Lol~

ASF is a distraction, I admit. The only thing I want to do on ASF is just relax and type away. Soon, I'll neglect or forget the time. By disciplining myself and keeping a schedule I can adjust accordingly and gradually understand how to balance social life on the internet, social life in real life, my personal time, and my studies!

That was my plan when I stopped coming to ASF. In a way, I "sacrificed" ASF and my personal time a.k.a. reading manga or playing games, and focused on my studies and my family. Once I felt content that I had them in order, I began balancing studies, family, and personal time. Hope that is understandable.

Sam, you... you... /me drills a hole in Sam's head and pours centuries of wisdom into him! Unacceptable! Declare your major!

Lol. If you don't feel rushed or still feel like exploring, it's not a bad thing. Sometimes, it just clicks in your head out of nowhere and you feel like "Yeah, this is what I want to do!".

Yes, I met a few of the new members. Ana is quite the... spammer. xD I'm still deciding whether that is good or bad.
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Ahh so no plato and stuff xD It does seem quite interesting to me though..~ Might be because of my lack of knowledge in eastern philosophy except for the butterfly causing hurricanes thing :XD:
I pretty much relearned the stuff in intro to aesthetics in the art classes @_@ Except for one thing which i remember..~ Some list about what makes something qualify as art~

Hmm... i havent really done much people watching though i did have some odd little interest in it... i think it was some random moment while standing around with nothing to do where i thought it was actually pretty interesting to just watch people pass~

Well... i barely even touch my phone.. xD And dont hang around enough people to really notice except when im drawing random people~ Usually half the people at bus stops have a phone out and are just tapping away xD

Lol im horrible at keeping schedules x3 Random little things usually whittle away my time..~ It would actually help quite a bit to be more disciplined..~
Yeah its understandable..~ We usually have quite a bit of long chats whenever youre here x3 So that probably wouldnt help your schedule..~

Theyre not letting me declare D: /me gets random images rolling around in his head... or is it the blood loss taking effect? :hypnotized:
Already taking most of the basic animation classes and hoping of the best :x Kind of screwed myself over a bit last sem because i took a semi advanced class before the basics... but didnt really have too much of a choice in that and the teacher is quite awesome anyhow xD

Lol hmm... passed meh xD I would say has quite a bit of potential to pass my post count~
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owo..... my leadingg.....
Seeing the wall of texts that renano makes makes me want to make a post that requires 2 posts because of the number of words just for the heck of it
Just like my VMs with a certain fire

Anyways, long time no see... mother?
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Oohh, i'm summoned again by [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ;
Welcome back from your long absence.
Wish you good luck for your study :goodluck:
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Youre really going to go past the 150k or so? O.o

Why would i freeze myself for o.O Not like im going to go austin powers on people =w=
You're not! :crushed:
But you were the chosen one! Well... Not really... But you were available!
haha people watching. Back when I was doing the art thing a whole lot more, I had to find a balance in how much I stared at people so that they didn't think that I was a creeper. Staring at how their body worked was just so interesting!

Now when I people watch it is more looking at what they are doing, and figuring out why they chose to do it that way/what they are thinking.
It is also a LOT of fun with friends/co workers to suddenly tell them what they are going to do/say next, and catch them off guard. Can't do that very often though since it is pretty darn hard to do, and I don't like to try something like that unless I am really confident that I'm correct. :P
Lol yeahh the awkward part of people watching xD I usually look near them but not at them when im drawing =w= But then again... i have a sketch book out to... mehs~ Makes it all semi obvious that im doing something =w=

I was available? When am i ever available? And does this mean we should tack 12 years onto your age?

[MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=13039]MadSova[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=40801]Infamous[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION] ;

Thank you for being patient.

I would like to congratulate all of you for your wonderful Family Trees. The "Ultimate Family Tree" is still in the Beta Process because I have considered that non-participants and/or ASF members who are not part of your trees can still join in the "Ultimate Family Tree".

However, you five original contestants are the main/default five families.


Newcomers, who are not part of your tree, can either:

1. Newcomers can create their own family, but will NOT be considered as the Five Main Families. They will instead be sub-branches or extended families.

2. Newcomers, who would like to be part of your family (The Five Main Families), must ask permission. Then, we need to re-arrange the tree to include the new member. HOWEVER, the new member MUST HAVE a DIFFERENT COLOR to his or her name to indicate the person's "new" status.


Last thing before I distribute the prizes...

YES! THE NAZAKA FAMILY DOES CONTROL ALL (except the ASF Staff, unknown/known indirect/direct magical/supernatural forces/entities, and other discrepancies that have not been typed)

If the Nazaka Family abuses their power and/or authority in any way, the other families can intervene. :fag:

However, remember this! Just because you are the Five Main Families, does not mean there shouldn't be any territorial wars or some subordination. GO AHEAD AND OVERTHROW WHO IS ON TOP! :rant:

PRIZES (Consider the "titles" like 'Private Soldier' in the prizes with a grain of salt, meaning don't take them too seriously.) Non-official IDs! xD











[MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ;

The Nazaka Family has a special prize. A 1-year membership that applies for the following: PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. It is ONLY for the U.S.

Nazaka can keep the prize or give it to one of his own ASF family members. Please inform me by PM about what you would like to do.


Thank you everyone on Anime-Sharing Forums for being part of this beautiful, crazy, unfathomable, jovial experience! Please remember that this contest was all for fun. It was a wonderful way to see how people perceived one another and themselves. Let's hope for more entertaining contests in the future!

Quick Note: For those wondering why infamous and Fear211 have VN characters instead of symbols like the other contestants' prizes, it is because infamous and Fear211 did not submit one or have forgotten to submit a symbol for the contest.

Personal Ramble: I was not sure if the contestants wanted a drawing again or not like how I did in all the other contests, BUT... I thought if people wanted their own personalized ID for their Family, then that would be a great prize as well. Let's all have IDs! No? ;-;



The Ultimate Family Tree is still undergoing changes. No finalized version or final date has been issued. Therefore, please adhere to the rules for newcomers stated above if new members or trees are being added. Thank you~



Much love and happiness for every single person here on ASF and to those you love and cherish! (Yes, even your anime and games or alone time)


Happy Cambodian New Year! Yay!
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you know, just seeing my family tree and comparing it to others pisses me off on how slack and how could i have forgotten this, when im on hoildays not next week but the week after im giving it a makeover and a symbol.
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Hmm... that sign... looks odd now that i take another peek... @_@ Never did get around to finishing this all though... =w=
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expect more changes form both samye and I, we are both busy people and will do it soon
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[MENTION=7722]Second_Flight[/MENTION] ;

/me hugs and kisses Second

How have you been? Eating and sleeping well?

Maybe you can "branch-off" and make a sub-family full of cats!

[MENTION=41434]Nazaka[/MENTION] ;

Long time no see/chat my dear bunny Nazaka~

Enjoying life and it's many wondrous tales or its wondrous boredom? Haha~

Hope you're well~

Don't forget about your Special Prize!

[MENTION=1837]r.bednarski[/MENTION] ;

Thank you so much your good wishes!~ <3

I'm glad to be back and will do my best with my exams. ^^

Do your best in life as well!

[MENTION=28026]Asuka Langley[/MENTION] ;

My lord! Master! You... changed your name... again. xD

No complaints since she is my favorite character on NGE.

Thank you for welcoming me back. Here to serve my master for as long as we both shall live~

[MENTION=10646]unownHGSS[/MENTION] ;

/me glomps unown multiple times until he falls unconscious

It's been a while! Loving the new avatar and signature. *cough*/me likes Makina*cough*

Yes! Overthrow! xD

Wishing you good health~

[MENTION=41294]Fear211[/MENTION] ;

Hello again my dear friend~ :3

Plan first and overthrow the rest of the families or at least rise up in the ranks. Who knows... knocking down the weakest/supporting members by making them change alliance can help~ *insert evil laugh*

Life treating you well? If not, do what I did and confiscate a police cone and use it as a megaphone! ^^ Or don't do it... ^^;;

Yes! I shall expect those changes. Maybe we can do another vote in the future! Try to change leaders! ^_~

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ;

Since the Tree isn't final, we can add symbols or change things around for a more aesthetic appeal. Perhaps, if you want, fix your symbol and let it be part of the Tree? Or not?

Hope you like the prize. ^^

Tried for something a little different~

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