Fate/Grand Order Master Training Area!

Re: Fate/Grand Order Master Training Area! 復刻版:空の境界/the Garden of Order -Revival-

lol usually why I don't play games when they first come out. Rates are always increased or prices always drop later. But, the name "fate/" pretty much sealed my .....nevermind bad pun.

I didn't even know about JP Fate/GO until nearly half a year or more after it came out through fan art/doujin on image sites. Or I would most likely had a JP account. Now though, meh...too late. Kinda like my story with JP PSO2.....I left for awhile due to the hype of the English version....and in that time, I missed the Fate/Kaleid crossover.....the Project Diva crossover....the Madoka crossover.....the FFXIV crossover....now those items from it are stupidly expensive. I could have had my character decked in Chloe's gear, using Ruby while talking in Tohsaka Rin's voice (actually my character does have Kana Ueda's voice unlock, but she's just using average Kansei-ben).

Stupid Sega of America.....

I was there Day 1, hard for me to miss when I own all Fate/Zero + Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works First Press Limited Edition Blu-Ray sets and there are advertisement for Fate/Grand Order in there so I was there pre-registered :P I would have left F/GO a long time ago if it is not for my love for Seiba, in all honesty F/GO have one of the worst rates and with no compensation or bad luck prevention (I don't really count NP5+ Saint Graph bullshit any compensation at all), it is by far one of the, if not the greediest mobile game in the market now, similar games took similar greedy approach back then if I remembered correctly (GranBlue Fantasty comes to mind) but after the whole scandal for mobage broke many game have improved, for the better in terms of the gacha system, yet we're nearly 3 years on the only improvement JP ever had to the Gacha system is going from 40 SQ to 30 SQ, whilst the pool just get more and more contaminated with new servants and CEs, the fact that new players trying to hunt for older servants is harder than newer servants is insane. In all honesty I really hope to see some really QoL change for Gacha with the Third Year Anniversary coming, but with F/GO still one of the biggest giant in the mobile game market, I highly doubt my hope will come true. But I guess I'll wait and see.
it is by far one of the, if not the greediest mobile game in the market now
From what I've heard about the Madoka Mobage, it's not that much better over there, and Aniplex is very likely to blame for things.

Though, I was playing the Taimanin mobage before FGO (technically still am) and *that* is worse than FGO by a wide margin, so FGO felt relatively generous to me.
Though, I was playing the Taimanin mobage before FGO (technically still am) and *that* is worse than FGO by a wide margin, so FGO felt relatively generous to me.

I have the (so well made) card viewer but I actually never seen any gameplay for this game. I honestly didn't even think it was worst playing. Now I have look on it. I'm not fond of the hardcore theme but some character are so beautifull (Rinko, Shiranui, Ingrid, etc...) that I still watching this.

I think this kind of game will be fewer and fewer from now. After the lootbox's scandal of Battlefield II, people are now aware on how bad it's to play game purely about luck and real money. Like MOBA before and Battleroyal now, it will only be two or three leading game like this and other will be quickly forgotten. F/GO will be one of these few though so it won't change much.
On my JP account I had 18 Golden Ticket and 220 SQ and after seing Fate/Apocrypha and the update and rate up for Atalante I decided it's time for me to have her instead of saving up for lostbelt's Lancer. I plan go for her rate up and spend the rest on Astolfo and Fran rate up but it didn't go as planned at all.

First, no Atalante :donow:. The only 4* I got is Anne Bonny & Mary Read (two times) witch I haven't on my JP account.

But, after 20 Golden Ticket I got Semiramis :shinies: . She is on my top 5 waifu list and my most wanted Assassin :nosebleed: . What could it be better ?

Well, after spend the rest of my Golden Ticket and SQ, on the last 30 SQ roll, I summoned Mordred. She is number 2 on my Saber most wanted list (Miyamoto Musashi is still first). I'm so happy but she is still a early made servant with old animation. I came back few hours later and she is now updated :blushhappy:

What a lucky week !

Now I have almost all of my 5* dream team. I just need a Caster (Scheherazade or Merlin) but Kiara Sesshouin can do the job and a Archer. But no 5* is to my liking, that's why I'm looking for 4* like Atalante but I recently got Asagami Fujino and I have my army of Emya clones (Emiya, Emiya Alter and Kuro).

The update of Atalante made me look for her new alter version. I'm almost regretfull for not trying to summon her during her past rate up (not to much considering how good saving for this week was). If we have a 4* giving this December like past year, I will probably go for her (or Queen of Sheba for my caster team sake).
I just want my new Elisa animations. I love how her attacks go together so smoothly now, but those new animations are sweet!

Also, just because it's basically like my exit cue......still no Stheno.

edit: Managed to get Assassin Emiya by pure luck from a free ticket on the last day of NA Fate/Accel Order event, of course I got Goddess Mama Iris too.
Waiting for new event to land tonight.....and hoping getting Assassin Emiya didn't eat up my luck so I can't get Shuten
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Ugh, between Fate/Accel missions and the daily raids against Ibaraki I got seriously burned out playing this game. I was completing all the daily missions up until the yesterday, but now the last 2-3 don't get completed cause I just can't bring myself to continuing playing. Definitely gonna pull back from the game as soon as this event is over.

In summoning news, my luck held out and I managed to not only get Shuten (omg her voice is addictive!) but a few extras. 2nd Mary/Ann, another Fran, 2nd Eli (who I originally thought I had up to NP3, but seems she was still at 1...heh) plus one or two others. But the real kicker was after I got Shuten and mastered the event CEs, I decided to use the free summon tickets on the story for chuckles.....and got Nightingale.... like....wtf. This made me happy but at the same time furious as I can get a freaking non-rate up 5 Star off a random ticket but a certain 4 Star STILL evades me.

Bad with the good I guess.
In summoning news, my luck held out and I managed to not only get Shuten (omg her voice is addictive!) but a few extras. 2nd Mary/Ann, another Fran, 2nd Eli (who I originally thought I had up to NP3, but seems she was still at 1...heh) plus one or two others. But the real kicker was after I got Shuten and mastered the event CEs, I decided to use the free summon tickets on the story for chuckles.....and got Nightingale.... like....wtf. This made me happy but at the same time furious as I can get a freaking non-rate up 5 Star off a random ticket but a certain 4 Star STILL evades me.

NAFE, Lucky as ever :cheerleader:

Ugh, between Fate/Accel missions and the daily raids against Ibaraki I got seriously burned out playing this game. I was completing all the daily missions up until the yesterday, but now the last 2-3 don't get completed cause I just can't bring myself to continuing playing. Definitely gonna pull back from the game as soon as this event is over.

I don't like these mission based event ether. Farming boring specific fight for opening up a new boring fight until having enough XXX for opening quest... I didn't finish Fate/Accel event because of that.

I don't play on my NA account because I'm not far enough in the story for the current event.

I'm trying to build up a stock of SQ for the next summer event on my JP account. It's killing me because I want Lancer Raikou that I couldn't summon last year but it's mean I will have less SQ for the summer's 2018 event . This year I think we will have Jeanne D'Arc and Sherazade wearing swimsuit, or maybe Lancer Artoria. If only I can be lucky as NAFE :sigh:
NAFE, Lucky as ever :cheerleader:

I don't like these mission based event ether. Farming boring specific fight for opening up a new boring fight until having enough XXX for opening quest... I didn't finish Fate/Accel event because of that.

I don't play on my NA account because I'm not far enough in the story for the current event.

I'm trying to build up a stock of SQ for the next summer event on my JP account. It's killing me because I want Lancer Raikou that I couldn't summon last year but it's mean I will have less SQ for the summer's 2018 event . This year I think we will have Jeanne D'Arc and Sherazade wearing swimsuit, or maybe Lancer Artoria. If only I can be lucky as NAFE :sigh:

My thoughts exactly, I didn't mind as much with the kara no kyoukai event probably cause of the music. But there wasn't any such distraction for Fate/Accel, I did what I could to get Iris and then just said screw it....though I did mess up towards the end and missed the final Iris by literally one minute. This event again I like the music, but coming right after Fate/Accel it was too much. Literally only bothering cause I love Shuten's voice otherwise I would have stopped the moment I pulled her. Not really interested in the story (though honestly I did like Fate/Accel's), and doing the same fight upwards to 10 times a day just to complete mission is taxing.

I'm quite surprised with my luck as well. I'll say this game is my.....5th gacha game I've played and outside of this game at most I was able to gather 20% of the characters I wanted. Each game had much higher drop rates than this game (lowest I think was 4% chance for highest grade card, played for a year and only had 1 card). I'm currently also playing Koihime musou and my luck is....meh. It has a huge pool of characters to get in it's draws but I keep getting the same ones over and over....on the plus side, they separate character draws and equip draws unlike fate/go which is where I think most people's money is being wasted on.
Another event right after the end of an event.....*sigh* No, I have no motivation to do this seriously.

I can however say that thanks to the 3 million download event that I finally have Stheno.....but instead of being happy, I just felt this sense of defeat. Meh, could just be the fact that they keep throwing back to back events at players. This one at least doesn't seem to be time consuming....guess I'll give it a shot. Not sure if I want to waste quartz on Monk....I like her character and it'll be super nice to have a 5 star caster with a dmg NP...but....*shrug*

Gotta save up quartz again for Mama Reiko (priority!) and Banana Oni.........and then more for Hassan of Serenity (priority!), Lancelot and Nitocris.
Don't worry, Hassan is a 3* so you can summon her with friend points.

With your previous post I learn about Koihime Mousou gatcha game. It seems good and I'm a fan but I won't play it because FGO and Fire Emblem Heroes are too time consuming already.
Umm.....ahaha.....so.......new event....again immediately after the previously one ended....so this is like the 3rd back-to-back event. JP version seemed to have at least gave a week or two inbetween so I can only guess NA wants to catch up to JP badly or the scent of that money is too much for them.

On to this event, I was totally unprepared for it since I was going off of JP calendar. 15 SQ and 0 tickets. So figured I'll at least get limited Kintoki...and saw that stupid amount of event items I'll need in order to do so *sigh* another time consuming event. I did get lucky that they did another event along with this one and I managed to get some free tickets and SQ plus some money owed was returned to me so I tried my luck!

And well....sorry FakeJinx....my luck strikes again. Good news though...well not for me...I did not manage to get sa..saz..?? umm...lewd monk from last event.

That said though, I see people posting their gameplay and teams online......but how are they doing so???
Umm.....ahaha.....so.......new event....again immediately after the previously one ended....so this is like the 3rd back-to-back event. JP version seemed to have at least gave a week or two inbetween so I can only guess NA wants to catch up to JP badly or the scent of that money is too much for them.
Last time I checked NA was exactly the same as JP :cramming:

And well....sorry FakeJinx....my luck strikes again. Good news though...well not for me...I did not manage to get sa..saz..?? umm...lewd monk from last event.

Don't be sorry, your luck is yours. In my case I got Minamoto no Raiko (and Frankenstein no kabutsu) with the few SQ I got from login daily. I don't play anymore on my NA account and I already got her on my JP account but I still love her so I have to try :romeo:
The current GudaGuda event on JP have a very good song for the TV CM. I'm listening it non stop :blushhappy:

And the free servant Sakamoto Ryoma is to my licking. I'm not try to summon Okita Souji Alter. She is fine but I already got Kiara and I must save SQ for summer event and lancer Raikou.

That said though, I see people posting their gameplay and teams online......but how are they doing so???

Do you mean they make a screenshot ? There are multiple guide on the web on how to do that for each device but on my Android device you I need to shift my hand from right to left of the screen, a "click" sound is heard and the screenshot go to my photo list.

Fate/Extella Link is out in Japan. This time Marvelous add my waifu Scathach and Francis Drake so it's killing me to have to wait until October for a release in my country. More, there will be swimsuit for DLC. I don't like DLC but since they are picking the one from FGO summer event (even for Nero and Tamamo) and a totaly new one for Francis so I will pay for sure :dispirited:
Last time I checked NA was exactly the same as JP :cramming:

Do you mean they make a screenshot ? There are multiple guide on the web on how to do that for each device but on my Android device you I need to shift my hand from right to left of the screen, a "click" sound is heard and the screenshot go to my photo list.

Fate/Extella Link is out in Japan. This time Marvelous add my waifu Scathach and Francis Drake so it's killing me to have to wait until October for a release in my country. More, there will be swimsuit for DLC. I don't like DLC but since they are picking the one from FGO summer event (even for Nero and Tamamo) and a totaly new one for Francis so I will pay for sure :dispirited:

The schedule is the same, but the dates been pushed up.

For instance, there was nearly a 2 week gap between Journey to the West (ending June 29th) and Onigashima (started July 11th) but NA it was JW ending one day, maintenance day, start of Onigashima the next.

It's killing me. :alice_orz:

And yeah, I can't wait for Extella Link....but man it's really close to Dragon Quest 11 release.....so finding time for both and F/GO is going to be hard.

Ah, thanks for the info about screen capture.
It's summer 2017 rerun ! :loudverdict:

I love this CM :blushhappy:

I was hoping to try for Raikou but I didn't remember she was in the same rateup as Artoria Alter Rider. Since I already got Alter I think I should intead try for the number 2 and 3 on my wishlist, Nitocris and Nero.

Last time I was in a desperate need for a Lancer (and almost everything else) but now I have Scathach, Artoria Alter Lancer, Medusa Lily, Parvati and Jeanne Alter Santa Lily. I still want Raikou but Nito is cute as ever and KanColle Nero could perfectly fit for the 5* Caster I need.
It's very sad but I will try for Nero. :dispirited:

There are some leaks for summer event 2018. :cramming:

One is since Scathach was one the 600 DL banner and she was given at the summer 2016, since Ishtar was on the 900 DL and was given at the summer 2017 this time should be Kiara since she was on the 1200 DL banner. I like Kiara but this is a bit too much for me.

The other one is the following (Taken from Weibo and got shared in a Chinese group) :

5*: Okita (Assassin), Elizabeth (Berserker)
Welfare 4*: Medusa Lily (Ruler)
4*: Jeanne (Saber), Suzuka Gozen (Caster), Semiramis (Archer), Quetzalcoatl (Alterego), Ereshkigal (Caster)

If that's true then Semiramis Archer is perfect for me. Since I have no 5* Archer I use my 4* a lot and, well, it's Semiramis :bliss: . I'm OK with Quetzalcoatl and Jeanne and even more if it's Jeanne Alter.

It ease my mind since Nero, Nito and Raikou are still better for me thant these speculation. I will have less strugle at spending my SQ.
Meanwhile in NA, all we can do is watch the swimsuit goddesses in envy lol.

I got everything I need servant wise but I made a not so surprising discovery once I actually started using my 4*s......a lot of them.....are better than some 5*s.

Saber: I use Atroria Alter over Mordred, Shiki (unless I'm aiming for instant kill) and Atroria of the same level. Her NP is just so broken.
Archer: Well, I only have one 5* Archer and I love Artemis so I won't say anything bad. But When I need clearing, I turn to Emiya.
Lancer: Scathach is love/life/universe......but damnit Byrdhildr!! I use Elisabeth over you.....Elisabeth!! And I still think Atroria Lancer Alter was originally suppose to be a 5* but they messed up.
Caster: I love Cas-ko with all my heart, but since getting Helena, Iris and getting Elisabeth to max Ascension....I haven't put her in my line-up. And that'll get even worst if I manage to pull Nito.
Rider: For multiple attack NP, I prefer Atroria Santa over Francis....still need Alexander (adult). For single attack NP, Mary seriously over Medb. Haven't used Asto, and I want to use Ushi.
Assassin: None. Jack is bae, Shuten is bae, Carmilia is bae, Shiki is bae, Serenity is bae, Hundred Faces is buffed bae, Mata is bae, Stheno caused me many tears.....but she's also still bae. Hell even EMIYA and Sasaki is bae.
Berserker: I honestly don't know....it's rare for me to even have a Berserker in my setup. I am enjoying using Mama Raikou though and Tama-cat was enjoyable in the beginning. I want to use Fran more. Banana Loli is adorable now that I'm not fighting her for hours on end. An oni who sounds like a chunnibyou...I didn't know I wanted something so much until I got it.
Ruler/Avenger: Still banging my head over not getting Edmond and Amakusa, but I've been using Jeanne Alter like a pair of really comfortable jeans. It's been ages since I've used Jeanne.
Does anyone here know what term is used for Ryoma's holster kind of thing that he uses to carry his sword and gun. I just want to know because it looked really cool and I can't keep ignoring it since he became a personal favorite of mine during the Event.
I got everything I need servant wise but I made a not so surprising discovery once I actually started using my 4*s......a lot of them.....are better than some 5*s.
I don't look too far in the stats but I think it's wrong :rn1: . In most of case I "feel" 5* have better stats (atk, HP, etc...) and far better skill. And of course they can reach lvl. 90.

Does anyone here know what term is used for Ryoma's holster kind of thing that he uses to carry his sword and gun.
:cramming: I think it's a sageo (the rope) and a saya (the scabbard). It was use when riding a horse. See the wiki for more info.

I have try to get Nero Caster and Nitocris Assassin and just got Nito with 30 Golden Tickets and 170 SQ. Nito is always the cutest of all :blushhappy:

After that I try for Sherazade with 1 Golden Ticket and 36 SQ and got Medb. I'm happy with her as my 8th 5* but she is now my 3rd Rider and I don't have much use for her :reallyconfused:

I also got a 3rd Camilla and a 6th Emiya. Since I can't level up his NP anymore I would like to know what you do with your duplicate servant. I have a lot of them from event (Jeanne Alter Santa Lily, Ishtar Rider, etc...). Do you burn them or use them in another way ?

Same thing for Carft Essence. When the first card gain is last limit break do you use the remaining card for limit break another one or just using it has exp card ?

And more generaly speaking, how do you manage your Craft Essence after limit break them ? Is it usefull to make them very hight level.
:cramming: I think it's a sageo (the rope) and a saya (the scabbard). It was use when riding a horse. See the wiki for more info.

Sorry for not being clear on it (it's hard to describe since I do not know a lot of it). I can not seem to find any wiki page for it.
Nito is always the cutest of all :blushhappy:
I just got Nito on NA, and she is cute. I'm throwing her with my Saber Shiki and just mowing down mobs easily with both their all enemy, instant death chance NP + debuff(shiki)/buff(Nito).

I also got a 3rd Camilla and a 6th Emiya. Since I can't level up his NP anymore I would like to know what you do with your duplicate servant. I have a lot of them from event (Jeanne Alter Santa Lily, Ishtar Rider, etc...). Do you burn them or use them in another way ?

Same thing for Carft Essence. When the first card gain is last limit break do you use the remaining card for limit break another one or just using it has exp card ?

And more generaly speaking, how do you manage your Craft Essence after limit break them ? Is it usefull to make them very hight level.

I use to give them to servants of the same class for exp, but now I just burn them. I don't know what JP has, but at the moment in NP...there just isn't other use besides exp or mana cubes.

Craft Essences on the other hand, I keep all 5*s. A lot of them have decent to good effects, and it's nice to have multiples just in case. 4*s, unless it's something I know I'll use (like Imaginary Element) i use to level up other CE. And yes, it's not a huge difference but the HP/ATK bonus you get from them can be nice at high lvls. I think my Kaleidoscope which is either lvl 60 or 70 gives over 1k atk. 3*s and lower I just burn the extras.

NA had their 2nd 100% guaranteed 5* event! And damn was it a sadistic choice. Between Knights and Calvary classes, in which I wanted at least 2 servants each. It pretty much boiled down to Saber (lancer) and Whiny Monk....in which case I choose to go after Whiny Monk. I failed to get her, but damn if the game didn't give me Ozy instead. Been needing a 2nd 5* Rider (since Medb is....Medb) and despite being disappointed at first, I'm now happy to have him.
It's raining quarts.

What a time to be alive!

I got Muashi. Thank you 15 quarts
Skadi is Scathach and Scathach is my waifu so I spend all my ticket and SQ for her and you know what ? I got Skadi on my last roll ! :loudverdict:

I don't even care if she is good or not, I was in need for a 5* Caster and more Scathach is allways good. Now, looking her NP and skill I'm very pleased. First skill is a strong critical buff, second is a 30% debuff and third is a 50% NP charge for any front line servants. What a usefull toolkit. And the NP can save from a lot of situation too ! And her final acsension card is so gorgeous ! :bliss:

And since we have more chance of great sucess on upgrading Craft Essence I pay a visit to the free summon and got Angra Mainyu ! He isn't good at all but still, I'm happy to have some luck for once. What a 3rd anniversary day !

But now I have nothing left for the Summer Event. I have seen the first new Servants and I regret nothing. SCATHACH FOREVER :cheering:

Oh, and I got 2 or 3 summer Mordred on NA.
Skadi is Scathach and Scathach is my waifu so I spend all my ticket and SQ for her and you know what ? I got Skadi on my last roll ! :loudverdict:

I don't even care if she is good or not, I was in need for a 5* Caster and more Scathach is allways good. Now, looking her NP and skill I'm very pleased. First skill is a strong critical buff, second is a 30% debuff and third is a 50% NP charge for any front line servants. What a usefull toolkit. And the NP can save from a lot of situation too ! And her final acsension card is so gorgeous ! :bliss:

And since we have more chance of great sucess on upgrading Craft Essence I pay a visit to the free summon and got Angra Mainyu ! He isn't good at all but still, I'm happy to have some luck for once. What a 3rd anniversary day !

But now I have nothing left for the Summer Event. I have seen the first new Servants and I regret nothing. SCATHACH FOREVER :cheering:

Oh, and I got 2 or 3 summer Mordred on NA.

So far I'm at 120 SQ+ 5 tickets and only pulled Kiyohime on summer event. Granted she's not bad as a lancer, but I have more than enough lancers....though not stopping me from wanting Tamamo (that Fate/Extra NP). I really need Artoria (archer) so I can finally have a 2nd 5* Archer. Well, I really want all of them...their NP's are nice to look at. Especially Mordred!

And Marie (caster) will actually make me use her again.
:loudverdict: So the next free Servant for the summer 2018 event will be Berseker Jeanne Alter !

I was hoping for a Ruler or a Foreigner Class but JAlter is always good ! But please, don't make her too much a weirdo (like Mecha Elisa and Scooter Ishtar).

And I summoned Marie and Anne Archer on NA. There was my target. Now I must finish the story for Scathach Assassin.

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