[MENTION=7095]hdxfazioli[/MENTION]; Links replaced. :samuraihero:
Just how many posts do you need for one series? >_>
[MENTION=93409]FIRST-LAW---FANTASY[/MENTION]; Links replaced. :samuraihero:
Hi corocoro, for filefactory links that are down: ep 3 part 1, 4 part 1&2, 5 part 2, 6 part 1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18-20, 22, 23 part 1&2, 24 part 2&3. Thanks.
Gomen corocoro forgot to mention that for filefactory all the specials links are down too.
[MENTION=128114]vegas66[/MENTION]; Please note that inaccurate reports won't be handled due to time and bandwidth constraints - just verify with the link checkers in my signature which files are actually dead (note: "offline" in FileFactory terms means temporarily unavailable and is not going to be replaced) and come back to me with that. :runhappy:
All FF links including specials are dead if you can please re upload when possible .

Thank you!
[MENTION=44102]b0ss.1995[/MENTION]; Links replaced. :samuraihero:
Hey ho,

Rapidgator is completly down except ep 3,ep5 part 2 and ep 4 part 2 , can you reupload it?

Thanks as always!

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