Final Fantasy VII Vincent/Sephiroth When I bought this game I only went to work and then played it, otherwise I had no life during that time. To me it even had massive replay value, so I played it until the discs stopped working.

Next would be Final Fantasy Tactics Don't remember character names from it, just like the game play

Finally Final Fantasy X with Auron
Ah.. the eternal question of which FF is best...

Short and simple: Without any hesitation, FFVI has been *THE* best.

Explanation below: (Warning! Long rant below)

In FFVI, the amount of characters, their background stories, the villians (Kefka):eek:.
The overall storyline, the soundtrack, the hours needs to play thru, the *meaningful,
not useless (like blitzball)* side stories/quests, (still love the opera scene), the grinding
(Loved the vanish/doom trick). I loved every single moment of FFVI. I could not get enough.

FFVII = Second best. Well executed game/story/villian. Disliked Cloud for just a bit, but eventually got use to him. Liked that this was the 1st early polygon style FF game. Cut scenes were used where appropriate, unlike today.

FFIX = Third best. A joyful return to the classic RPG elements after the dump that was FF8.
Loved the soundtrack as well. Square owed me FFIX after I bought FF8 (I still feel Square still
owes me...)

Most Hated
FF8 = Drawing Magic off enemies in a RPG (Seriously WTF??!?!?) & *REALLY HATED* all
the main characters.
FFX = Blitzball in a RPG(WTF?!) that pissed me off the most and again, I hated *ALL*
main the characters.
FFXII = Linear map,no towns, no EXP/insta-heal/, characters that I barely even cared about.

Basically, I'm of the view that FFVI was a perfect "9.5" , then dropped a notch to "9" with FFVII and then when into "-10" on FFVIII, and then back to "7.5" with FFIX, and then went "-8" on everything else up to the current series.
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Whats your favorite FF series till date? Who is your favorite characters, both good and bad.
Favorutes are 7/8/9, i dislike the ones after those and the ones before i played on ipod touch which were poor quality ports, Squall = Best main char with vivi coming second! But Sephiroth is the meanest most bad-ass bad guy in the series IMO
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My favourite was Final fantasy X, Auron si such badass
I like most of the FF series, but the MMORPG FFXI was my all-time favorite, I loved it so much i played the mmo for 8 years of my life. :o_O: wow i just realized that's a long time.

Awwwwwwwwww. I couldn't stand XIII because it was so damn linear but I'm looking forward to XIII-2(I heard it won't be as straight forward ).
VII was my favourite, VIII ended up in the waste bin (just wanted to punch Squall repeatedly). Most of the others were good to one extent or other with the exception of XIV...... never has a game felt more like a chore - needless to say it didn't stay live long enough for the tial registration to expire >_<
All Final Fantasy's can not beat the awesomeness that is FFVI with FFV following behind. Finished that damn game so many times because I love it so much.
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I only played FFX and FFXIII, the story in X was better, it was a lot more focused. In XIII the supporting characters get too much screen time. The linearity didn't bother me too much, but I wish there were at least fake exploration like towns and stuff. I've been watching some of the XIII-2 trailers and gameplays, the quick time events that they added to the battle system do not impress me. They should bring back X's battle system, allowing the player to switch party members in battle.
I only played FFX and FFXIII, the story in X was better, it was a lot more focused. In XIII the supporting characters get too much screen time. The linearity didn't bother me too much, but I wish there were at least fake exploration like towns and stuff. I've been watching some of the XIII-2 trailers and gameplays, the quick time events that they added to the battle system do not impress me. They should bring back X's battle system, allowing the player to switch party members in battle.

Agree with you,
are you Like Final Fantasy XIII to?! what is your Favourite Character?
I Was play this games since January 2011
more videos for everyone, more parts of ffxiii-2 story is revealed.

TGS 2011 PS3:

TGS 2011 XBOX360:

i told myself i must get the japanese version this round, but i am feeling unsafe about completing the jap version despite being able to read japanese myself. i want the jap voices, looking for some opinions~
Japanese Voices>English hands down.

Sakamoto Maaya, FTW.

Also, to tell you the truth; there is just no way that any new game can surpass FFX, FFX-2, and FFVII story-wise. That is a little disappointing.
Japanese Voices>English hands down.

Sakamoto Maaya, FTW.

i know too! :(
its just some fear on my part that the game may be too lengthy/wordy that i may lose out on certain details, attacks, mission plots. hmm hmm... but i still feel like getting the japanese one of course, after the ffxiii US version did its numbers on me, i dont wanna go back to the eng voices

about the stories, yes, comparing the recent games to x and vii is far-fetched, given what they brought to the community years ago
Updated with Jap voice for the final trailer from square-enix


I think all the Final Fantasy games are beautiful, clear that as the emblematic FFVII say the first game in 3d and a beautiful story, but it came out almost simultaneously FFTactics, of course not be compared by the type of game but are very good, FFV is very good and I can not forget FF VI that's my favorite FF games but can not say that everyone has his touch beautiful and sad. Sorry mad bad english.
Yeah there is no doubt that this game is one of my favorite games and i am playing this game since first version of this game had revealed and continually i am trying new versions as it comes and i feel joy to play this game.
Wanna ask about Reikishi Zero, does that game needs control of analog / thumb pad ? (like Crisis Core)

My thumb pad is already malfunction for about a years and I dissable its function with a plugin,,

Wanna ask about Reikishi Zero, does that game needs control of analog / thumb pad ? (like Crisis Core)


Played and tested, yes, analog is needed for movement.
Direction pad is camera.
For me its FF8,Great love story and awsome soundtrack ;) Faye Wong "Eyes on me" Rocks !!!
I played FFI on the old NES when it first came out and loved it, and have played every one but 4 & 6 (they're on my list, but I need to load a PSX emulator first)

Favorite: FFX. The pure genius of Nobuo Uematsu's score and the story. I still am amazed at how different the opening scene around the campfire felt before playing the game and when it came around again near the end of the main story.

Fav Character: Yuna (FFX), Yuffie(FF7), Balthier(FFXII)

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