Finally, EmpressGame and Sei Shoujo is back for something New.


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Apr 15, 2018
after the release of Closed Game in 2015, it seems that finally the Empress game is back, planning something that seems to be a new game, Empress has updated its website with a new page. whose name is "Deceiver and kisaku". on the site appears the queen of eroges, Marie Mamiya, next to 2 silhouettes, of a woman and a man, who seem to me to be her parents. What would that be? this is a new game? Starless 2? or Starless origins with Marie Mamiye being the protagonist??(which is what it seems to be) who is the protagonist? Sawatari? or a new protagonist? i hope @mariemamiya do not be main character, because I do not like to play a nukige from the point of view of a woman, even because I am a man. I hope the Empress does not disappoint us, and that it be really a new game. what do you think?
Praise the Hentai Gods! A new game!

The silhouette on the right-side is from a elf game series:

Gonna dig around and see if the girl on the left with the pipe is from another game, the silhouette seems familiar.

I'm, wondering if this is some type of cross over game from 3 different series or if Sei will be taking on the whole thing. Not much yet and Japan are on break 4月27(土)~5月6日(月)So it might be a while on more news from the site.
I hope it is real full game , not just scenes for their online gatcha game
As long as it is NOT some mobile crap, then....


超豪華な フィットネスクラブ ”ロイヤル ファミリー フィットネスクラブ”

Per Google:

Work of lust still deeply ...
The work of the amorousness still deeply reigns in a vulgar position, the female emperor Mariko
Here she appeared, co-operated and controlled by Mamiya Seizan and Sugimoto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Super luxurious fitness club "Royal family fitness club"
A new story opens on the stage there
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Mamiya Seizan might be the other silhouette then? So could be Marie's Mom/Aunt/Sister.
I'm wondering if the kisaku refrence is a homage to elf rather then a out right use of the main character from that series of games. Prehaps his just some evil perv who works at this fitness club, getting the evils on some of the members.
Also the whole Pharmaceutical thing makes sense with Starless with how they would use f**ked up drugs through-out the game.
Now we have to wait anxiously for more information, for those who waited 4 years, this is nothing. for all that has been said here, to me it seems to be Starless Origins with crossover. I would like to have Sawatari as the Main Carácter.
They have updated the game page. Seems to be 2 games?

Showing some lovely art work!
That release date! Though at that price point will be pretty short!

The game will be split in two parts one being The Great Deciever and the other being Kisaku. But the stories will interlink together.
Sei will do everything on the former while he does art on the later with these two writers: and

Marina "Black Hair"
Maki "Blue Hair Pony Tail"
Reia "Blonde"
Miyuki "Blue Hair Short"

From my understanding the blonde lady is married to Kisaku since he inherited the drugs companny in the game his from. Therefore aquired part of his wealth. "Reia" the blonde lady seems to really look up to Marie and is joint owner of the gym with her.
Kisaku is treated like a dog by her, but he roams around the gym perving up on the ladies.
The short blue haired girl "Miyuki" seems to want power influence but Kisaku gets some blackmail on her. But it seems she wants to use Kiasku back to get information too.
Pony tail blue hair girl, "Maki" is a fitness instructor who is new to the job at the gym.
Marie seems to just want to gobble up sperm from members of the gym, since she thinks it keeps her youthful. LOL
The black hair chick "Marina" is a actress who is meant to have a secret, hence you could see her being the futa gambit.

They have a release date set for 28/6/2019 and the price point is 2,200 yen for each game. With this price point expect the games to be pretty short but you are getting two games.
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thanks for the information! the site has already updated the story of the characters and has released new images. as always Sey shoujo with his perfect art. I loved the affordable price of the game, no doubt I will buy. but I would very much like it to be a Starless 2, with Sawatari back, not necessarily in that mansion. since it is not, we only have to hope for a Male protagonist. because I hate playing eroge from a female point of view. June 28 is close.



Okay here is a breakdown of all the information on the site. I can't say this is 100% correct, I just combined several translation sources hence why i left the Japanese text, for others to throw in what they can get from it. Italic text is my take.

2019.6.28 RELEASE
2 タ イ ト ル 同 時 発 売
Empress elf Empress X Elf 『GREAT DECEIVER( グ レ ー ト ・ デ ィ シ ヴ ァ ー)』
『 鬼 作 た ち 』
そ れ ぞ れ 麻 理 絵 サ イ ド と 鬼 作 サ イ ド の ゲ ー ム に な っ て い ま す 。
同 じ 舞 台 で Empress と elf の 両 作 品 が ク ロ ス オ ー バ ー し ま す 。
ご 期 待 く だ さ い !

2019.6.28 RELEASE
2 title same-time departure
It is a game of one story of Marie and one story of Kisaku each respectively .
Both the Empress and elf will cross over into the same setting.
Please wait !
So you have two games here one side being Marie's "Great Deceiver" one being Kisaku "鬼 作 た ち". The stories will be set at the same place and tie-in even though they are two different games.

Great Deceiver Information:
今 な お 色 欲 の 業 が 深 く 絶 対 的 地 位 に 君 臨 し て い る 間 宮 麻 理 絵
彼 女 が 姿 を 現 し た こ こ は 、 間 宮 財 閥 と 杉 本 製 薬 が 共 同 で 運 営 、
管 理 し て い る 超 豪 華 な フ ィ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ 『 ロ イ ヤ ル ・ フ ァ ミ リ ー
フ ィ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ 』 麻 理 絵 が 自 身 の 専 属 の ト レ ー ナ ー と し て
指 名 し た の は 、 筋 肉 ム キ ム キ の 男 た ち で は な く 、 普 通 の ボ デ ィ ー
の 主 人 公 だ っ た 。
そ し て 美 の 追 求 の た め の 甘 美 で 猥 な ト レ ー ニ ン グ が 始 ま る 。
Mamiya Miyae A work of a variety of colors is now deeply rooted in an absolute position Mamiya Tsubaki and Sugimoto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. are jointly operated by this woman who has appeared. Super fine fit management club “Loyal family” Fit picture 's picture is my own exclusive trainer It is not a male of muscle meat miki miki that I have specified, but a regular body I was the lord of the house. And sweet and elegant training for the pursuit of beauty begins.
Marie is still in this and her company Mamiya Tsubaki from "Starless" cross over with Sugimoto Medicine "company from the old Kisaku game" to make the Royal Family of ultra-luxury Fitness Clubs. Marie is a professional trainer at the club. It's not a muscle i.e body building club but training on being a "lord of the house" or could mean to look beautiful. Sweet and elegant training in the the pursuit of beauty.

Kisaku "鬼 作 た ち" Information:
ロ イ ヤ ル ・ フ ァ ミ リ ー・ フ ィ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ
ア イ ド ル や 女 優 、 プ ロ ス ポ ー ツ 選 手 だ け で な く 財 界 の 大 物 ま で も が
通 う セ レ ブ 御 用 達 の 高 級 フ ィ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ 。
選 ば れ た 者 だ け が 会 員 に な る こ と を 許 さ れ た そ の 場 所 が 、
" 道 " に 進 す る 男 た ち の 狩 場 と な る 。
Royal Family Fitness Club
Not only idols, women, professional sports players, but also big people in the world of wealth.
A high-class fitness club for celebrities to attend.
Only the chosen ones are allowed to become members. 、
It becomes a hunting ground for men who proceed to the "road".
Breakdown of the type of members and class that join the Gym. The last line is basically saying it is a hunting ground for men to learn the "way". So it teaches them to be perv's or something.Or it just means that Kisaku is using this area for his own devilish means.

Character Information

from left to right.
Marie's Game Side:
も り む ま り な
森 村 満 里 奈
テ レ ビ や 映 画 な ど で 活 躍 す る 人 気 女 優 の 一 人 。
フ ァ ン も 多 く 、 と く に 男 性 に は そ の 美 し い 美 の せ い
で 人 気 が 非 常 に 高 い 。
だ が そ れ は 表 向 き の 姿 で 、 彼 女 に 気 に 入 ら れ た 主 人 公 は
本 当 の 彼 女 の 姿 を 知 る こ と に な る
Morimura Mitsuna
One of the popular female actors active in television and movies. There are also many fans, and especially for men, their beauty is The public is extremely high. However, it is a face-to-face appearance, and the master who was bothered by the girl is Become aware of the true girl's appearance.
A popular female actor starring in television and movies. She has many fans especially male ones for her beauty and her public profile is very high. However this is just her public appearance. The hero who likes her will learn of this girls true appearance.

す ず か ま き
鈴 鹿 真 希
主 人 公 と 同 じ く イ ン ス ト ラ ク タ ー 志 望 で や っ て き た 少 女 。
明 る い 性 格 で 主 人 公 と す ぐ に 打 ち 解 け る 。
無 事 彼 女 も イ ン ス ト ラ ク タ ー と し て 採 用 さ れ る が ・・・
Suzuki Maki
The little girl who came by the instructor Shiri Nozomi as well as the main person public .
It is a bright personality and can be easily shared with the Lord.
No matter, she will be employed as an instructor as well. ・・・
A young girl who wants to become a new instructor along with the hero. Being a fitness instructor has been her wish. She has a cheerful personality and is freindly to the hero.
She will get employed has an instructor but does that really bode well for her...

ま み ま り え
間 宮 麻 理 絵
間 宮 財 閥 の ト ッ プ に 君 臨 す る 女 帝 。 若 く し て 夫 を 亡 く
し た 未 亡 人 だ が 、 た ぐ い ま れ な る 才 能 と 智 の 持 ち 主
で 間 宮 財 閥 を 不 動 の 地 位 に 押 し 上 げ た 異 質 な 功 労 者 。
年 齢 に 似 合 わ ず 、 そ の 容 姿 は 意 外 な ほ ど 若 さ を 保 っ て
い る 。 美 容 に は 得 に 気 を 配 っ て お り 、 そ の 若 さ と 美
を 維 持 す る 為 と し て 、 若 い 男 の 精 液 を 毎 日 欠 か さ ず
飲 む 事 を 日 課 と し て い る 。
Mamiya Marie
Mamiya Ema
The princess of the shrine is the female emperor. A widow who is young and has lost her husband, he is a possessor of wisdom and wisdom who holds up Mamiya Keizai Shimbun to a position of immobility and raises foreign matter. A successful person. Regardless of their age, their appearance is unexpectedly young. The beauty is very careful and the daily routine is to drink the young man 's seminal fluid every day without hesitation to maintain his youthfulness and beauty. doing .
She is the Empress of the Mamiya Financial Group and reigns at the top. When young she become a widow after the lose of her husband, who was a man of merit who pushed up Mamiya financial group to a immovable position of wealth and success with unique talent.
She doesn't look her actual age, she has a young figure for her age is unexpected. She pays attention to obtaining beauty everyday very carefully. She drinks the semen of young men without hesiation has part of her daily routine to maintain her youth and beauty.

れ い あ
麗 亜
間 宮 麻 理 絵 に 劣 ら ず 美 の 持 ち 主 。 麻 理 絵 を 慕 い 、 尊 敬
し て い る 間 宮 財 閥 が 杉 本 製 薬 を 傘 下 に 収 め た い が た め に 、
共 同 で 運 営 し て い る 高 級 フ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ 「 ロ イ ヤ ル ・
フ ァ ミ リ ー・ フ ィ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ 」 の オ ー ナ ー。 財 閥 と
杉 本 製 薬 の 策 略 と し て 鬼 作 と 政 略 結 婚 さ せ ら れ て い る が 、
本 人 は 鬼 作 の こ と を 気 に も 留 め ず 、 扱 い は 犬 以 下 と し て
絶 対 的 上 位 の 立 場 を 確 保 し て い る 。
自 身 の 容 姿 に 気 を 使 い 若 さ と 美 へ の 執 着 は 麻 理 絵 以 上 。
Amamiya Rei
No less beautiful than Makie. Adoration of Mari-e, reverence and reverence
While you are in for a Palace estate you want to put down your Cedar drugs under your umbrella.
Royal high-class fitness club operated by the same ・
He is the owner of the Family Fitness Club. The foundation and
He was married to an ogre as an abbreviation for the suginobon drug, but 、
He does not care about the ogre's work, and treats it as a dog
In addition, we have established a position in the top position.
He was careful about his appearance, and wearing clothes for his youth and beauty was more like Mari-E than Mairi-e .
She is a woman of beauty just like Marie. She adores Marie. She works for the Mamiya Financial Group with the highest respect, she wants to put the Sugimoto medicine manufacture in the subsidiary of the Mamyia Financial Group.
Part of polictical tactics of Mamiya's company to gain wealth, she married Kisaku to gain the Sugimoto medicine manufacture company and it's top position.
Creating a joint merger the "Royal family fitness club", to be managed be her with Marie's company. She dosen't care what Kisaku gets upto and treats him like his in the position of a dog. She takes care of her beauty, youth, and figure with devotion even more so then Marie.

Kisaku Game Side:
き さ く い と う き さ く
鬼 作 ( 伊 頭 鬼 作 )
伊 頭 家 の 三 男 で か つ て 杉 本 製 薬 で 登 り 詰 め た 男 。
そ の 後 、 間 宮 財 閥 の 美 容 関 連 の 部 門 を 統 べ る 麗 亜 と
政 略 結 婚 し た 。
今 は そ の 女 性 の 経 営 す る 高 級 フ ィ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ で
管 理 人 を し な が ら 鬼 畜 道 に 選 進 し て い る 。
管 理 人 職 は 片 手 間 で 、 盗 聴 、 盗 撮 は お 手 の 物 。
肉 た ち の 弱 味 を 掘 む た め に 日 々 努 力 を 惜 し ま な い 。
Kisaku Toki Saku
Onisaku (Iso Oni Saku)
A third son of the Izu family who had been completed with Sugimoto Yakuhin. After that, he married a policy with Reya, who will lead the section of the beauty association of Mamiya Sakai. Now he is a manager of a high-grade fit club who manages the woman, and is promoting a devil's way while doing the management. The manager's job is between one hand, eavesdropping, and voyeur is your hand. We will not make every effort to dig into the weaknesses of the meat.
Kisaku is the third son of the Izu family. The old ELF games are each based on these brothers going through to the last one which starred Kisaku. He inherited/"blackmailed his way to the top" of Sugimoto Pharmaceutical. He married Reia for company political reasons who leads the Mayima's company beauty association. He is now a manager of this cross over company between Mayima/Sugimoto LTD the Royal Fitness Club. He spends his manager job eavesdropping and voyeuring to looking for the weakness of women doing it the "devil way".

き り や み ゆ き
霧 夜 美 幸
間 宮 財 閥 の 総 帥 ・ 間 宮 麻 理 絵 の 付 き 人 を 自 称 す る キ ャ リ
ア ウ ー マ ン 風 の 女 性 。 上 昇 志 向 が 強 く 、 権 力 を 求 め て い
る こ と を 隠 そ う と し な い 。 己 の 美 に 自 信 を 持 っ て い る 。
麻 理 絵 の こ と は 尊 敬 し て お り 信 頼 も し て い る 。 麻 理 絵 に
近 付 こ う と す る 男 を 警 戒 し て い る 為 、 鬼 作 に は 煙 た が ら
れ て い る 。
あ る 日 、 鬼 作 に 弱 味 を 握 ら れ て 脅 さ れ て し ま う が 、 逆 に
し て フ ィ ッ ト ネ ス ク ラ ブ の 実 験 を 握 ろ う と 画 策 す る
野 心 家 で も あ る 。
Kiriya Miyuki
A self-proclaimed carrier of Mamiya Makoto's general manager / Mamiya Mamiya Aurman-like woman. Kamisano's direction is strong, seeking power Don't try to hide it. I have faith in my own beauty. The picture of the picture is respected and trusted. To the picture Because he is guarding a man who is trying to get close, he has smoked a demon work Yes. One day you may be threatened by being held weak by demons, but conversely Then, it is a plan to try to grasp the experiment of the fitness club He is also an ambitious person.
Miyuki is the genreal manager of Mamiya's Financial company. She is strong and seeking power and doesn't hide that fact. She has faith in her beauty. She is respected and trusted in her role. Kisaku find out her weakness and uses it to blackmail her. But her being the ambitious person she schemes to reverse this while, grasping the experiment of the the Royal Fitness Club.
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thanks for the information. the game seems to me that there will be no routes, given that it will be so short. I just wanted to know if this game happens before starless or after. I only regret the fact that sawatari is not in the game.
thanks for the information. the game seems to me that there will be no routes, given that it will be so short. I just wanted to know if this game happens before starless or after. I only regret the fact that sawatari is not in the game.

Well to speculate I would say Marie's game would have you be another MC similar to Sawatari, due to mentions of a "hero/MC" type in Mitsuna's and Maki's profiles. While in Kisaku side game, I expect we will play Kisaku and maybe interact with the MC from Marie's side of the game.
While the game is short I would expect routes but maybe only 2 to 5 endings, a bit like Miel or Lilith games.

So far nothing gives concreate info on if this is set before or after Starless. If anything I expect something like that would be a easter egg deduced from context in-game or left to speculation.
It's odd that none of her family are even mentioned in passing other the the husband.
It says her husband is already dead so she should have her daughters and son, that's if they are from him or even her. ;)
I hope this game is success comercially. I want to see another Elf character get another game. Especially Gatenkei series.
It's finally out brothers.
But I am afraid scenes number is freaking short :(
I am just afraid to see there is 3 scenes with Marie's sexy body and "ciao... Arrivederci" :(
It's finally out brothers.
But I am afraid scenes number is freaking short :(
I am just afraid to see there is 3 scenes with Marie's sexy body and "ciao... Arrivederci" :(

Yeah, i think it's straight forward too. Kikakku story even shorter.
Yeah, i think it's straight forward too. Kikakku story even shorter.

To be honest I don't really care about the Kikkaku game. Unless it's mixing with characters from Great Deceiver.
When you look at the cast, there is only the blue hairs girl in Kikkaku and girls I find attractive are all in G.Deceiver lol
really disappointed ...... T_T the game too short, really short compare to their old games .. and the story nothing special too, god !

too much disappointed
really disappointed ...... T_T the game too short, really short compare to their old games .. and the story nothing special too, god !

too much disappointed

the old games were full games, priced at 10,000 yen, Greater and Deceive cost only 2,000 yen, so it was to be expected that it would be shorter! I have not played yet, I will wait 2-3 months to buy the Greater and Deceiver! but the little I saw of the game, I liked it. this game will make a big profit, and symbolizes the return of the Empress to the market!
Is anyone running these games on VM? I'm running into an sound issue when trying to run Great Deceiver on Japanese Win7 VM. It doesn't recognize the VM's sound device. Has anyone been able to solve this? Thanks.

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ProfProcPlot wrote on Lebedev's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[2001][e-Erekiteru] Suiso ~1/2 no Kiseki~(水素~1/2の奇蹟~) [Soundtrack OP+ ED + Update]

ShowMeYourMoves wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
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