Well I watched Dragon Ball and all those popular shows that came on toomani etc back in the day.....As for the first anime that I watched on the internet and was aware that it was an anime was KissxSis OVA. That didn't get me into watching animes often though. It was in june 2010 when I watch B Gata H Kei is when I got hooked in watching animes on a regular basis
every thing was begin when i was i 6 years old in this period (al bahrin) release the first anime channel the name of this channel was mmmmmmm........ {oh yeah } i remember the name {space toon} and the first anime i have watch in this chanell The Jungle Book: The Adventures of Mowgli
and the series was arabic dub
I think all the 90's kids have gone through pokemon as their first anime. As for the first anime i had found through the net is Bleach. I remember thinking of how amazing it was during the early epsiodes, Oh how it has fallen.
I'm not sure what was my 1st anime. When I was a kid, I watched a lot of them as they were on TV. I think my 1st anime is Dragon Ball or maybe Cardcaptor Sakura or Fruit Basket. But, I never finished all of them.
I think the 1st anime I completed is either Black Cat or Law of Ueki. Moh, I have such a bad memory..!
I think my first anime was Pokemon and Sailor Moon and I was around 10/11-ish if I remember right. Then, like some of you I didn't become super interested until a bit later, and this time it was Inuyasha which got me back into enjoying anime and then seeing all the varieties out there (thank you Adult Swim!).
The first anime I can remember seeing was Dragonball Z back when I was five. A little after that was Tench Muyo, Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Gundam, Big O, etc. etc. Those were good days.
EDIT: Oh and Pokemon, although I never cared much for it.
Doraemon of course :D. I watched it when i was little. But at that time i đi not know it is an anime.
The anime make me into anime, it's probably Baka test or Hoshi no koe.