First love. First Boyfriend. First Heartbroken. (This is a true story, not made up)

I am impressed. Thank you for sharing your story with us. :-) Not many people are willing to reveal anything personal. Even with a fairly anonymous forum identity, it takes courage.

Is chapter 2 slow coming because you are not finished living it? I have to admit that I am looking forward to it, but don't rush. No pressure. I can wait as long as it takes, even if it's as long as tomorrow. lol

Me hopes it doesn't start with something like "Once I found the traitors home, I waited for the lights to go out to make my move. Rope, handcuffs, crow bar duct tape. It's GO TIME!" Ha ha J/K.

I know this is your story, but I would like to share a little of my own also. It may help? Who knows. I have been here a year and your post count is higher than mine in less than a month. lol I generally only post if I think it may help or be relevant to someone, so here goes.

Even though I may be the oldest one here (41) I still remember it like it was yesterday. If you know true love, you will never forget. I met my first love when I was 15. I was at a pizza/game place with friends. It was one of those "their eyes met from across a crowded room" things. I knew from the first instant that she was different. I had never met her, but I could swear I felt the pure kindness of her soul. It was like the warmth of sunshine that makes you want to lie down in a field and just soak it up. It was the first time my heart fluttered just looking at someone. She was with friends also. My group was seated within earshot of hers. I hadn't worked up the courage to talk to her yet when I overheard her tell her friends she had to walk 3 miles to get home so she should leave now. I felt absolute panic. What if I never saw her again? I didn't even know her name. Needless to say, I abandoned the friends I was with like they were burning poop and ran for the door. My voice and courage managed to hold together somehow as I introduced myself and offered to walk her home. She accepted without hesitation, grinning like a cat with a mouse. Hmm? Three miles on foot makes lots of time to talk. We hit it off like we had known each other forever. When I walked her to her door, we shared each others first kiss. Things moved fast and we spent every possible second together. I would sneak out and go to her window at night. Her inside and me out, we talked till dawn every night. Three days later on my 16th birthday, she asked me to come in that window and we shared other "firsts". (see, life IS like eroge)

Interesting note. I found out later that that "meeting of fate" and long walk home was well planned out by her and her friends. lol That explains that grin she had. Seems she had been secretly stalking me for a month. I am so glad that crazy girl chose me. Any man that claims to understand women only thinks that because his woman chose to let him. Truth.

We were together for two very happy years. We had plans to get married after we graduated high-school. However, one day my super-ultra-mega-uber religious parents caught us in the act. The next day I was shipped off to live with my grandparents in the middle of nowhere. It was 200 miles away. I was so far out in the country that we only got 1 TV station and 2 radio stations. Long distance relationships at that age seem almost impossible. We stayed emotionally and physically faithful to each other for almost a year. She finally gave up. I don't blame her. It was selfish of me to try to keep her when I couldn't be there for her.

We each ended up going on with life separately. We lost touch and didn't see or speak to each other for 16 years. I guess we both felt pain and guilt. In that time we each met someone, married and had kids. Unfortunately my wife and I decided to permanently separate (not divorce). Long story I won't make you read. lol. Thank me later. Two days after I moved out I got a call that stopped my heart for a second. It was her. After 16 years, it was her. She tracked me down through common childhood friends (eroge again) and called me to let me know that she had left her husband and was driving back to Texas. She had no idea at the time, but we each left our spouses on the same day. We were only going to have dinner and talk about the good old days. I really had no plans beyond that. When I saw her for the first time in so many years, it was just like our first meeting so long ago. (checks for that cat n mouse grin) I realized it in that instant. I felt her warmth again and wanted to bask in it. I knew then that I had never stopped loving her. I may have pushed it aside and tried to forget so I could live my life, but it all came rushing back. I cried like a baby when she jumped into my arms and held me so tightly for so long. It was like the world stopped. It was the second time in life my heart fluttered just looking at someone. I am a little ashamed to admit that not even with my wife did I feel that way.

We got a house and stayed together for 5 years. Her mom got cancer and she had to go to her. I understand. I would have done the same. Those were the happiest 5 years of my life. I hope she doesn't wait another 16 years to make her next appearance in my life. Getting old here. lol

The reason I shared this was in the hope that all you fine young otaku realize that true love is never forgotten, the future is never certain, and anything is possible. (also that life IS eroge) If it is meant to be, it will be. Don't burn your bridges. You never know when love will come knocking or where it might come from.
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Whoa XD That is quite a story you have xD So many coincidences (and plots) Soo i guess i should find out what heart fluttering is :/
ITT: Personal life stories.

But seriously, that really was quite a story. Will there be a second chapter?
Wow, your story is like the complete opposite of ChewToy's, and I'm not saying that mockingly.

The ending was quite vague; is there gonna be a continuation of this, or did you intentionally leave out details?

Anyways, I feel sorry for you man; hope things work out eventually.

EDIT: Baka deleted posts. orz

Can someone merge this post with the one above?
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Hey that's a great story!!!
Nah, i just don't have enough free time to sit down and start writing haha but i'll finish it somehow within this week HEHE

^__^ Hey peoples, don't hesitate to share your personal love stories on here (it's not like someone really know who you're talking about and doesnt it feel great when you write your experiences/ feelings out? It brings back warm memories when you type stuff like this ^__^)

^__^ keep posting.. I'm going to post mine very soon HEHE
^__^ Hey peoples, don't hesitate to share your personal love stories on here (it's not like someone really know who you're talking about and doesnt it feel great when you write your experiences/ feelings out? It brings back warm memories when you type stuff like this ^__^)

Obviously didn't read my story... Anyway I took it down so i can finish and revise it and post it later, I already worked on it for close for 4 hours...

btw get on IRC XD
Obviously didn't read my story... Anyway I took it down so i can finish and revise it and post it later, I already worked on it for close for 4 hours...

btw get on IRC XD

HAHAHAHHAHAHA you seriously like writing love exp hehe?

Ahh, okay ^__^
This story sounds like how a client tells the DHCP server, hey, you screwed up!

DHCPDISCOVER -> (Guy who you were talking to)
DHCPOFFER <- (This is you, moyoyi)
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Ghh... love is... yeah... o.o
Hard to understand sometimes...
myself i have some weird experiences..
~stares at the floor
My first love was quite simply put a douche =X When I think about it I don't know WHY I even fell for him XD
oh so [MENTION=11822]Maeko[/MENTION] is a guy...
didn't know that...
how do you be more female than 100%? <_<;

Besides, how do we know you're female? Females don't exist online, they are usually guys or FBI agents :p
i dont know but it would make sense if she is a she right?
but cool anyway. ;)
not necissarily, homosexuality is a matter of personal preference after all :3
hey, thats... aha... i get where you're going... but it doesn't seem so in this situation.
of course not :p

I had a gf once in a long distance relationship, though delving into detail requires utterance of somewhat profane and disrespectful words.
[MENTION=8006]Mahoro[/MENTION]: Females are a rare breed online =p or GIRL = Guy In Real Life in MMOs rofl. Also I can be 1000% female cos I'm awesome possum XD

Nah but in my humble opinion I think its lame to "pretend" to be a girl online or guy. Really, what's the point =.=

[MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION]: I do wish I was a guy sometimes cos of er..the monthly issues one has to go through sometimes. Would be nice to not have to worry about cramps every so often >.>
Haha, of course its lame to pretend to be the opposite gender, but you don't see people stopping now do you? lol

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