Guardian RP (OOC Thread + Sign up)

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. I'll try my best to create a character bio for both my character and my guardian. I'll edit this post with what I come up with when I can, unless someone posts after this.
Make it for both yourself and the guardian? As long as its not over powered then its fine..~
Okay, here we go.
Name: Aselia / Guardian #0328 S-Type (Nicknamed: Yuuto)
Race: Spirit
Age:apparant age: 19 / 21

Profile: Aselia met Yuuto while she was out conducting a field scan for her initial kingdom. Yuuto was near death, bleeding and almost unconscious from a guardian beating him, and she took it upon herself to nurse him back to health. Since that fateful day, Yuuto had since taken respnosibility and guarded Aselia where she goes with all his power and strength, even though Aselia is perfectly capable of fighting on her own if the need should arise.

It would seem, though, that Yuuto desires for more than to simply protect Aselia. However these thoughts have been pushed to the back of his mind.

Location: Trixat Safehouse.

Appearance: Aselia:

Personality: Aselia is air-headed most of the time, and always tries doing what's right. Her child-like personality can sometimes get in the way of things, but if there's a serious situation or if she's in the middle of a battle, her personality shifts almost as if she were a machine programmed only to kill.

Yuuto is very strong-willed, even-headed and acts like a father to Aselia sometimes. He is always serious no matter what the situation calls for, however when it comes to protecting Aselia he will not care for his own health or how badly he is injured, which may be his downfall.

Aselia: Mentally strong, Magic, Long-range Combat
Yuuto: Physically strong, CQC, Non-elemental blasts

- Aselia cannot handle being without her weapon. She needs it both for physical and magical attacks. If it's knocked out of her reach, she's good as dead.
- Aselia's energy cannot go farther than 50 meters from her, so she cannot manipulate objects in a distance farther than that.

> Yuuto is prone to heavy blows that shatter his spiritual walls.
> Yuuto is not too fast and cannot hit speedy/evasive targets.

Magic & Fighting style:
- Aselia levitates and can go up to 10 feet high in the air by pushing off of the ground using her energy, useful for dodging or getting a gravity-boosted blow.
- Aselia uses the same energy to have her sword levitate/float around her; she can do lightning quick slashes and defend in a flash with how quick she moves it.
- Aselia casts water magic; This can be used for either direct spells or used in tandem with her sword to create devastating magical and physical blows at the same time.

> Yuuto is very well built to take hits and dish them out back, often relying on a "Defend then quickly retaliate" strategy.
> Yuuto is able to form barriers of non-elemental magic to reduce spell damage with the energy he harnesses; the more he concentrates, the more solid the barrier will be.
> Yuuto commands non-elemental magic. He has no strengths nor weaknesses in this magic; he has the ability to explode a wide area of pure energy, resulting in destroying everything in its wake.
Honestly I have no idea if I'm doing this right, and I'm not too creative with names so I'm just going with their default names. Do Guardians have to be mechanical/in armor or can they just be anyone/anything as long as they have a backstory on why they are a guardian and why they appear human?

If I did anything wrong please correct me. I have no idea what restrictions are here as most roleplays are a lot more open with character bios. :reallyconfused:
Lol ehh well mokou is the one that would decide that? xD I just read everything =w=
I read over it Astral, from what I can see there isn't alot of errors apart from 2:
One being that it seems Yuuto's pic is 404'ing for me, so I can't say how he looks.
And secondly which is more a bit of explaining.. All Guardians do indeed have to look mechanical, otherwise it would mean some would be able to infiltrate the safehouses. And honestly, such a thing is not possible with the way how I set this RP in check..

Oh yes and, your starting safehouse location is off..~ so just change those things and it should be fine from what I can see..~
Hmm... well for those who are waiting... seems mokou isnt going to be back for a while...
this looks fun and very well done. Sorry I don't have time to join but will follow :)
mokou is busy atm i believe so probably when they have free time so they can moderate and such
I should finish the story :XD: Been writing the story for the mafia game and neglecting this one xD

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Could you please re-upload;

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Hi, could you reupload this one? Thank you.
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Hello, I would be very grateful if you could share this: