[Utility] GUI for Additional Bone Modifier bonefiles : "HS Active Bones Female"

I will try that. It didn't seem to do that the first time I used it but I did do some more tweaking on the character's hips in the Studio and THEN that's when I started to get the problem. Thanks for taking the time to explain.
This is an amazing mod by the way. Really good work! It lets you make your girl's bodies just perfect! I'm excited to see what other controls you might be able to give us in the future!

this tool is very helpful, thanks! would be great to have an option to control left and right breast independently.
Having slightly different breasts adds to realism, real persons are not perfectly symmetrical.
Very usefull tool.
I wonder if it is possible to make legs longer, while not making girl duck. Maybe there a way to make her taller, while not making all body parts longer?


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Hello zombiracer ..
The "duck mood" is result of Inverse Kinematic aims of "knees elbows and shoulders."
You scale the legs but shoulder and elbow poles/aims are still in same place. So it deforms the pose.
While we scale the legs; shoulder and elbow aims should raise up too.. ( I guess ) So legs will not bend.

Try changing the length of BONES in macro scale sliders...Last slider on the bottom mostly called "xxxx Bone length".. to fix it .. It helps mostly ... ( trial and error )

I don't know if it is possible to edit locations of the IK poles/aims..
I am still searching for it.
So the deformation is cause of the positions of the aim nodes. Not bones.
Probably These characters will be looking okay in STUDIO especially : if you use IK and edit aims and if you use amazing "HSStudio ADDON" to remove the weight of each AIM node.

[ I checked this Whole Legs Length in studio and it doesn't cause ducking .. Try to edit in studio zombiracer.]

General question :
"Does anyone know if there is there a way to edit IK aim /poles position with Additional Bone Modifier ?"

Updated to version 0.3 : Skirt size, hair front and forearm size added
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Do you think you could add pelvis controls to the GUI? In the bone modifier file, this seems to correspond to cf_J_Kosi01_s. As you can see in the screenshot below, this tool works out pretty well if you want to give your girl a baby belly (with some additional tweaking of the waist/pelvis size in the game proper). I don't know if there's anything that can be done about it, but if you go much bigger than that, you end up deforming the back a little too much.

(Fair warning to anyone who wants to try this, just know that a large belly like that will distort a lot of clothing or cause some weird clipping, so it'll limit wardrobe options a bit... but it does work.)


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Hello munddoman. Sorry for replying late..:redface:
That would be good cause there is a missing link there in belly zone ..
But i tried "cf_J_Kosi01_s" ..
It also scales back side of the body ..butts .
So amount the belly grows ; also buttocks grows.
So perhaps that bone may be incorrect ..
I will try to test bones with kosi prefix ..
In one of the forums "cf_J_Kosi03" was referred for it .. But i am not sure...
Any feedback will be appreciated...
Let me tell you this looks great but I have a problem, I extracted the sfx 7zip file and it gives me this folder, I open it and run the .exe file but it gives me a windows error :confused:
Basically it says: Windows can't access the specified file, the user might not have permission to access the item.
Im running win8.1 Pro and I only have my personal user... I've tried running as administrator but it gives me the same exact error. I have both HS Wide Slider and HS Additional Bone Modifier plugins installed and they are working fine, I really don't understand why this is happening :confused::confused:

Am I doing something wrong?
Hello munddoman. Sorry for replying late..:redface:
That would be good cause there is a missing link there in belly zone ..
But i tried "cf_J_Kosi01_s" ..
It also scales back side of the body ..butts .
So amount the belly grows ; also buttocks grows.
So perhaps that bone may be incorrect ..
I will try to test bones with kosi prefix ..
In one of the forums "cf_J_Kosi03" was referred for it .. But i am not sure...
Any feedback will be appreciated...

Unfortunately it does scale the butt as well. It only really works if you simultaneously slide down the pelvis in the character creator at the same time. So it's not really ideal, but it's workable. From what I experimented with, nothing else gave me the desired effect.
I will check the error Flex: Please provide the full error log so i can inspect . Windows should have been giving the full error log.
This error can be
1 Software size problem
2 OS side problem
I think it is related with file permissions..
After Windows 7 microsoft turned windows to a "PUZZLE"..
"User Account Control Settings" can be causing that.. But not sure
I have had to turn it OFF on my windows 7; JUST to successfully drag an image on to a painting software window. :)

We can understand better if we see the full log .
I will check the error Flex: Please provide the full error log so i can inspect . Windows should have been giving the full error log.
This error can be
1 Software size problem
2 OS side problem
I think it is related with file permissions..
After Windows 7 microsoft turned windows to a "PUZZLE"..
"User Account Control Settings" can be causing that.. But not sure
I have had to turn it OFF on my windows 7; JUST to successfully drag an image on to a painting software window. :)

We can understand better if we see the full log .

Thanks for the response, can you tell me how do I check the log? Sry for the ignorance but I have no clue, I mean I could link a screenshot but it wouldn't matter because you wont understand (language), if there's any way to paste some kind of log like you say please tell me how.

Once again thanks for your patience, I really want to use your program :D
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Re: GUI for Additional Bone Modifier bonefiles : "HS Active Bones Female"

I will work on it Mundoman.. Yes editing related sliders may create desired effect. I already added in raw code to see. Probably in next versionwill have it.
I will also add eyebrows. Cause some eyebrow MODES floating in the air over the skin. :eek:

Oh :
Under windows ERROR DIALOG there should be "send error log" and "view details". Just check in the warning dialog.. You can just take a snapshot of the dialog and error log..
Or just copy details as text and paste ..It should be a variable dump and i think ERROR logs should be english .

"OR Which file it says that can not be accessible ?...." File name ? Check if folder is READONLY
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The error I get...

and btw after I click on the .exe file inside the extracted paste it gets deleted (the .exe file) :(

Check my last (edited) post, is that what you looking for? Im so confused xD
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Oh seems like it is permission problem.
Try this .. Extract the pack .
Disconnect from internet .
On start find : [User Account Control Settings.] change it to NEVER Notify.
Restart Windows.
Try to run it again ...See this time if it works..

I think windows trying to prevent computer according to your settings..

IF it works. Then it is permission problem.
You can turn on [User Account Control Settings.]
Then find a permission solution.
I dont know permission settings cause it is over complicated . I just turn all warning off and i rely on my firewall.. :P

Try next method first ---->

Windows Defender deleting the file Cause it is not an installed application.
CHECK here Please . This will do ..

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Oh try this as well.. Windows Defender deleting the file Cause it is not an installed application.
CHECK here Please . This will do it ..


Ok so im back after doing everything you said, User Account Control Settings is now set to never notify, and I have restarted my computer... Nothing changed, same error :(

I tried to do that but my windows defender is already turned off because it was causing me some disk usage problems if I remember correctly, so I cant even open it or change settings, I don't think thats the problem (?).

Im so sad :@

LOL I figured it out... I thought if it wasn't win defender maybe the problem was my antivirus, I tried to disable it and guess what.. IT WORKS NOW.........................

Anyways im really thankful for your help! People like you give a purpose to this forum! ;)
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Hello Guys .. I just saw a message in Hongfire ..
I have a problem ..Seems like i lost my account information in Hongfire and i can not login there..
Anyway ..message is :
User Creb**l : "HS Active Bones Female" Won't work with Neo studio, any plans to update it to work with the new studio? "

I made a test today with latest DLCs.. And it works..
So "HS Active Bones Female" also not creating any problems with Studio NEO..

And those friends that requested additional bones to be added. Sorry..I did not have time to work on it ..
And also waited the whole DLC storm to be passed LOL
Probably I will do it soon..
Hello brother,

I just wanna say this is probably my favorite mod in the history of this game. Recently, I converted to HS Party(0628 Patch). I have the newest wideslider.exe(0.83) installed. I also have the most recent additional bone modifier (0.74) installed. After I did all this, HS Active Bones Female stopped working in Character Maker, Studio and NEO Studio. I tried playing around with the bars and there was no change to the girl's appearance.

I haven't the slightest idea of how modding works, and honestly I'm not even sure I'm giving you enough info for troubleshooting. So I apologize if I come off as incompetent or rude or both. XD
One thing is that I didn't have the patience to re-apply each mod individually, therefore I simply dragged my abdata, plugins,userdata folders into the Party folder. Everything's running alright, except HS ACTIVE BONES FEMALE. I don't know if this is related but I do remember my stupid-ass doing such a thing.

I know you're probably busy IRL, so please get back to me at your convenience, brother. Again, please let me know what other info you need to fix this. Thank you!
P.S. I love your mod because i like to give my girls long, thick, spread-out hair. Your mod is essential to the core of my enjoyment of this game. Really, I sincerely think this is a great tool.
Hello Hermes.
Please check this first..
-You can not edit characters comes with a studio file.. You need to reload / replace characters from characters folder..
-Those that have text bones files.

Just try it with a empty scene .. Load a character to Active Bones. Then create same character in Studio ..Both studio is ok.

I do not see any other reason for the tool not to be working honestly..

Oh.. you can try manually editing a .bone file and see if ABM is working.. Than can give us some data too..
I today tested it in both studios and works fine ...
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Hello Smooth,

I tried your method and made sure I loaded from the characters folder. The ones i loaded all had bone files.
I then manually edited a bone file and no changes were seen. Does this mean something is wrong with my ABM?
Hello Smooth,

I tried your method and made sure I loaded from the characters folder. The ones i loaded all had bone files.
I then manually edited a bone file and no changes were seen. Does this mean something is wrong with my ABM?

yea ..it means your ABM is not functioning . One reason can be the old version syndrome .. :P Make sure you have latest version of all plugins and plugin architecture ..
Cause after new DLCs there were so many important changes hermes. Maybe this can be the only reason as well. Please check all versions from pastebin page

PASTEBIN Honey Select Information & Update repository.

I really hope & expect this will solve the problems .
If anyone would like to have a translated version of Active Bones..

Please Translate the Text below. Without editing punctuation marks or line ends.
I will make version in that language ...

TEXTS STARTS ------------------------------

HS Active Bones Female

["Character Scale","Labia", "Hair:Top","Hairigtails","Head Scale","Head&Neck Scale","Neck Tone","Arms Scale 1","NeckDelta Scale","Hands Size","Whole Legs",
"Knees&Below Scale","Feet&Ankles Scale","Feet Scale","HipsDelta Tone","Waist Tone","Upper Thighs Tone","RibCage Scale",
"NeckDelta&Above","Hips&Below","Waist&Above","RibCage&Above","Toes","Calves Tone","Knees Zone","Knee Tone",
"Hair:Bangs","Lower Thighs Tone","Lower Leg Length","Buttocks Tone","Buttocks Apart","Anus","PointyNipple Tweak","Arms Scale 2","Hair:Sides",
"Hair:Back","Forearm Size","Forearm Tone","Ankles","Hair:TopF Sides","Skirt","Skirt Butts",


File , Open , Close , Reset Current Bone , Quit
Active Bones , A GUI for Additional Bone Modifier
"Error", "This is Not an valid Female Bone Card !"
"File successfully saved."
"An Error occured while writing file."
'Create Bone File', 'Character does not have bone file . Create it ?'
"WARNING : No such bone file exist"
"Error", "This is not a HS Female Character File"

TEXT ENDS ---------------------------

PLEASE : How nice it will be if someone translate this to JAPANESE.. I Guess we owe this to Japanese guys... Don't we ? ;)
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Version 0.4
Update notes : Added Belly Bone , Added Spanish Version . [ GreatThanks to "Sursista" for Spanish Translation. ]
Can someone translate it to Japanese ? Contact me via im ..
Problem solved. Thanks Smooth!

Turns out I didn't do that "drag game.exe into IPA.exe" deal. I need to start knowing my plugins!
I appreciate your help and sorry for missing your last response there.

You're a great modder and I look forward to your work in the future.

My Account on hongfire not functioning anymore ..
I can not login at all.. I don't know why ...!
It will be appreciated if someone posts a message there in ActiveBones Post in Hongfire that refering to this post....
All questions will be accepted here in AnimeSharing and help will delivered :)

UPDATE : Thank you Calibre
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Re: "HS Active Bones Female" V 0.2 : GUI for Additional Bone Modifier bonefiles :

Thank you a lot for this. It is 0ne of the greatest tool for body diversity in HS.
Let me ask you about "Missing Bones File" - are all possible bones from HS in it? If yes, I am hilarious! If not, is there a accessible list with this whole collection?
Thanks again!

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I need Japanese version only.
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