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New member
Sep 29, 2012
Hey :3

Ich bin Tsuki o.o
Bin 19 und lebe im Saarland <3
Ich.. habe 2 eigene Katzen :3 beide ca 1 Jahr alt
Bin eig lieb allerdings auch etwas pervers o.o
Ein Anime Fan bin ich seit ich 8 bin xD
und so grob war es ds eig wer mehr wissen mag einfach fragen <3

lg Tsu~ki ♥

Now in English with google trans D:

Hey: 3

I am Tsuki o.o
I'm 19 and I live in Saarland <3
I have 2 cats own :3 are both about 1 year old
I really love but also something perverse oo
I'm an anime fan since I was 8 am xD
and that was the fact if you like to know more just ask <3

yay gooogle o.o ♥
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Welcome to AS Tsuki~

Hmm i dun think google did that great of a job with translations xD But decent i suppose~

Drop by the spam/games if you have time :3
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Hey there Tsuki,
Welcome to ASF,
Drop by games and spam sections if you have a time.
Nice to meet you :3
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Tsuki, and welcome to Anime-Sharing ! ! !
Welcome in the Nippon-area of ASF, Tsuki!

Feel you simply good here and with us all and have a good time...

Okay language-shift mode:

Willkomen in der Nippon-Zone von ASF, Tsuki!

Fühl dich einfach gut hier und mit uns allen, und habe einen guten Zeit hier...

(ps.: this not with g.-t. made..)
welcome in AS! so Google had improve their translation tool? that's still understandable
[MENTION=34199]Tsuki[/MENTION] : Welcome to ASF nyaaa~ :3
A cat lover...? Hm... I think we can get along very well.. :)
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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile. Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.

Agent_Smith wrote on biohrd's profile.
link dead