Half-Human & Half-Animal Contest with Chopsticks?!

Vote for your favorite Half-Human & Half-Animal with Chopsticks?! Piece~

  • IwantPedobearToo

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • renano

    Votes: 24 82.8%
  • Kuki

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • kami-onii-chan

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • Mato

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • nexus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ralium

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • DL Zandorf Rahamasch

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • SainTPrimE

    Votes: 7 24.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Capcom is smart for actually making different versions of the same game. Ex. Super Street Fighter: Arcade Edition. Do you know why? Because there may be those few people who don't have Xbox Live or PSN and want the DLC characters. Or you could just buy the latest version of the same game instead of getting the first version and buying the DLC, which would cost more.
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] I think that's the only solution :D

[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION] Yes, a few character are not good enough to use ^_^
I am going to stop buying capcom games on launch :p

[MENTION=10496]Kuki[/MENTION] yup also get that wire running XD
Hmm probably have them up tmr sometime... too lazy and tired today xD

Gahh whatever i procrastinated enough... Should honor the time that the contestants gave to join the contest with some time of my own~ Hmm scores... Do i have to use those? I feel actually giving scores to someone's piece may influence voters more than just giving my comments which would allow them to agree or disagree and think for themselves~ And onwards~

First off~ Thank you all for putting your time and effort into this little contest :3 You all make up an important part of all this and i hope you will take notice of our future contests too~ :pushups:

Hmm interesting entry. We can see great improvement from the first entry to the second. The chopsticks no longer look like antennas and there is more substance to the creation. The human half seems to have a vague resemblance to bison is street fighter due to the cap. I would say that the squid could have been larger and chopstick couldve stopped floating around.

[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ojou sama
There is an obviously large amount of effort put into this entry. That poem took quite a while to read and certain parts made my word stumble but nonetheless i read on for poems are written to be read out loud. Gahh got me into some odd poetic state... Anyhow the ending was somewhat more unexpected and made me wonder quite a bit. Now on to the piece. Buttersnake is quite the peculiar name though i suppose it fits. There is quite a large amount of detail and everything gives some sense of motion. The chopsticks seem somewhat randomly added to it though i think you gave a story why they were there at some point.

Hmm expecting that certain monkey to make the chopsticks extend and grow larger so he could smack people with it though it seems that he is only going to toss them through people. He has quite the glare which im sure would help with intimidating opponents. You seem to have gone for a more realistic approach which i would count as one of the more difficult methods and have the proportions placed decently.

Still quite curious what "that" is though it doesnt seem like i will get an answer... for now... The chopsticks seem in a somewhat more normal setting here though i do wonder how you got it from him to take that picture (considering how he seems to be holding it even in his sleep). The picture gives a sense of peace despite how his past was and the ominous future that was hinted at. I suppose this is like a little moment of peace during war times.

Hmm maybe try taking it at another angle and focusing? Somewhat different lighting may also help bring out the color of the piece as everything is somewhat blue. The chopsticks seem to have some designs on them but the image is somewhat blurry so i cant tell what. It could use improvements but isnt as bad as you say it is.

Kitsunemimi with ramen i assume? The proportions could use some work as the head seems to be as big as the body. Although that could be forgiven if there was certain circumstances that i dont see. Also seems like you forgot to color the eyes unless you intended to leave everything in the glasses white. If i view it as a somewhat more abstract piece then ill say that i like the colors chosen. Theyre quite bright creates a happy mood despite the confusion on his face. Btw whats tuda mean?

Quite the story you got there. I almost fell asleep at bla (actually im just tired). Hmm so is he a vampire of sorts? Seems to maybe be part golem of a lava type too. Also needs a larger shirt so he could fit more names of it.

[MENTION=30649]DL Zandorf Rahamasch[/MENTION]
Interesting story which i guess may have some foothold in reality besides the obviously false parts. An alternate view of the world as it is. The batman is quite well drawn although it isnt your entry or at least not your main entry. The human swordfish is quite original as an entry and decently well drawn. The proportions of the head bother me somewhat although im unsure if you intended for the head to be somewhat wide.

The bit of reality that you sneaked into the story was nice. The picture is also drawn well with random bits of detail around the page. The ramen looks quite appealing to hungry me and it seems like a homely place though at the same time not since i think it is a cafeteria or something along those lines.

The story was confusing at parts though i understood to some extent. It looks like quite a normal everyday scene for certain people. Sleeping or at least lying by the laptop with ramen. The head is a little small compared to the size of the rest of the body.

Anyhow these are just random little thoughts i had while examining each piece... there was also some distractions/annoyances in the form people and other stuff while i was typing this up... though i gave myself some time to get my mood somewhat more neutral before continuing to judge so ill hope it didnt actually effect too much~ Also quite sleepy since its 3:30 or so atm...
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Hello everyone.

I, renano, truly and sincerely apologize for my long absence.

As the creator of this contest, I do not seek forgiveness for my negligence. I would like at best a little understanding for suddenly disapearing.

What I may write ahead can be slightly pessimistic to people and appear off as if it is not me.

Why not read it as a diary excerpt?

I have been busy dealing with various emotions. Those emotions are very hazardous.

If some of you have read or seen any discussions about myself pertaining my 'hate' or my 'demons', I have been fighting against them.

Ah, in which reminds me, almost every night has some demon, shadow, or dark figure suffocating or trying to drag me somewhere. They keep muttering that "I will never escape" and that "I will join them one day".

Eh, in the end, my stupid heart has that thing called 'hope'. I laugh at myself for my sadistic nature in yet... I still cling to hope that I can be happy. I will find someone who will not think I am some abnormal woman. Someone who can accept me. Someday.


Due to that negativity, it disrupted my thoughts and each day I can only think about 'dark' things.

Therefore, I have been doing my 'self-discovery' or 'cleansing' if you will.

The cause for those emotions would lie in the fact of my personal life. From my parents' disapproval of my career, to thinking about marriage for me, to handing down my father's business, to seeking personal happiness, to pleasing an unsatiable mother, to seeing my father leave the house everyday for 4-8 hours with his friends leaving me to take care of my mother... I am just very tired.

I am very tired... emotionally and mentally.

My diary is full of pen marks of me stabbing it too many times to count. Haha...

Please do not consider what I have written so far as excuses. Instead, I would like all of you to consider them as reasons... as my selfish reasons for my absence.

I really needed a break.

My mind is focused a bit more now and I am laughing again with my parents. A forced smile is on my face sometimes though, but not everyone knows. When I do not smile, they call me strange. Although, that is my true expression. How ridiculous...

Alright, rant is done.

I do not know when I will be absent again. Could be soon or it could be later. For now, please bear with me. Even just for a little longer, please bear with me.

Thank you for reading. Thank you everyone. Thank you... thank you for being my friends.
Ojou sama... /me huggles ojou sama...

Hmm abnormal... well there isnt really something called normal... >.< Youre a dear friend to me so i hope you get better~
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/me hugs Sam

I find it funny that I know a guy named Sam and I call you Sam as well.

I am abnormal to those who I associate with. Once I discuss about other things like choking a dog purposefully with a corn cob because it amuses me, they think it's a joke. Of course, it is not.

I'm already deemed abnormal by my parents anyway.

I am pretty stable. I'll be fine.

Besides all that... how have you been Sam?

Thank you for keeping the contest alive.

Nero too. <3

I thank you and am glad to see you.
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Hey, renano. Glad you're temporarily back, though I won't be on much, since school is going to put some extra weight on my already-full-schedule.

Perhaps the darkness built up inside you, controlled you and your happy side is powerless against it until something managed to get it to fight back? I apologize as I am clearly unable to explain what I think about most of the time.

Anywho, I have been judging the entries accordingly and will post them approx. Thursday? Maybe, maybe not.

P.S. Don't listen to Sam, there's always a normal. Everyone has their own 'normal' whatever it is. Such as my heart beating rapidly every time I see that you post.
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Well similar name for different people~ Its not exactly a rare name~

Hmm im quite abnormal myself~ Different ways than you but people dont really understand me~ Or at least thats the idea i get from how their guesses at the reasons for my actions end up~ I doubt ill ever come to completely understand you but i have a somewhat more general idea...

Hmm ive been doing fine though school was somewhat on the tough side right from the start... But ill survive~

Cant quite keep the contest alive by myself... :x Could only attempt to...
Thank you, Nero~

Your post just now really brought my spirits up.

I feel similarly about the term 'normal'. I'm fine the way I am.

Also, that is inevitable about school. I would like you to enjoy yourself as best as possible.

I am certain what those shadows are. They appeared when I was eight years old. Once I accept those dark emotions, I am sure I will do something 'not right'.

I know because I almost did 'it'.

No worries. Just you being here makes me happy as well.

Post the evaluation when you feel ready. I and the rest of the people look forward to it.

@ Sam


It is just that whenever I talk to the Sam irl, I think about Sam from ASF. ^^;

No complete understanding exists thus far. A little bit feels just as grand though.

Don't injure yourself and enjoy school, Sam.

I am here. Still somewhat busy, but I'll be here.
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School, rendering pictures, making signatures, making a custom wallpaper, judging entries, hosting a Mafia game. I'm so busy... No time to play Irotoridori no Hikari :c

Hey, I thought about smoking when I was 12 years old. We're both similar in a way, but I digress.
Lol is the sam irl similar to me? xD

Its somewhat difficult to not have any idea about you when weve had all these conversations~

Enjoy school... hmm im just getting through what i need~ Might go transfer to an art uni if i can~

Busy... well i cant really complain about that can i? xD Ill just be here too~
@ Nero

Oh, my dear Nero~ :<

Not much time for personal use.

If I was there, I could at least let you hug me as a pillow.

I was more of a second-hand smoker. I loved to breathe in smoke from cigars and exhaust pipes back then. Not anymore though.

@ Sam

The Sam irl is silent sometimes, but he is more on the 'cool' side I suppose. Casual and can converse with others when he feels like it.

I still like the Sam on ASF as well.

The more difficult the better. More guessing games.

Transfer... It would be best academically and if you really are sure. After a couple of years, go transfer to the school you really want.

It's almost your 1 year anniversary on ASF. xD
Could we do something more ero, renano? c:

I'm not really much into cigarettes and cigars. Though, the thought of smoking cannabis runs through my mind time to time.
Hmm and im not really quiet cuz i want to act cool... more of just nothing to say or i dont want to say xD

I dont really have anyone else i would call ojou sama~ Mostly just friends with people~

Lol this would be a somewhat endless guessing game~ I wont really know you as you are without having met you irl~ Physical presence can do quite a bit more than words~

Hmm i want to try animation but the gpa at my current school is quite harsh... (the art teacher said that the animation department would probably accept me just from seeing my work but idk :x) there is no gpa requirement at the art school and it is better in terms of arts education although the cost is the thing keeping me from transferring sooner...

Lol almost~ I joined the day of or the day after the previous anniversary~ Was around for about a week before though~
@ Nero

Yes, I will be most delighted to do something more ero. ^^

I find it very more of a turn on if the guy made the first step.

Some people take action and do what they initially think.

Hmm... smoking cannabis has not once crossed my mind until you mentioned it. xD

@ Sam

Act cool. Lol.

I think 'coolness' is more about how you carry yourself and what air you give.

I call my friends my servants and slaves. Try calling someone irl 'ojou-sama'. xD

True. Physical presence has more impact. Seeing you quiver would be funny.

I see. The cost of all if not most art universities are very pricey. Why not earn your BFA and then attend an art university to earn your MFA if you feel like it?

I read your intro thread and some others I found amusing. Celebrate we shall with tofu!
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I want to do ero with you in reality, just saying.

I usually take the first step because I am impatient, haha.

I blame the Canadians for cannabis. I often see people smoking 'weed' when I go out with friends. It's illegal here, but no one really does anything about it c:
Hmm air... my air... is... odd? xD

I dont think most of them would understand~ Hmm though i guess that most of them could also fit the description at times~

Quiver o.o... You plan to do something that would make me quiver? :scared:

Hmm also depends if i can actually make it into the animation department... im mostly after the actual education which the art uni will probably be better at... BFA at my uni (which actually isnt that bad in terms of animation) would still mean somewhat less skill wise than it could at the art uni...

Oh o.o I already forgot how my intro thread was though i remember making it about a month after i started xD

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