[MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ; we planted enough of them in spam and game section, time to place it where other people will read them. But in other sections we can't spam much so only 1 per section.
Although it's a bit cut on left and right, I don't think it will be noticed when make it really small for animation. Now will you be able to make it a bit brighter and a bit transparent?
I edited the heart from the bow and got something like this
What do think? Edit colors a bit and leave it like that or search for something more good? Need no consideration, tell your honest thoughts. And the end is a bit too pointy, so we'll need to cut it...
Haha, nice one there xD (makes me wonder what the point of finding videos was T_T)
The only reasons to why i use a bow on Flonne is because 1: Angels shall always carry bows. 2: Flonne using Doppelganger = cuteness overload :3
Also, it's 4 AM here so i'm off to sleep :/ See you tomorrow and take care!
5am but I will still be here... It wasn't clear if we use her from D3 + you can't pause and replay on PS Vita... And damn, bow always looks blurred after I rotate it...
Oh i see, then it was worth it after all xD Hmm, I'll check with you when i wake up if you managed to get the bow to work :/ If not then I could always go find another type of weapon and see if it works better x)
It would probably be the same with all weapons as Flonne holds them at an angle... or it's just D3 weapon sprites are made at an angle. I'll try searching to see if I can find them...
Good night and mad dreams to you, Hinode ;p
Edit1. I checked how Flonne looks with a bow in D2 on my psp. The bow there is tilted too. But it isn't blurred... I guess I'll try angling it by some other program then piecing together again...
Edit2. I played D3 a bit more. I made a few screenshots. Here is the most important one:
Also change pictures in your Wanted posters for better quality pics when you return please. Here they are
I'll leave this mention for you to know about the edits [MENTION=38786]Hinode[/MENTION] ;