Happy 3rd Birthday Renano dear.

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[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ;

Thank you AhGwee~

First and foremost, you will always be a dear friend.

Although we haven't chatted as much as before, but even in this brief moment, the bond between us will only continue to grow and never change.

This birthday celebration is thanks to you and everyone here.

When I look upon the BlazBlue games I downloaded and reminiscence about Prince of Tennis, the Gundams in my head create an onslaught of emotions.

Cheers to you~

[MENTION=29193]nanashi1[/MENTION] ;

Sure. Someday when you do travel, I don't mind a visit.

We can chat about happy times or just silly times.

Only matters if you feel like it.

[MENTION=37707]FinalPyre[/MENTION] ;

You never cease to amaze~

I am all for it! Of course, you're the leader in all this. If people rebel, you'll most likely be the target.

[MENTION=33830]moemoe-kyun[/MENTION] ;

Thanks to you, I have subscribed to his channel! :3

It's a refreshing and uplifting sound just like the title~

[MENTION=23970]Shir0[/MENTION] ;



It's going to turn into some ecchi scene... Better stop before that happens. >///<

[MENTION=40801]Infamous[/MENTION] ;

True. Very true!

We shall see to it that the world needs more eroge and hentai love and peace!

:P Still remember what Seiba and I like huh? :P Here have a Seiba freshly baked cookies as thanks ^_^

It is King nii-sama. Being your imouto is to attend to your every need or at least try to pay attention. A happy nii-sama makes me happy as well~

Well, any better now? It was just previously I was preparing/celebrating the Kancolle event that I just participated :P Its a nice reminder for me to change back to my usual Seiba set ;P

Haha~ That's the nii-sama I know and love. Although, I just recently discovered the Kantai Collection, but who knew there was an event. Hope it was fun, King nii-sama~

xD Well I'm glad that I can put a smile on your face even if it is just for a short while, I've noticed that over the year of getting older, I've smiled less and less, I'm glad that there's someone out there who still retained the innocence of their childhood that I've long forgotten. But still, I look forward to chatting with you again Rena-chan

Yes, so do I! Light conversation has a way of easing the mind.

The childhood spark is in each and every one of us. Even eating the foods we loved as a child can bring back not just nostalgia, but a moment of carefree bliss... like a child again. Hope you can re-discover your inner-child one day soon~

Who said I'll get jealous over your love for Iggy-sama...B-b-Baka ;_;

King nii-sama~~~~~~~~

You're both my dearest brothers. One cannot compete with another in terms of importance.

Well-respected, smart, and good-natured... everyone, including myself, love King nii-sama and Ignis nii-sama~

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ;

I learned that I am destined to be hurt in some shape or form. Sounds like I'm exaggerating... but it feels that way.

/me casually puts back the "un" to happy to retain its misery

Yes, I pick one or two per day, depending on amount and expiration date. It's a system of sorts.

Hmm... enlighten me in the taste of how a pork-filled mooncake would taste~

I believe that is true. If you're adept in your own craft particular traditional means of drawing, then the switch shouldn't be complicated. You'll be just fine.

[MENTION=28026]Selvaria Bles[/MENTION] ;

Thank you my master!

/me massages master's shoulders while in a maid uniform

For master to join us during this celebration is truly a gift in and of itself.

I hope we will always be happy and healthy in whatever we do with the ones we come to know and cherish for many years to come.


I expected to see a thoughtfully written full reply as it always is every year, and you never disappoint. Thanks for taking the time and effort to write a personalised and comprehensive reply to everyone who wished you a happy birthday (`・ω・´)ゞ

It was truly a pleasure to respond to everyone's meaningful birthday wishes. It's almost like each person had a piece of cloth to be sewn together to create one giant quilt we can all share.

And it seems like my barely low-sugar words were returned with a whole load of sucrose! But yes, renano, to you I would give any adjective, that no dictionary would ever give, in vying for your attention, as proof of my volition. My words to you are rife with modality, eliminating the need for evidentiality, painting a clear bias of polarity, as you play roles in words expressing transitivity. To accompany the honorifics, I'll give you enclitics, with which to glorify your name, and complete the construct of morpheme. No birthday wish is ever complete, without hopes and prayers replete, so if you'd allow me just one more valence, I'd like to wish you solace.

(Yes, I'm a literature graduate. orz)

No matter how I respond, there shall never be a way to properly convey the euphoric bliss within the depths of my heart.

I am not as adept as you are when it comes to the usage of the English language. Regardless, the emotion and thought within your message was successfully received and shall forever be remembered.

It probably takes a special kind of special feeling to feel calm instead of creeped out as a result of someone watching you. Of course I'm just selling myself high. Hard-headed would be correct, I suppose, but the rest of your comment flatters me nonetheless. Not that I know myself what it'd feel like to have an older brother, though.

It is not a 24/7 surveillance which is probably why I feel no fear. It is like an older brother checking up on you to see what is going on and if he can, then possibly help. Just being in my brother's presence makes me think "everything will be okay." I hope I can exude a similar feeling if even a little for you as well Ignis nii-sama~

As for King... just toss him aside. You deserve better! Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ

Perhaps it would be better if we got along and become one big family. (>^_^)><(^o^<)

I shall pray for no bloodshed...

[MENTION=24034]Evac[/MENTION] ;

No, no... thank you Evac for being a true friend.

This birthday has certainly become much livelier with your presence.

Who knew time flew that quickly as we were too busy with the rambunctiousness and jovial moments happening here.

Wherever you are and whatever you do, remember we will be here for you~

Let's have more fun like always~

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION] ;

Thank you very much for this dream-like birthday dear Dream~

This is an everlasting party. Therefore, you will never be late and can celebrate any time.

The more we laugh, the more we cry. The more we stand, the more we fall.

That is why, we take in the good with the bad. Learn and grow!

We shall both strive to our happiness! \(^O^)/
Lol i noticed it while i was looking for lurkers xD Was wondering what yellow was until ojou sama posted~

Well... you could minimize the pain perhaps..~ /me scribbles over the "un" to make it seem happy~
There was some stuff about fake smiles leading to real happiness..~ Odd trickery of the mind but still... happiness in a way..~

Oh~ Seems like a niceish system x3 Until multiple near expiration at once and... well i guess thats just more treats..~

Im imagining it as somewhat dried salty pork..~ Also thought of bbq pork but that just changes it all xD

It seems im not as skilled with charcoal as i thought :/ Recently discovered that it was a pain to create subtle changes in ton with them... well... in a controlled manner anyway..~ They get too light if i rub them and the texture is funny at times too...

On a side note, A different rendition of Canon in D was playing on my computer and ended right before I opened this thread.

I listened to it again.


  • funny-cat-meme-birthday-5.jpg
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[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; literature; Sounds quite refined and neat. I tend to imagine in an Ivy league kind of way, not that I consider that important. Makes me also curious about what literature, but I'll save that for an other time I think. I've been meaning to ask you actually for quite some time though if you are trained in 'game theory' :]
If I was to guess earlier I would have said you where something business related, anything involving business communications.
Not really as refined or neat as it may sound. The Ivy League association is only appropriate as far as it concerns the ivory tower attitude a lot of the students have in that we they are quite apathetic to just about anything outside their field. As for the prestigious image akin to Ivy League, it's actually quite the reverse, as we're often considered the weakest when it comes to concrete, applied skills... so yes :p

I know a thing or two about game theory, although it's just from the stuff I read, not anything related to what I studied. You're not the only one who mistook me as a businessperson; even some of my high school friends consider literature to be the major that represents me the least―they expected either IT, business, or... law.

King nii-sama~~~~~~~~

You're both my dearest brothers. One cannot compete with another in terms of importance.

Well-respected, smart, and good-natured... everyone, including myself, love King nii-sama and Ignis nii-sama~
Your kindness indeed precedes your words. You'd make for a great arbitrator... including between two raging brothers :p

No matter how I respond, there shall never be a way to properly convey the euphoric bliss within the depths of my heart.

I am not as adept as you are when it comes to the usage of the English language. Regardless, the emotion and thought within your message was successfully received and shall forever be remembered.


It is not a 24/7 surveillance which is probably why I feel no fear. It is like an older brother checking up on you to see what is going on and if he can, then possibly help. Just being in my brother's presence makes me think "everything will be okay." I hope I can exude a similar feeling if even a little for you as well Ignis nii-sama~


Perhaps it would be better if we got along and become one big family. (>^_^)><(^o^<)

I shall pray for no bloodshed...


In a strange way, it feels reassuring to hear that I make you feel reassured. So, yes, yes you can. You already do.

And yes, sure. I can't even argue with that. If what you wish is for there to be no bloodshed, I can only comply. But you wouldn't turn me away if I brought King to you every now and then with a hatchet for a bit of... amusement, oui?
[MENTION=2]Ignis[/MENTION]; I see. You got some athletics to go along with it as well unless I think, maybe that's part of it's image somehow also. Hmm you happen to know who is considered the strongest then when it comes to those things? ... ^..^

Figures, it's your way of communicating that give me the impression. Seems always so concise, which makes me think of that in a business relation. Self reading then I see. Don't tell me you learned your skills in IT like that as well did you?
I'm sure your literature background helps form a good foundation in many situations. Never thought of you with law though, only IT and business, just like you said. Though with hindsight, it becomes extra coincidental and sorta funny when I, well, not to contradict myself here but; only made a brief and unserious thought about you in regards to being a lawyer a bit back xD Like it was a bit head on in light of this.

Well, it's been a particularly good day today hasn't it ~ Off I am for today. Take care. And p.s. just to mention it, if I was ever an admin/staff around here, I'd probably be named Aer, in all green. Geez, I'm going all power rangers here "} But that would kinda make us quintessence brothers.
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I do meddle with matters requiring precise word selection (weasel-wording, if you would) every now and then. Habits carry over and all that, I suppose. As for IT, yes, pretty much. Academically, literature is a subsidiary of liberal arts... and you probably know the stereotype of liberal arts students when it comes to technology!

Literature as a background... not sure about that. Maybe to make me feel smug :p Not exactly the best when it comes to career building or job hunting, to be sure...

And I'm the only staff named after an element, as far as I know. In any case, there's always VM if you want more on this :rolleyes:
[MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION]; the person above me is not hideki I repeat not hideki , he is just some pervert do not trust him at all ,be careful~
Rena-chan, your words are always so what of heart-warming, that I now equal melt away can... - I'M GLAD YOUR KNIGHT TO BE!!!!:crushed:

You are the most heart-warming person, nanashi. I believe it's because we're both pretty open with our feelings in which case leads us to have a longer-lasting friendship~

Your name is yellow. I am unbelievably jealous. :desire:

You should be jealous because with the power invested in me, I shall give you the maximum glomps I can!

Actually, I'm just fortunate that Ignis nii-sama considers me worthy of this title. That is why thank you and to everyone here for helping me grow and I hope to learn more from you for many years to come~

I was surprised when I noticed that as well.

Arylin, my spammer companion in the early days. Now that I have focused my attention on contests, it's becoming hard to type witty spam-tactcles. (What a great pun. xD) Sorry~

An honorary title bestowed by Ignis nii-sama himself... It's special because I gained it by having wonderful friends like you and everyone else in this great community~

mmh.. since i don't have any Japanese knowledge at all, this will be a shot in the dark. D:

たとえば.. 笑顔と声が可愛いですよ. 目はすごくきれいです.

EDIT: hue




Non-edited version: Thank you my dear friend~

Oh yes, just notice when FinalPyre and Arylin mention it. Do yellow name has some special "power" ( like enchant encounter rate with girl... or something like that) ? ^^

This name is burning gold for a reason... :smug:

Shall we burn the sky with our piercing light together?

Lol i noticed it while i was looking for lurkers xD Was wondering what yellow was until ojou sama posted~

Well... you could minimize the pain perhaps..~ /me scribbles over the "un" to make it seem happy~
There was some stuff about fake smiles leading to real happiness..~ Odd trickery of the mind but still... happiness in a way..~

Oh~ Seems like a niceish system x3 Until multiple near expiration at once and... well i guess thats just more treats..~

Im imagining it as somewhat dried salty pork..~ Also thought of bbq pork but that just changes it all xD

It seems im not as skilled with charcoal as i thought :/ Recently discovered that it was a pain to create subtle changes in ton with them... well... in a controlled manner anyway..~ They get too light if i rub them and the texture is funny at times too...

My happiness is your demise... choking on those pork-filled mooncakes!

Hmm... some people just make it as dark as they with charcoal because they can adjust light and shadow much easier.

/me salutes and reports in as the newly appointed liaison does her duty... to make crazier contests. xD

glad your doing fine

you messages are awesome :)

A massage is always ready for you my dear master. You're irreplaceable... a friend whom I have loved getting know and hope to know even more as the years go by.


On a side note, A different rendition of Canon in D was playing on my computer and ended right before I opened this thread.

I listened to it again.

Thank you so much my dear Kionea! xD

I knew I can always depend on you for memorable humor and laughter.

Laughter is the best gift and medicine. I'm glad we can share this precious moment together.

Let's continue to live with our arms wide open and our heads held high as we... check out more funny cats. x3

Your kindness indeed precedes your words. You'd make for a great arbitrator... including between two raging brothers :p

I believe the spats between my brothers are filled with honesty and they actually know that in the end, we can laugh it off and get along. It feels like a real family who just dotes on one another from time to time. It can be tough love, but it's love nonetheless. I'm really fortunate to have met you two~


Ignis nii-sama, don't make that kind of face. A smile suits you more.

/me uses her fingers, places a finger on the corners of her brother's lips, and makes a smile appear

It's not about the complexity of the words or how well you use them, it was the sincere attempt to be the loving and caring brother that you are which captured my heart.

In a strange way, it feels reassuring to hear that I make you feel reassured. So, yes, yes you can. You already do.

Yay! This is the best gift my brother can ever give me. I hope our bond deepens even more~

And yes, sure. I can't even argue with that. If what you wish is for there to be no bloodshed, I can only comply. But you wouldn't turn me away if I brought King to you every now and then with a hatchet for a bit of... amusement, oui?


Nous devrions être une famille heureuse. (We should be a happy family)

I trust you Ignis nii-sama. When King nii-sama comes over, it shall be a celebration☆ I keep imagining King nii-sama being stuffed as a piñata for some weird reason...

Even though this may be a little late, congratulations renano-sama for your birthday. :korokke_aha:

Thank you my darling prince!

I am incredibly ecstatic to see this message from since since it's been a long while.

Those precious moments replay like an old record... its music ever-so haunting.

I hope we can chat about both the old days and the new.

Cheers to a wonderful life for you and for everyone you love~
[MENTION=26445]Ralium[/MENTION] ;

Hideki was and is always my prince~

You're still a good friend, looking out for me, huh, Ralium? ^^
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My happiness is your demise... choking on those pork-filled mooncakes!

Hmm... some people just make it as dark as they with charcoal because they can adjust light and shadow much easier.

/me salutes and reports in as the newly appointed liaison does her duty... to make crazier contests. xD

Wah @_@ Cant I just try it normally? @_@

Notices a spelling mistake... ton... tone... :dead:
You mean those reversals in charcoal?~ Where you start with a page covered and erase away the charcoal to make your piece?~

Lol x3 Can only get more fun~
You are the most heart-warming person, nanashi. I believe it's because we're both pretty open with our feelings in which case leads us to have a longer-lasting friendship~

Ohh...~ Don't say it Rena-chan, otherwise I don't know what I make should...:blushhappy:

...Well, it are already 2 years, that we on the same path go - and I hope that we still some centuries together this path go can will...:goodtea:
Actually, I'm just fortunate that Ignis nii-sama considers me worthy of this title. That is why thank you and to everyone here for helping me grow and I hope to learn more from you for many years to come~
Actually, we're just fortunate that you consider the community worthy of yourself. That is why I and everyone here thank you for helping the community grow and we hope to learn more from you for many years to come~

I believe the spats between my brothers are filled with honesty and they actually know that in the end, we can laugh it off and get along. It feels like a real family who just dotes on one another from time to time. It can be tough love, but it's love nonetheless. I'm really fortunate to have met you two~
A fortunate meeting goes both ways. I, and maybe also King, would argue that we're fortunate to have met you.

Ignis nii-sama, don't make that kind of face. A smile suits you more.

* renano uses her fingers, places a finger on the corners of her brother's lips, and makes a smile appear

It's not about the complexity of the words or how well you use them, it was the sincere attempt to be the loving and caring brother that you are which captured my heart.
If my sad face makes you smile just so I would smile in return, I'd make a sad face anytime (´・ω・`)

And you're practically (not literally!) radiating with the very sincere attempt you mentioned.

Also, this thread starts to feel more and more like it's an exchange of pick-up lines. Not that I mind.

Yay! This is the best gift my brother can ever give me. I hope our bond deepens even more~
Of course. There's only going deeper from here on. That's what she said.


Nous devrions être une famille heureuse. (We should be a happy family)

I trust you Ignis nii-sama. When King nii-sama comes over, it shall be a celebration☆ I keep imagining King nii-sama being stuffed as a piñata for some weird reason...
Yes. Or would you prefer a halberd? Or maybe everyone's favourite―a chainsaw? Or, as you're a lady with class, maybe you'd rather use a shiny, slender rapier? Or a precise, clean-cutting scythe? Anything for you.

Je ne vous comprends pas. En Anglais, s'il vous plaît.

Indeed, indeed. We'll have a blast when he comes over. Him being stuffed as a piñata doesn't sound bad either... Hmm? This club? Oh, this―it's just here to help put up decorations high on the walls! Really! I wouldn't even think to break such a beautifully-decorated piñata now, would I?
:wasclose: Anyone who's interested in an open mod position can start forming a line now xD Just know that job has no health insurance!

/me pre-prepares buckets of water and washing agents. Stuff's some ear plugs in ears and turns up the music also just to be sure... I can't bear the shrieks... ヽ( >∀<)ノ
poor renano, has to reply to hundreds of messages, must be tiring~
/me carries ren to her bed
I wonder if you have ever had a headache from thinking on how to reply to each and every one of us and to these many messages :hypnotized:
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