[Other] Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest] [End]

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The Fallen Devil
Global Moderator
Oct 18, 2010
Happy ( belated ) Lunar New Year to all of Anime-Sharing Members !

Especial Chinese Members or who living at countries that use Chinese Calendar ^_^



Um...For us Asian, we have another event to celebrates, it is called Lunar New Year due Chinese Calendar, one of most important events in our culture !

In Lunar New Year, adults will give red envelopes with some money and wishes inside to children. Chinese believe that those red envelopes will bring best and lucky things to children

With me, although I am not old enough to give you red envelopes but I wanted to give you some small gifts in Lunar New Year, it also my thanks to you, who keep supporting me from behind, I am really thankful about it ! That is why I decided to run another contest ^_^

Lunar New Year Contest


Very simple, all you need to do is posting pictures with Lunar New Year ( Year Of Snake ) theme, see my picture as an example ^^


1st place: Bitshare Premium Account 3 months x 1
2nd place: Bitshare Premium Account 2 months x 1
3rd place: Bitshare Premium Account 1 month x 3

Launching time:

Start date: From now on
End date: End of 15th Febuary 2013
Time zone: GMT + 7


There are 2 steps for me to make decision who are winners. First, I will choose good entries ( cute, beautiful, cool or whatever that fit my tastes and my feelings ). After that, all chosen entries will go on Lucky Draw to see who are lucky ones :)

Remember, cute picture but small resolution still have chances to win higher resolution but creepy. And you are chosen one if 1 among 3 pictures of your entry is good, not all of them !

  • Multi accounts is strictly prohibited ! It is easy to figure out ! *kuku*
  • No restrictions about Member Ranks !
  • Only 3 pictures for each candidates ( each picture in separate line with date when you are posting )
  • Do not triple posts for your entries, use Edit button instead
  • No duplicates ! If 2 or more candidates posting same pictures, who faster, who better. You can change to other one !
  • Resolution must be 600x600 or higher
  • If your entries are Non Safe For Works, put them in Spoiler Code
  • No tinypic, photobucket, imageshack links because of their random deletion, use any sites you know but no advertise, no pop-up, no thumbnail ( my recommendation is imgur and sadpanda )
  • Be honest and do not greedy. If you are Torrent Lover or already have Premium Accounts at Bitshare, leave it for someone else who in need
  • Premium Accounts will be created when result come out and login informations will send to your inbox
Sorry for this small gifts, I can not get enough points to exchange more accounts in a short time after previous contest, and I must use my earned money for 1st and 2nd place though ( around $30 ), hope you guys do not mind ^_^

Members who joined this Contest:
  • cb_jimmy
  • friedyams
  • xiaoxiaocheng
  • anim
  • tonyadan
  • michael_angela
  • konokova
Winners who are lucky persons ( chosen entries by me and Luck of the draw ):

ID⑤ ( field Participants ) match ID① ( field Rewards ) → tonyadan entry #2 win Bitshare Premium Account 3 month
ID③ ( field Participants ) match ID② ( field Rewards ) → xiaoxiaocheng entry #1 win Bitshare Premium Account 2 month
ID① ( field Participants ) match ID③ ( field Rewards ) → cb_jimmy entry #3 win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month
ID⑦ ( field Participants ) match ID④ ( field Rewards ) → konokova entry #2 win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month
ID② ( field Participants ) match ID⑤ ( field Rewards ) → friedyams entry #2 win Bitshare Premium Account 1 month

Congratulations to winners and thanks to all of you who take times to join this Contest, see you next time ^_^

Best regards and Good luck,


Edit 1: Um...Sorry fr my late, I was busy those days...>_<

Edit 2: All reward sent ! Check your inbox ! Happy download ^_^
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Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

I will not be entering the contest, but I would like to say Happy New Year to you too. ^^
'Gung Hei Fat Choi. Sun Tei Gin Hong' as we say it in Cantonese. =]
And happy new years to the following members that I believe will be or have celebrated new years:
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] ; [MENTION=10379]Neko[/MENTION] ;[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION] ;[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] ;[MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] ;
And I apologise for any names that I may have missed out.
Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

Happy Lunar New Years Everyone xD Ehh... im not going to be joining but might as well post something ;p

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Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

Happy Lunar New Year! ^^

My fav snake year related image is the Miia you posted. I guess I'll go with other pics.



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Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

都祝大家蛇年大吉大利 万事如意~ :D
Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

Will not enter the contest, just want to pop up and say "新年快樂!!!"
Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

Happy New Your to all of u guys who are celebrating I hope u enjoy. Not entering the contest either :D
Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

happy china new year all!



thx 4 ur offer! (^-^)
Re: Happy Lunar New Year 2013 [Contest]

ty ^^~



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