No, not a Critic, I am very "Critical" of movies I see tho, I do not like a lot of movies. Like the movie Paul, it was FANTASTIC! but the cursing in it was stupid and retarded the movie it's self was totally funny and they did all the cursing spots at dumb times. I am to blunt about things when I am feeling rough like this, so yeaaa...
Have you ever went to a movie, stood up and called it shit rite in front of a full room?
(Waves Hand! I Have!)
Yeah, there was this budget film i watched a while ago with some friends it was a zombie flick with rubber 2x4's that bent when used as weapons and the corpses were ragdolls filled with red tinted noodles. I could have made it better with whats in my wallet
Yep, the President of the US, I would fire everyone, and take total control of everything the people would get their say and things would be set rite in this crap hole that they have made.
(Sorry. Me + Politics = BAD thing very very bad)
Have you ever wanted to be the opposite sex, so you could play with yourself?
Yes, quite a few friends from High School and College I have tried to find. I found out 1 very messed up thing as my last HS Reunion, 36% of the graduating class is dead all ready, most were drug related :( pretty sad.
Have you ever stood over someone while they were sleeping and stared at them till they woke up so you could freak them out?
Sorry if interrupt, but do you upload comics? If yes, can you please upload this comic, author uploaded it on fanbox, but fanbox delete almost all posts, and kemono stop working in the same time, and almost 2 years i try to find it somewhere else, but useless, Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.