Have you ever...

Ive eaten snails before too :3 As for weird :/ Some people say that chinese people eat lots of weird stuff

Have you ever had Mousse Cake?
Nope. What's is it?

Have you ever post video in youtube, that have you in it?
Nope..not planning to either..

Have you ever..broken something that was important to someone else?
Yes : / lots of times as I was young.. for example my brothers lego buildings >< I am sorry!

Have you ever broken something with evil intent?
Yea I did..I broke my counsin's Gameboy Color. Mine fell and it totally broke, his fell sometime later too but nothing happened with it and kept working..
Couldnt stand it...Im such a bad person.. :<

Whats the most expensive object you've broken?
Lol i have no idea. I dont really keep track of broken objects

Have you ever had your eraser cut in half?

Have you ever searched for something and you end up opening your fridge door for some reason?
It's weird :)
Yeah.. maybe i'm hungry..

Have you ever made an animations some comics or wallpapers or GIF images?
@kore_wa will support me about that, I think :D

Have you ever see the Pink Trees?
Pink trees :/ I think i might have seen some pink trees but its not cherry blossoms if thats what you mean.

Have you ever seen a full rainbow?
Nope, 175 degrees at most :D

Have you ever purchased something using internet?
When I was younger I almost managed to. But then I stopped training and now I can't do it for shit D:

Have you ever..intentionally tackled someone during a sports game? (any)
Nope, unless it was some e-sport.

Have you ever swallow a magnet?
*y'all know it happened before, when someone ask it.*
hmm.. what's that 5 second rulle..??? nwever heard ittt... :(

have you ever had fight with your friend..??
Yeah... Usually not for anything important :/
5 (or 3) second rule is where you dropped something and assume its still safe to eat if you pick it up fast. Complete bs as far as im comcerned but on well XD If they want to eat it that badly, go ahead

So have you used the 5 second rule?
Depend on what that fall on the floor and where did it fall.

Have you ever prowling in the forum, waiting for new post by other members, so you can reply their post?
Prowl? Does looking at the anime sharing at a glance thing every 10 min or so count?

Have you ever has an electric fly swatter?
I used to have one, Awesome sstuff. Used to roast some big beetles on it xD

Which animal are the scared of the most?
Yes, sure I do. Depends on what purpose that glass was and was it expensive.

Haven't seen you a while will :D how's it going?

Have you ever went to bed and then something came to your mind you had to do earlier, and you got out from bed and started doing something?
Depend how and where but i guess yeah...
Yeah always get out of bed for stuff

Have you ever forgotten which game you were playing?
No. I always have one game installed and I play it and then install next one.
Though now when I played kotori love exp, I got bored to it..
Maybe sometime I'll finish it.

Have you ever eaten outdated food?

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