Have you ever...

Yeah, I only share with one person though haha.

Have you ever liked someone who's in a relationship with someone else?
I think I have, but it's more like "you can watch but do not touch" kind of situation.

Have you ever have any intimate relation with a member from your online gaming community, like Ragnarok Online?
Yup, the only MMO that I've became so hooked (and participating in community) is Ragnarok, ah the good old days. I met really great people there. until the bot came and ruined everything

Have you ever joined an organization, like clubs?

Have you ever choked on food in public?
Yes I have. End up having the food came out onto my plate. Luckily nobody notice.

Have you ever hold hand with the one that you like?
No... i am ronery

Have you ever got involved in a life and death incident?
no. hopefully not.

have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?
Once, but missed it by a hair, as they said.
Here's the story, I was driving late at night after hanging out with friends. Somehow I felt asleep during driving and the car veered to the opposite side of the road. By the time I woke up, I saw a tree was in the way. Just as I'm about to hit it, my car turn to the right coz it went down the side of the road - the road is high compared to the ground around it.
How much it cost me? Just RM200 for the towing service to get my car into the road again. No damage to the car though.

*Apparently Terumi beat me 1st to the question.

Yes, my English teacher when I was in Secondary One(13yo).

Have you ever drown? Pool, river, sea, or even bath tub, all counts.
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no. never
have you ever been to europe?
yea but i didnt travel for 3 years.....

Have your try watching 2 anime at the same time?
2 animes at a same time? NO. Anime should be watched will full concentration.

Have you ever walk back from school all the way to your home?
* Those who's house next to school doesn't count.
Nope. too lazy and too far. might even see a stranger passing by.

have you ever seen a grotesque accident?
Seen? Yes, coz I caused it. Accidentally crushing a kitten head while reversing my car.
Ever since then, I always check under the car and let the car's engine running for a while, just to warn any pets nearby.

Have you ever singing anime song in a competition?
No....i doubt ppl would understand.

Have you ever got caught playing eroge?
Nope, but I do have several close calls.

Have you ever spend the whole night watching porn/hentai the day before big exam?
AHAHA... to be honest i don't like hentai anime or porn much so no.....

Have you ever bought stuffs till u are broke that month?
After 2 cosplay conventions within that month, yes!

have you ever felt sorry for accidentally hitting an animal?
yes. of course.

Have you ever bought a VN in real life?
Yup, that was before I stumble upon the magical world of Torrent. XD

Have you ever accidentally shot yourself with gun/airsoft/paintball/rubberband?
No, never handled those things before

Have you ever watched movies alone?
Yup, many times. (That Thing You Do, Starship Troopers, Independence Day, MIB, Pearl Harbor, The Frighteners & many more)

Have you ever woke up and find yourself locked in the house alone?
yes, cause i am a late sweeper, and my family are often out.

Have you ever gave a guy the 'low-blow'?
:0fbbf481: What's a low-blow? :0fbbf481:

*After checking Google*
:047:No, I haven't. Don't have any chance to do it.:th_090_:

Have you ever bought anything that is illegal by your country law?
Nope, if i did wouldn't come out.

Have you ever actually bought a hentai DVD?
no. my country doesnt sell any.

Have you ever done something illegal and got away?

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