Help Anime-Sharing to Combat SPAM

its about people who creates a lot of accounts I think~
and from now on there are going to be some questions u have to answer before creating a account~
mmm nice thinking it will make difficult for a bot to make an account and mess the site... ;)
I'd love to remind this is a Discussion thread, not a Spamming thread. In before I hand out free infractions to those who want one.
Dont want one.....:sowwy:


Whats the name of this forum?

Anime-Sharing, anime-sharing, AS, as

How many senses has a human?

Five, five, 5

Are you new with forums?

Yes, yes, No, no

Are you a guy or a girl?

Guy, guy, Girl, girl, none

Do you like tea?

Yes, yes, No, no

This time not infinity choices~
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well here are my 10 questions of this week ehh..

1.How much time do we add to the calendar every 4 years?
1) 1 hour.
2) 12 hours.
3) 24 hours.
4) 6 hours.

2.Which is the oldest star in the univurse?
1) Methuselah star.
2) Jupiter.
3) Mars.
4) The sun.

3.What is the oldest age humans have reached?
1) 150 years
2) 124 years and 2 days
3) 100 years and 88 days
4) 122 years 164 days

4.How many jiffys are there in a flash?
1) 1 jiffys.
2) 2 jiffys.
3) 3 jiffys.
4) 4 jiffys.

5.Who is the first black president of the US?
1) George Washington
2) Barack Hussein Obama
3) Calvin Coolidge
4) John Fitzgerald Kennedy

6.Is sharknado Possible?
1) Yes
2) No
3) Maybe

7.What Happens first if Your Body is Exposed to the Vacuum of Space?
1) you freeze to death
2) you burn to death
3) you would die out of lack of oxygen
4) you would explode

8.Does Oxygen kills you?
1) no
2) yes
3) maybe

9.Why Dark Energy called this way?
1) cause It cant be seen
2) some name out of star wars movies
3) cause they runned out of names
4) cause sometimes cool names are needed

10.So you understand english?
1) Yes
2) No

So here they are I hope it would be fun answaring them at the least,
time to return to dream land :bye:
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First post updated with all the complied entries so far. Some were deprived from original entries
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『1.Do you want to become a magical girl?』
『Yes, No, y, n, I'm a guy, im a guy, im a boy, wtf, what』

『2.Are you mad?』
『Yes, No, y, n, very mad, not really, why』

『3.I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the ____.』
『Knee, knee』

『4.What is in the mirror?』
『Reflection, You, Me, I, monster, nothing, i dont have mirror』

『5.Is this planet round?』
『Yes, y, No, n, square』

『6.What came first, chicken or egg?』
『Chicken, Egg, both, neither, no idea, no one knows, who cares, wtf』

『Meh, too lazy to think up more...』
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[MENTION=60424]Anistahp[/MENTION] ; Sry I'm late my troller, I'm doing as corocoro said though, we should troll our VM's instead if we insist or something.

As for the actually topic, [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION] ; I see a lot of questions with so many relative and multiple right answers, like where the answers are subjective...and both yes and no are valid answers....? as well as the answers not being specific but again being just a yes or no answer, thats pretty counter productive no ?

Cause bots could potentially just fire 'yes' or 'no' then, and if I'am "getting it right" the accepted entries then could be answered either way and be accepted, they would be right either way, or worst case scenario have a 50/50 chance.
Having thought about it just now, yes or no answers are somewhat inferior.

Ideally the questions and answers should be common knowledge as you have already pointed out, and yet keeping the answers to be something specific and objective where there are no multiple right answers, even if there is room for multiple ways of giving the correct answer. But maybe I'm just over complicating it more than necessary for just some bots.

I'll see if I find the time to drop by later's maybe and make some more suggestions perhaps, just how many verification questions is it you need in total circa ?

Oh and P.s. This is actually helping out... we're not all just being trolled are we~
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Answers given are all correct answers. So that questions can be answered with, or without a lot of common sense. The purpose of each questions is to distinguished automated bot/computer. This is not a test of knowledge, common sense, point of view or others.

Each questions should have more than one answers.
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[MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION]; some of the Questions which shouldn't be too hard to answer or find correct answer with google.
If there is more than one answer it's should be self explanatory.

What is the largest animal ever to live on Earth?
Answer: blue whale

Which of animals share its name with a luxury car?
Answer: jaguar

How many eyes does a giraffe have?
Answer: two

What animal represents the year 2000 on the Chinese Calendar?
Answer: dragon

What animal is considered sacred in India?
Answer: cow

What is the national animal of Austrilia?
Answer: Kangaroo

What term is used to describe a group of fish?
Answer: school

Mohair is made from the fleece of what animal?
Answer: goat

What do you call a young cow?
Answer: calf

What does an animal produce when it lactates?
Answer: milk

In soccer, which player is allowed to use his or her hands in the field of play?
Answer: goalkeeper

How many periods are there in an ice hockey game?
Answer: three

In American football, how many points is a touchdown worth?
Answer: six

In baseball, how many ball make a walk?
Answer: four

Where is fireworks first known to have been develop?
Answer: China

According to legend, in what country are you most likely to meet a leprechaun?
Answer: Ireland

People are supposed to drive on the left-hand side of the road in which country?
Answer: England

In what country are police officers referred to as "boobies"?
Answer: England

In what country did Pokemon originate?
Answer: Japan

What country was once ruled by shoguns?
Answer: Japan

On what continent can you find tigers in the wild?
Answer: Asia

What country is famous for making wooden shoes?
Answer: The Netherlands

What is the national language of the Netherlands?
Answer: Dutch

The sport of judo comes from what Asian country?
Answer: Japan

In British currency, how may pence make a pound?
Answer: 100

What is considered the proper way to address a duke?
Answer: "Your Grace"

How is 4:00 p.m. expressed in military time?
Answer: 1600

How many years is an official term of the US Senate?
Answer: 6

In computer terminology, what does the acronym "ISP" stand for?
Answer: Internet Service Provider

What was the original name of the Apple Macintosh XL computer?
Answer: Lisa 2

In computer terminology, what does the acronym "FTP" stand for?
Answer: File Transfer Protocol

What does "ROM" in CDROM stand for?
Answer: Read Only Memory

What letters are on the "3" button of a touch-tone telephone?
Answer: DEF

An airplane's black box is usually what color?
Answer: orange

What color is a ruby?
Answer: red

What is the last book in the New Testament?
Answer: Revelation

How many ships did Columbus set sail with on his initial voyage to the New World?
Answer: three

What is the colored part of the eye called?
Answer: iris

What term describes someone who does not believe in the existence of God?
Answer: Atheist

How many stars are on the American flag?
Answer: 50

What colors are the two circles in the MasterCard logo?
Answer: red and yellow

How do you express 3/4 as a decimal?
Answer: .75

What is the birthstone for the month of January?
Answer: garnet

On what body part should you wear a babushka?
Answer: head

What kind of item is a ginsu?
Answer: knife

What is another way of writing "six feet"?
Answer: 6'

What is the art of elegant handwriting called?
Answer: Calligraphy

Which of these is a slang term for "police"?
Answer: fuzz

Which of these is a commonly-known investment account?
Answer: IRA

How long is Hanukkah?
Answer: eight days

What day of the week is sometimes called "hump day"?
Answer: Wednesday

Including the bottom how many side does the pyramid has?
Answer: five

How many $100 bills does it take to equal one million dollars?
Answer: ten thousand

If you have a "saw buck", how much money do you have?
Answer: $10

What is the approximate speed of light?
Answer: 186,000 miles per second or 300,000 km/s

An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter Scale is how many times more powerful than measuring 3.0?
Answer: 1000 times

How is the Arabic numeral for "2" written?
Answer: 2

How many digit are in a standard visa credit card number?
Answer: 16

A flashing red traffic light signifies that a driver should do what?
Answer: stop

What does a pH level measure?
Answer: acidity

What term describe a word created by rearranging the letters of another word?
Answer: anagram

The phrase "hospital corners" refers to what?
Answer: bed sheets

Paper will burn at approximately at what temperature in Fahrenheit?
Answer: 451 degrees

According to the popular saying, what should you do "when in Rome"?
Answer: as the Romans do

In a game with no wild cards, what is the highest, possible poker hand?
Answer: royal flush

In the card game blackjack, how much are king and queen worth?
Answer: 20

If you ask for "gai" at a Thai restaurant, what will you get?
Answer: chicken

Cheddar cheese got its name from a village in what country?
Answer: England

What important food crop is grown in fields called paddies?
Answer: rice

What mathematical term is used to describe the average of a series of numbers?
Answer: mean

How many chunks of information can be stored in short-termed memory?
Answer: 7

THe majority of calcium in the human body if found where?
Answer: bones

How many ribs are there in the human body?
Answer: 24

What's the third letter of the Greek alphabet?
Answer: gamma

What's the last letter of the Greek alphabet?
Answer: omega

Who was the Mother of the Greek god Zeus?
Answer: Rhea

Who composed the "Moonlight Sonata"?
Answer: Beethoven

How many key are on a standard piano?
Answer: 88

Which of these vitamins was the first to be named?
Answer: Vitamin A

The 5 human senses are: Sight, hearing, smell, taste and
Answer: touch
(this one i see on other forums a lot, they choose first 4 at random)

How many letters are in English alphabet?
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[MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION]; some of the Questions which shouldn't be too hard to answer or find correct answer

What is the largest animal ever to live on Earth?
Answer: blue whale

Which of animals share its name with a luxury car?
Answer: jaguar

How many eyes does a giraffe have?
Answer: two

What animal represents the year 2000 on the Chinese Calendar?
Answer: dragon

What animal is considered sacred in India?
Answer: cow

What is the national animal of Austrilia?
Answer: Kangaroo

What term is used to describe a group of fish?
Answer: school

Mohair is made from the fleece of what animal?
Answer: goat

What do you call a young cow?
Answer: calf

What does an animal produce when it lactates?
Answer: milk

In soccer, which player is allowed to use his or her hands in the field of play?
Answer: goalkeeper

How many periods are there in an ice hockey game?
Answer: three

In American football, how many points is a touchdown worth?
Answer: six

In baseball, how many ball make a walk?
Answer: four

Where is fireworks first known to have been develop?
Answer: China

According to legend, in what country are you most likely to meet a leprechaun?
Answer: Ireland

People are supposed to drive on the left-hand side of the road in which country?
Answer: England

In what country are police officers referred to as "boobies"?
Answer: England

In what country did Pokemon originate?
Answer: Japan

What country was once ruled by shoguns?
Answer: Japan

On what continent can you find tigers in the wild?
Answer: Asia

What country is famous for making wooden shoes?
Answer: The Netherlands

What is the national language of the Netherlands?
Answer: Dutch

The sport of judo comes from what Asian country?
Answer: Japan

In British currency, how may pence make a pound?
Answer: 100

What is considered the proper way to address a duke?
Answer: "Your Grace"

How is 4:00 p.m. expressed in military time?
Answer: 1600

How many years is an official term of the US Senate?
Answer: 6

In computer terminology, what does the acronym "ISP" stand for?
Answer: Internet Service Provider

What was the original name of the Apple Macintosh XL computer?
Answer: Lisa 2

In computer terminology, what does the acronym "FTP" stand for?
Answer: File Transfer Protocol

What does "ROM" in CDROM stand for?
Answer: Read Only Memory

On a set of jumper cables, what color designates the negative connector?
Answer: black

When it first appeared on the internet, sold only what?
Answer: books

What letters are on the "3" button of a touch-tone telephone?
Answer: DEF

An airplane's black box is usually what color?
Answer: orange

What color is a ruby?
Answer: red

What is the last book in the New Testament?
Answer: Revelation

How many ships did Columbus set sail with on his initial voyage to the New World?
Answer: three

What is the colored part of the eye called?
Answer: iris

What term describes someone who does not believe in the existence of God?
Answer: Atheist

How many stars are on the American flag?
Answer: 50

What colors are the two circles in the MasterCard logo?
Answer: red and yellow

How do you express 3/4 as a decimal?
Answer: .75

What is the birthstone for the month of January?
Answer: garnet

On what body part should you wear a babushka?
Answer: head

What kind of item is a ginsu?
Answer: knife

What is another way of writing "six feet"?
Answer: 6'

What is the art of elegant handwriting called?
Answer: Calligraphy

Which of these is a slang term for "police"?
Answer: fuzz

Which of these is a commonly-known investment account?
Answer: IRA

How long is Hanukkah?
Answer: eight days

What day of the week is sometimes called "hump day"?
Answer: Wednesday

Including the bottom how many side does the pyramid has?
Answer: five

How many $100 bills does it take to equal one million dollars?
Answer: ten thousand

If you have a "saw buck", how much money do you have?
Answer: $10

What is the approximate speed of light?
Answer: 186,000 miles per second

An earthquake measuring 6.0 on the Richter Scale is how many times more powerful than measuring 3.0?
Answer: 1000 times

How is the Arabic numeral for "2" written?
Answer: 2

How many digit are in a standard visa credit card number?
Answer: 16

A flashing red traffic light signifies that a driver should do what?
Answer: stop

What does a pH level measure?
Answer: acidity

What term describe a word created by rearranging the letters of another word?
Answer: anagram

The phrase "hospital corners" refers to what?
Answer: bed sheets

Paper will burn at approximately at what temperature in Fahrenheit?
Answer: 451 degrees

According to the popular saying, what should you do "when in Rome"?
Answer: as the Romans do

In a game with no wild cards, what is the highest, possible poker hand?
Answer: royal flush

In the card game blackjack, how much are king and queen worth?
Answer: 20

If you ask for "gai" at a Thai restaurant, what will you get?
Answer: chicken

Cheddar cheese got its name from a village in what country?
Answer: England

What important food crop is grown in fields called paddies?
Answer: rice

What mathematical term is used to describe the average of a series of numbers?
Answer: mean

How many chunks of information can be stored in short-termed memory?
Answer: 7

THe majority of calcium in the human body if found where?
Answer: bones

How many ribs are there in the human body?
Answer: 24

What's the third letter of the Greek alphabet?
Answer: gamma

What's the last letter of the Greek alphabet?
Answer: omega

Who was the Mother of the Greek god Zeus?
Answer: Rhea

Who composed the "Moonlight Sonata"?
Answer: Beethoven

How many key are on a standard piano?
Answer: 88

Which of these vitamins was the first to be named?
Answer: Vitamin A

The 5 human senses are: Sight, hearing, smell, taste and
Answer: touch
(this one i see on other forums a lot, they choose first 4 at random)

Just from glancing through the questions, I don't think I would know the answer to most of them :sowwy:
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That doesn't matter, you can find right answer easy with google as is said on the first post beside that i'm sure you know answer at least 25 of them .......they are only suggestion it's not like you know.......
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The problem is that it is possible to create a spambot which can check for the correct answer from Google and/or Wolfram.

So I would suggest using a combination of a picture question (like Captcha) and a simple logical question with 'decoy' (something that will confuse bots); logical question needs human understanding and very hard to be understood by computer.

Example of a logical question :
Q: I wouldn't need to buy milk if I hadn't used it for making cookies.
A: I made cookies

With 'decoy'
Q: If today is the year 561 A.D, 6th month, the 27th week, and is a Tuesday, how long does today last?
A: 24 hours

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