:059: Hi Zeroone and welcome to AS!
Well that's kinda short for an intro, care to tell us more about yourself ? if you like you can answer this short interview :)
if you got any questions/comments/suggestions feel free to do so, we'd do the best we can answer all of them. be active , keep posting and enjoy your stay.
See ya :967339c1:
hehehehe....no worry sir. :D
Q. How did you come up with that username?
A. Zeroone means 01. Just like codename for pilot, soldier or something.
Q. Are you Male or Female?
A. 200% Male
Q. What are the anime/s you're watching now? and what are you favorites?
A. Currently potemayo
Q. Do you have a favorite anime character? if yes who is your favorite anime character?
A. Chi(from chi's sweet home)
Q. What kind of music do you listen to?
A. Rock like Gun N roses, Scorpion, Bonjovi
Q. What are your favorite songs?
A. You Could Be Mine
Q. How did you find AS?
A. Always search by google.
Q. Do you play Visual novels? or what kind of games do you play?
A. Yes. Eroge.
Q. What are your hobbies?
A. actually i like collect some of mini4wd that called Tamiya.
Q. What kind of stuff do you like?
A. Clock.
Q. Are you a student?
A. College student of course
Q. How old are you?
A. 25
Q. What are your favorite foods?
A. Noodle, Vegetable!!
Q. What Languages do you speak?
A. Well....Indonesia and English
Q. Do you like FlashChat / IRC?
A. IRC? I don't know how to operate that thing. If someone can teach about IRC, i will appreciate much.(My my my.......still not understand about IRC)
Q. Do you know how to read/write Japanese?
A. For Japanese i only know little and still got hard with that language.
Q. What's your opinion between the differences of Cartoons and Anime?
Cartoons was a something that first appeared in this world. After cartoons, Anime was appeared. Seriously, comparing cartoons and anime are "neverending story" because they have a great advantage side.