To see the text translation of games I have been using ITH in combination with Translation Aggregator.
A few months ago Translation Aggregator had some problems with the Google translation service.
That was the moment that I started working on my own translation program.
Because the API of translation services can change, the whole program is configurable with an XML file.
To target some of the Google problems, I created a cache system that stores the translation for each sentence.
The program is configurable to detect different sentences.
For example '.', ',', '!', '?' are all characters that end a sentence.
The program can also use a static dictionary and can be configured with substitutions.
To target the lousy 'auto message' option problems with short texts, I added a queue system with a minimum display time for each text.
While this program is not the best program there is and Translation Aggregator is superior in many ways, I'm looking for input to improve my little project.
A few months ago Translation Aggregator had some problems with the Google translation service.
That was the moment that I started working on my own translation program.
Because the API of translation services can change, the whole program is configurable with an XML file.
To target some of the Google problems, I created a cache system that stores the translation for each sentence.
The program is configurable to detect different sentences.
For example '.', ',', '!', '?' are all characters that end a sentence.
The program can also use a static dictionary and can be configured with substitutions.
To target the lousy 'auto message' option problems with short texts, I added a queue system with a minimum display time for each text.
While this program is not the best program there is and Translation Aggregator is superior in many ways, I'm looking for input to improve my little project.