I may be mistaken, but I don't think that Hongfire is currently targeted by a DDOS attack.
If it's an attack, it's a small-scale one : during the past few days, the number of guest connections to the forum as been around 1,000~1,500 concurrent users. That would represent a rather small botnet, and any properly-set fail2ban/nftables filtering should be enough to deflect such attack.
Checking the site at regular intervals can give you a good grasp at what's going on : the software suffers massive slowdowns when there's more than 1,000 concurrent visitors, then begins to choke heavily when reaching about 1,300 users, leading in dropped connections (missing CSS, missing images) and simply won't respond to new connections anymore when numbers get higher than 1,500 people visiting the site.
Those are some really low volumes. In the meantime, Anime-Sharing has been serving pages to an average 10,000 users during the whole weekend without any stutter.
The culprit is known : it's vBulletin 5. This forum software is a horrid mess, with bad design and bad code. Hard to use and slow. This is what I wrote about it 3 months ago :
So, here we are. A new game from Illusion just came out. And out of habit, lurkers are visiting Hongfire to try to find and download the good ol' HF Patch or at least get some mods to have it translated and uncensored.
Now, the biggest issue is that this situation may last.
Modders want to access the site to upload their works. Players want to access the site to get their translations and uncensors. They won't suddenly disappear nor change their mind : they will simply force-refresh the board until it displays something (which is nothing, actually) then check the site again a couple hours later for new content, like they always did.
And thus, a wild paradox appears : in order to access Hongfire, we need to wait until people don't want to access Hongfire any more. And when that time will come, would you still want to access it ? Would you still want to upload your mods knowing that their audience is never going to be what it should be, since they'll become unavailable as soon as there's a bit of traffic ?
Personally, as the French guy I am, I think I'll simply go on strike. I won't post on Hongfire any more as long as it's in its current state.
Real culprit: "Lurkers". Comes suddenly out of nowhere. They wouldn't dare to post stuff on HF until they are finally lost in finding the solution of the problem. Sometimes I understand why some members got mad and left HF
Attention Modders:
Please hold your mods release until they go away. Active members deserve better than silent audience.
Hello Cap Jam :D long time no post

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