Sir Fairy Tail ep. 16 is corrupted. And Ep 20 on Filefactory :((
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Coro-san, if i may ask an offtopic question, since i can't find the answer with the search-engine. How come you guys host an awesome (licensed) Anime like Fairy Tail, but not One Piece? Is it cause of the hugh amount of Episodes, which makes it hard to maintain the files, or just too much of a bother? I apologize again if violate any forumrules with my post.
shaze, you'd have to ask [MENTION=3]Checkmate[/MENTION] about that, he made the decision.
Unfortunately, Anime-Sharing Staff are not allowed to post Naruto, Bleach and OnePiece material. It is an internal policy applies to staff only. Other users can upload them if they want.
I just wanted to say thank you AS-Team for this awesome Site especially [MENTION=4]corocoro[/MENTION], keep up the good work mate, you're one of the most reliable uploaders i've ever seen. Thats why thanks alot and may all the broken links perish and reupp ^^
Re: Fairy Tail Episode 151 (HS)

Episode 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 91, 94, 95, and 96 are dead. Could these be re-uploaded?

Also Episode 97 to 107 it seems.

Thanks a lot in advance!
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