how are you~?

No... You die if it explode when you're next to it.... Flak let you take less damage and no death...
Am tired and wanna go back to sleep but I've got to leave for work in a hour.
tired and the only one in my family not willing to stay at walmart for 50% discounts till 5:30 in the morning it seems.....thank you for the crowds and fatigue black friday T_T
I'm very happy. The official piano solo scorebooks for supercell's self-titled album and "Today Is A Beautiful Day" were delivered yesterday and I've been playing through them. Every song's arrangement captures the original so perfectly. <3
about to be more awake with this energy drink :P
hmmmmmm what to work on x-x
Hmm spent four hours running around a museum and then two sitting in the car while they went shopping =.=

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