how are you~?

@LadyBenihime Thank you! Though I still feel old everyday. Can't sleep until 2AM and will not be tired only if I wake up from 10 onwards. Which is rather difficult considering how my Uni lectures start at 10. =[
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] ; be glad it starts at 10... I remember when mine started at 7 :forsaken:

but still Happy Birthday :D
Thank you guys! ^^

Feeling old. First world problems. :P
hmm.....happy birthday ahgwee.....maybe we should make thread about it like hideki's:gotidea:
I'd consider it first world because worrying about it is a petty thing.

For example, having cereal but there being not enough milk? ;)

I worry about age from another perspective Saiko, more bluntly, people these days not acting their own age. 2 days ago, it was bonfire night, and you had little children firing fireworks without adults or guardians, and they all knew at least one cursing word, which disgusted me. What's worse was that they were setting off the fireworks on the road too. Although it was a road that many didn't frequent, their behaviour was unacceptable for my standard.

And then you'd have about 10 or so monkeys making a loud noise here too, who were setting off fireworks in the parks and firing it in the direction of pathways. Once again, though no one was using the paths at the time, it's still morally wrong. Surely, if you have a police coming over, you're doing something wrong.
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; you probably already know that I've shared tons of personal stuff~ not all of it of course, but the really heavy stuff I did. There's things I just need to let out, there's things I have to think on my own, annnnd there's things where people know the right thing to say to me :P sooo I just want to say that you're not alone when you go through things~
even when I thought i was completely on my own for the hard things, just sharing about it here helped alot. it may have even changed what I would've done otherwise~
I'm not trying to force you to share about your life, but just know that it's okay here~~ there's things I would do here that i would never do on facebook or irl~ it's still me being honest, sooo asf is almost like something valuable in a way because of that XD

/me brings back to topic

ummmm kinda tired and want to get school over with. dying from psc and chem :deadsad:
AS is sort of an anonymous low risk way to just express yourself~ Im pretty much fine... somewhat bothered atm but fine... it wouldnt be too hard to make me feel better (or have me trick myself into thinking its all better) I think this worry is somewhat on the petty side... Just my mind going nuts >.<
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION]; sooo what i guess i'm saying is, let yourself be honest and express the feelings that come~ I had a bad habit of just hiding/lying about my feelings really well ;; it got to the point where I either had no one I could talk to orrr completely be closed like an emo-ish person x-x. I was really weird about friendships because of alot of things i dealt with ;; but somehow I've been able to think differently~
I wouldn't trick myself into thinking i'm okay or just wanting to be okay :f I mean, it's fine to think on the bright side, but if you're holding back alot, it's better to find a person who will just listen. Just talking about things can really lighten up wtv it is.
I had alot of this when i went through a confusing breakup :deadsad: I just went to my friend's house for a few days because I didn't want to let my family see the real me.. just having friends who would come visit there or do something for me while i was there probably saved my life, literally x-x.
of course, i didn't get over everything til like a couple months... but the important thing is knowing that people are willing to take your side, even if they don't have the answers x-x

moooo nos is killing my stomach.. :deadsad:
Hmm essay...

Well if i have problems someone or another will probably hear a rant of sorts ;p Usually helps relieve a bit of stress... Hiding it an stuff is mostly... fearing some negative effect if i do show some reaction... Ive somehow been able to get quite a bit of friends despite being introverted... mostly them talking to me first... so yeahh theres people i could rely on if i really needed to... Tricking myself... well im thinking along the lines of how if person laughs or smiles then their mind will somehow interpret it as them actually being happy... and yeah... it might just be a real smile or laugh in the end~ Havent really had anything major where i wanted to die or anything :x But well... lets just say the thought of losing friends is really saddening to me... so the real thing is just that much worse >.<
I've lost plenty of friends, some of them ppl might say that it's not big deal T~T. So I know what you mean. Even having the rejection from an acquaintance hurts me alot.. I found out that that's what's been causing me to hold back alot :f
Ever since I've just been talking about it to my counselor, things just seemed to be better on its own. I mean, some ppl talk to me first, or I'll talk to them~ I used to never say anything unless they directly asked x-x.

The thing about tricking~ naa, I'd just say that it's choosing to not let the little things overwhelm you when it doesn't have to. Sure, there's times when you can't handle it alone~ the best I've done was this odd meditative-hypnosis thing where you basically try to go deep into your mind and speak/think of words of something that you want to become. Except, you say that you're already that way. I did that and said I was optimistic, maybe a hundred times~ From that one day of doing that, I don't know if it was a little magic or if it worked, but I do know that I became different :3
sooo my first thoughts are usually on the positive side now, when it used to be on the bad side or "what if."

suuure~ I rant sometimes btw XD it's okay in a way that you don't hold bad feelings in you :f I mean, it's usually the one person who thinks that way that's more effected :f

ummm if you're afraid of losing someone as a friend~ you can explain that if you think it'll help. I mean, sure you might not be the same, but at least you won't have regrets later :3 I mean.. there's ppl who liked each other, but never confessed and ended up with other ppl... and having broken hearts x-x.

If you're that good of a person, blameless in the relationship, there's no way you'll stop being friends forever~
my last relationship I thought it would be that way. The person acted like I'd never see em again x-x
but here we are, forgiven each other and on better terms. We could be friends again, but we both think it'll bring up old feelings sooooo neither of us have done much~ but this is something from a relationship XD

for the other person, I've been able to hangout with them more, and they're interested in me as a friend at least~ it's much more progress than it was at the time i confessed :3
Rejection... well it usually doesnt seem like theyre intentionally ignoring me usually... when they are... well... >.< I usually stop bothering them then... I think i was somewhat more extroverted when i was younger... but then got introverted due to certain events... trying to be somewhat more extroverted atm...

I rarely approach strangers... only ever talk to friends and stuff... even acquaintances are somewhat awkward for me... Though i suppose being online changes that somehow? xD

I find that the thought of wanting change helps make the change happen to some degree... i suppose thats similar to that mental suggestion of yours? xD Though i usually notice the effects later on in the year unless i took action to change somehow~

I try to be more positive but well i seem to be about neutral for everything... it offers a view which isnt influenced by emotion but im not sure if its really that great :/

Hmm well i try not to rant too much xD Thatll just make it seem less effective... holding in for too long would probably be quite horrible for meh so yeahhh... rants are a quick way to release a bit~

Yeah... some random guy asked her out and well... gahh that wasnt a nice experience... and she was sort of just talking about it with meh x.x Hmm yeahhh i dun think she knows i like her xD I dont think ill actually tell her anytime soon... shes too busy with school and i dont really want to add anything to that... its just that confessing would probably add some awkwardness to any future meetings... cuz well... idk how she would react and everything will sort of take on a second meaning >.<

Hmm well i think i would consider her a somewhat close friend... dont want to lose that... and theres random stuff that friends can do which probably wouldnt seems quite as... innocent... after a confession... like a hug wouldnt mean all that much now... but well... mehs >.< Could mean more...

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